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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Good morning all :coffee2:. My best friend is coming up from South Carolina......TODAY! :stars2:
Good morning, Kevin H from S. Carolina :wave:
I know you will enjoy seeing and visiting with your best friend :)
Time for me to go to work :(.......Talk to y'all later :wave:.
At least it is HUMP DAY only two left to go :bliss: Hope your day goes well. See ya later :wave:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey everybody! Long time no see! It's been a few years.
Morning here in Michigan.

Anyways, any Call Of Duty fans out there?
I recently bought xboxlive and have been having a blast with Black Ops 2.
I have had the game for many years just never played live.

I have a question, I am looking for Dual Battery box mods that are smaller in size and still have a boxy shape and somewhat affordable " $45-$70.
Im running my mechanical right now and I only have one battery so my .2 build is really killing them quickly. It was suggested that I run a dual battery set up so im not going through batteries so quickly. The reason I need for it to be smaller in size is because I like to keep my mod in my pocket at work .
Hey JL, you can't go wrong with the Alien, small and fits well in the hand, mine is going on six months of no trouble, it works.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
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Member For 2 Years
Hey JL, you can't go wrong with the Alien, small and fits well in the hand, mine is going on six months of no trouble, it works.
The alien was on my list, it has its advantages and looks really nice.
Id really like the boxy look though, kind of like this shape and size but in dual battery.

Side Note:I just found a very awesome website with so many of the boxes that i REALLY like but theyre just WAYY to expensive. Check this site out
MCM Vape


I was really looking at the baby alien " AL85 85 Watt single battery " but
one of the members told me that if I were to do a build around .15 on an RDA at 85 watts I would just eat through batteries and said I need to look at dual batteries, so I was kind of let down because I really liked the mod even though it was a starter kit.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The alien was on my list, it has its advantages and looks really nice.
Id really like the boxy look though, kind of like this shape and size but in dual battery.


I was really looking at the baby alien " AL85 85 Watt single battery " but
one of the members told me that if I were to do a build around .15 on an RDA at 85 watts I would just eat through batteries and said I need to look at dual batteries, so I was kind of let down because I really liked the mod even though it was a starter kit.
I had a Sigelei 213 that was great in Watt Mode, not so much in TC, but it is built very well and looks good, the thing sells for 75-100 on the net. Ecig-City is blowing them out for 49.99, just a suggestion.
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