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Womper Woom Wejects


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Oh my, just heard about this, a car drove into a band at the start of a Mardi Gras parade in Alabama this morning. No idea how many people are hurt.

That's the second parade accident this week.
A high school marching band! Teenagers. :(
Several teenagers were injured after a vehicle struck a marching band at the Gulf Shores Mardi Gras parade.

The parade has been cancelled and people are leaving.

City spokesman Grant Brown said the band had just entered the street when a vehicle also in the parade accelerated and hit the teens. The number of injured and the extent of their injuries were not immediately known.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Evidently this was on purpose. A marching band! Teenagers. UGH.
Several teenagers were injured after a vehicle struck a marching band at the Gulf Shores Mardi Gras parade.

The parade has been cancelled and people are leaving.

City spokesman Grant Brown said the band had just entered the street when a vehicle also in the parade accelerated and hit the teens. The number of injured and the extent of their injuries were not immediately known.
What is wrong with people??? And I understand the guy that drove into the crowd in New Orleans was majorly drunk.


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I'm the one running people off I guess.:D
I don't think anyone is "running people off" here. There just haven't been any conversations lately worth more than one or two replies, then it dies. I remember back on the ECF womper woom, this same group of people would talk for weeks at a time before we hit a lull, then someone sparked a new conversation and that one took off. Did we all just suddenly become dull?


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I don't think anyone is "running people off" here. There just haven't been any conversations lately worth more than one or two replies, then it dies. I remember back on the ECF womper woom, this same group of people would talk for weeks at a time before we hit a lull, then someone sparked a new conversation and that one took off. Did we all just suddenly become dull?
I don't think anyone here is dull. I just can't think of anything to say. Which is odd for me. :eek:


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OK, boring South Dakota weather report:

We were feeling pretty much like Spring was here. The sun was melting all that crappy snow. Those 6-8 foot drifts were down to 2-3 feet and there were lots of totally bare patches of ground and even some new grass popping up. The forecast for today was 31F (-0.5C) with occasional light snow, max accumulation of 1/2 an inch. No big deal. Right? Well, we got 22F (-6C) and 3-4 inches of snow with new drifts of 8-10 inches and you can't see no damn grass nowhere (how do you like that for a triple negative?). :cry: Can someone please send us some of that global warming stuff?


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OK, boring South Dakota weather report:

We were feeling pretty much like Spring was here. The sun was melting all that crappy snow. Those 6-8 foot drifts were down to 2-3 feet and there were lots of totally bare patches of ground and even some new grass popping up. The forecast for today was 31F (-0.5C) with occasional light snow, max accumulation of 1/2 an inch. No big deal. Right? Well, we got 22F (-6C) and 3-4 inches of snow with new drifts of 8-10 inches and you can't see no damn grass nowhere (how do you like that for a triple negative?). :cry: Can someone please send us some of that global warming stuff?
Well, I can't "like" that. That truly sucks.
Amazon's web servers are down. :eek:


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I don't think anyone is "running people off" here. There just haven't been any conversations lately worth more than one or two replies, then it dies. I remember back on the ECF womper woom, this same group of people would talk for weeks at a time before we hit a lull, then someone sparked a new conversation and that one took off. Did we all just suddenly become dull?
Well, a bunch of us have had birthdays lately, maybe it's that old age thing.;)


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And hi everyone. I'm on a sorta drive by. Busy the last few days moving some things around, which is something I just flat out hate to do. Otherwise looking forward to tomorrow, when it will be 72 in NY! And on Friday, snow.:confused:


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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And hi everyone. I'm on a sorta drive by. Busy the last few days moving some things around, which is something I just flat out hate to do. Otherwise looking forward to tomorrow, when it will be 72 in NY! And on Friday, snow.:confused:
They said last night that we went the entire months of January and February with no measurable snow here in the South Bend area, which is a first. We did have a few days with light snow, but nothing significant. Unfortunately I think we gave all our snow to Draco this winter.:( Sorry Draco...


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This is too ironic, a story I just found about the outage has this quote...
" also appears to be down as a result of the outage"
If it seems like your internet browsing is hitting more walls than possible today, you’ll be happy to know that it’s not your computer. A massive Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage is striking down lots and lots of web pages, leading to huge hiccups on a number of domains. Amazon is reporting the issue on its AWS dashboard, citing “Increased Error Rates,” which is a fancy way of saying that something is seriously broken.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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When your dog starts bugging you to take him out earlier than normal (yes he actually knows when it's time most of the time) you might want to consider that he may be smarter than you. I was in the middle of something so I made him wait a few minutes. Next thing I know a major storm started. If I'd listened to him I wouldn't have gotten soaked...:rolleyes:


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Mornin' wompers! It's another day!
Howdy hun! and of course we care what you have to say

Ok. I'm going to Australia someday.
I wanna go too!! That is like 4th or 5th on my list of places I wanna go.

When your dog starts bugging you to take him out earlier than normal (yes he actually knows when it's time most of the time) you might want to consider that he may be smarter than you. I was in the middle of something so I made him wait a few minutes. Next thing I know a major storm started. If I'd listened to him I wouldn't have gotten soaked..
I think most of the time they are smarter than we are. Hope your power stays on.

OK, boring South Dakota weather report:

We were feeling pretty much like Spring was here. The sun was melting all that crappy snow. Those 6-8 foot drifts were down to 2-3 feet and there were lots of totally bare patches of ground and even some new grass popping up. The forecast for today was 31F (-0.5C) with occasional light snow, max accumulation of 1/2 an inch. No big deal. Right? Well, we got 22F (-6C) and 3-4 inches of snow with new drifts of 8-10 inches and you can't see no damn grass nowhere (how do you like that for a triple negative?). Can someone please send us some of that global warming stuff?
Yucko. Hope y'all get real Spring soon. I was fine without it, but the kids turned the AC on today for the first time this year. Other warm days we've gotten by with just having the windows open and ceiling fans on.

I spy someone winding up for a 20 quote multi-post. Come out from the shadows Deb
(((((((rick))))) hiya hun! Good to see ya here.

Golden times
My new one x and Hi to everyone
Very pretty! Sorry it's not a good quality.

well crap, forget what this said, but I either liked it or agreed with it, or had sumpthin to say about it :facepalm;

I'd be better off buying 500 battlestars and 500 OBS Engines and calling it a fucking day.
poor rixy. Sorry you've gotten mods that weren't good quality, but JUP, sometimes the cheaper things are better. Find something you really like and stick with it. some things are worth paying a lot of money for em, some things just aren't. Don't feel like an idiot though, but it's a good lesson to learn. Ya don't know til ya try. Can you take the newest ones back?

Anyhoo, this oldt phart thanks all of you for the burfdaze wishes. Lannie made a little cake yesterday while I was out doing the monthly shopping and she's upstairs (well, "up" from the dungeon anyway) making one of her famous homemade pizzas for supper tonight. Yum yum...
yummy! Glad you had a nice day.

I've been sick for a few days, and this morning, I think I peaked out (or bottomed out). Man, I felt like what's under the frog shit at the bottom of the pond. BUT! The Vaping Fairy sent me an Engine Nano tank which arrived in today's mail, and OMG, I'm in heaven right now. This is the BEST tank I've ever used. (Nobody should pay any attention to that, since I've only used a handful of different types of tanks.) But seriously, you can't screw this up, and the vape quality and flavor is to die for! I be very happy now.
so sorry you've been so sick. But glad you're liking your new tank.

but I apparently refused to be aborted.
Very glad it didn't work, but that makes me so sad that they tried!

and hah! I did have a few quoted that didn't apply after other posts, but no wherez near 20. Dang.......I'm slippin! lol


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poor rixy. Sorry you've gotten mods that weren't good quality, but JUP, sometimes the cheaper things are better. Find something you really like and stick with it. some things are worth paying a lot of money for em, some things just aren't. Don't feel like an idiot though, but it's a good lesson to learn. Ya don't know til ya try. Can you take the newest ones back?

I sort of threw my toys out the pram but it does get annoying when your spending good money for sub standard devices, I did take the new one back Debs x
Nobody ran me off..I just didn't have anything to contribute to what had been posted so I just didn't post! :giggle:
Jup, I'm the same lately, although I will probably post a pic of my cheaper mod ha

Morning Y'all

Hi Lynn...:blowkiss:......everyone.....:wave:
Morning :wave:

And hi everyone. I'm on a sorta drive by. Busy the last few days moving some things around, which is something I just flat out hate to do. Otherwise looking forward to tomorrow, when it will be 72 in NY! And on Friday, snow.:confused:
Hi Eskie, sounds like crazy weather :eek:


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Morning Wompers! Talk about bad storms last night, even a tornado warning at one point. Yikes!
Looks like it's headed towards some of y'all today, be safe everyone.

Jeez Louise - we even had an EF1 touch down in western MA a few days ago - in February? WTH!?!? I lost track of how many days we have broken high temperature records in the last week.

Right now it's 56 degrees. In Massachusetts. And climbing today. On March 1st. :wtf:

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