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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I get that mild form of eczema quite a bit. When it becomes full blown blisters, it really sucks. I ain't got asthma, but my allergies are bad. Dirt can make me break out in hives. It's the minerals in the dirt I have allergies to.

I just took my sleeping medicine, so I should be out like a light in about an hour.

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Well, it seems to be one of those conditions that no one wants to go out on a limb and state definitively what causes it -- got that same idiocy about what caused my adult-onset asthma! But I have a sneaking suspicion it might be my autoimmune system staging a riot RE: the Zyrtec I've had to take every single day for the last 6 1/2 yrs, since we got a cat. I've been VIOLENTLY allergic to them all my life, probably my most vicious allergy, but when an adorable little tuxie kitten showed up in our carport, clearly starving, my son couldn't say no to it, and I couldn't say no to my son when he gave me those Puss-n-Boots eyes. So I'm exposed daily to something I'm violently allergic to, and for which I take a 24-hr antihistamine every day...


Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well, it seems to be one of those conditions that no one wants to go out on a limb and state definitively what causes it -- got that same idiocy about what caused my adult-onset asthma! But I have a sneaking suspicion it might be my autoimmune system staging a riot RE: the Zyrtec I've had to take every single day for the last 6 1/2 yrs, since we got a cat. I've been VIOLENTLY allergic to them all my life, probably my most vicious allergy, but when an adorable little tuxie kitten showed up in our carport, clearly starving, my son couldn't say no to it, and I couldn't say no to my son when he gave me those Puss-n-Boots eyes. So I'm exposed daily to something I'm violently allergic to, and for which I take a 24-hr antihistamine every day...

I'm allergic to dogs, but we have 5 of the lovely little furballs. Zyrtec wasn't working for me anymore, so I had to switch to something else. That's the way it goes.

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
What are you putting on them Andria?

1: 1% hydrocortisone cream
2: a prescription steroid cream called triamcinolone acetonide .025%
3) Gold Bond Eczema Relief with 2% colloidal oatmeal.

On my lower legs I also sometimes use an anti-itch cream that contains topical diphendramine (benadryl).



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Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi! Not really its just one of those days! :) I found out today my liver doctor is a extortionist. In order to get my next lab done I have to see her. Of course so she can make 600-800 dollars doing nothing but telling me I have to be on meds until May/June. I'm going to wait it out until then. Screw her! If I start feeling weird or whatnot I will see my primary doc first. I would find a different doc/quack but there is a monopoly on health care in this area.
That really is bullshit there's a monopoly on health care in most areas, sure is here too my friend


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
I'm allergic to dogs, but we have 5 of the lovely little furballs. Zyrtec wasn't working for me anymore, so I had to switch to something else. That's the way it goes.

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I've been thinking lately that the Zyrtec doesn't seem so effective anymore; sneezing a lot, my eyes bothering me a LOT (which is how my cat allergy generally initiates). I might try out Claritin for a while; already know that Allegra doesnt work on me at all.


Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I've been thinking lately that the Zyrtec doesn't seem so effective anymore; sneezing a lot, my eyes bothering me a LOT (which is how my cat allergy generally initiates). I might try out Claritin for a while; already know that Allegra doesnt work on me at all.

I'd try Zyzol if it weren't so damned expensive. Allegra still works for me, for now.

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
I'd try Zyzol if it weren't so damned expensive. Allegra still works for me, for now.

Sent from my NS-P10A7100 using Tapatalk

The main plus for Zyrtec is that I can get generic cetirizine at the Dollar Tree, $1 for 14 pills. They have Allegra too, so I did try it once, but I couldn't tell I'd taken anything at all. Claritin name-brand is expensive as all name-brands are, but there is a walmart "equate" version, which ain't dollar-store cheap, but a lot less than the name-brand. I've seen the Zyzol advertised... but it'll have to get a lot cheaper for me to afford it, and pharmaceutical patents last 17 yrs (at minimum!).



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:) I couldn't imagine how you survive! I would be horrified. After shopping at two stores I'm ready to pull out my hair!
Actually, today was less stores than normal: 6 plus the Sheriff's to renew my CWP. Quite often, it's 8 or 9, plus two gasoline stops. Total miles today was only 255.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The main plus for Zyrtec is that I can get generic cetirizine at the Dollar Tree, $1 for 14 pills. They have Allegra too, so I did try it once, but I couldn't tell I'd taken anything at all. Claritin name-brand is expensive as all name-brands are, but there is a walmart "equate" version, which ain't dollar-store cheap, but a lot less than the name-brand. I've seen the Zyzol advertised... but it'll have to get a lot cheaper for me to afford it, and pharmaceutical patents last 17 yrs (at minimum!).

I can get generic cetirizine at the local drug store at $15 for 100 pills. Heck, I still have a bunch, if I feel like sneezing all the time. The generic Allegra costs me $35 for 60 pills.

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Member For 5 Years
1: 1% hydrocortisone cream
2: a prescription steroid cream called triamcinolone acetonide .025%
3) Gold Bond Eczema Relief with 2% colloidal oatmeal.

On my lower legs I also sometimes use an anti-itch cream that contains topical diphendramine (benadryl).

When i decided to treat myself the first thing I did was a good organic detox,took about 4 weeks I waited two weeks then did another as I was doing all of this I had changed my diet and life style , by the time I finished the second detox mine was almost gone weeks later it was gone.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good night peeps. I think it's time to lay down and try to sleep.

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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So - anyone gonna toss a biscuit?

Mine, of course, needs to be made dairy free, with almond flour, coconut oil and no jam; raw organic honey only please :teehee:


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ECF Refugee
I want country gravy on my biscuits...
Actually, what I want is a good night's sleep.
Uh, when does that happen?


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
I want country gravy on my biscuits...
Actually, what I want is a good night's sleep.
Uh, when does that happen?

Try a mineral bath before you hit the sack :D


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ECF Refugee
Yep...Largo...hotter than hell here today...I'll take 110 degrees anyday over 88 and 100% humidity.....nobody will hear a complaint about Arizona next summer.
Kinda what I said about Hawaii... landed in Hona-roo-roo, walked down the steps, 30 yards of tarmac to get to the terminal and my short-sleeve shirt was totally soaked in sweat at only 85 degrees. Oahu might have been beautiful, but I lived in the high desert of central Orygun (28% RH average) and that 100% crap made for a very miserable week.


Senior Moderator
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Kinda what I said about Hawaii... landed in Hona-roo-roo, walked down the steps, 30 yards of tarmac to get to the terminal and my short-sleeve shirt was totally soaked in sweat at only 85 degrees. Oahu might have been beautiful, but I lived in the high desert of central Orygun (28% RH average) and that 100% crap made for a very miserable week.
Indeed...I cannot take humidity either.

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