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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Tips to Prevent the Common Cold

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Whether or not you escape the flu, people often catch a cold during the winter. Unfortunately, medical science has not yet found a way to prevent the common cold. But here are tips to keep from getting sick:

Special: Sick of Getting Sick? Discover Nature’s Best Kept Secret. More Here…

  • Take 2,000-3,000 mg of vitamin C daily
  • Take 1 to 2 garlic capsules daily
  • Use a saline nasal spray to keep nasal passages moist, as viruses can enter through dry membranes. Don’t use a decongestant spray because it can cause a rebound effect.
The common cold can lead to complications, such as ear and sinus infections, and bronchitis. In rare cases, it can lead to pneumonia.

Seek medical advice if you have a high fever or one that lasts more than four days, you have difficulty breathing, a cough that gets worse, chest pain when coughing, or if you cough up blood.


Diamond Contributor
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check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



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Has cancer made you feel out of balance?
Hi Jimi,

If you're feeling drained, foggy, or like your body just isn’t bouncing back the way you hoped—it’s not just in your head.

Cancer and its treatments take a toll—not just on your body but on your mind and spirit. Fatigue, brain fog, and stress can linger long after treatment, leaving you wondering if you’ll ever feel like yourself again.

What if there was a simple way to help your body restore energy, reduce stress, and sharpen your mind—without more pills, treatments, or expensive therapies?

This Thursday at 4:30 PM PT, join Ari Whitten—a leading expert on energy and breathing—for a quick webinar to discover a science-backed breathing technique designed to boost brain function, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal.

>> Claim your spot now

Join us to learn:

  • A ten-minute breathing technique that enhances mental clarity, supports healing, and restores balance
  • How oxygen flow impacts your ability to heal—and the common mistake that may be slowing your recovery
  • Breathing strategies that reduce stress, lower inflammation, and support your immune system
>> Save your seat before it fills up

You’ve fought hard to reclaim your health—now it’s time to give your body the tools to fully recover, rebuild, and thrive.

See you there,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Every healing journey is different, but one thing is certain: You deserve to feel vibrant, clear-headed, and full of life again. This webinar will show you a simple daily habit to help you get there. Sign up now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Rosemary Helps Balance Gut Biome

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

Singer Rosemary Clooney's first big hit was “Come On-A My House,” in 1951. It sold over a million copies.

She also appeared in the movie “White Christmas” (1954) opposite Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, and had five children with Jose Ferrer.

But these days, she's best remembered as George Clooney's aunt.

Special: This Gut Health Secret Is Key to Your Body's Immune Challenges

Back in the 1950s, Rosemary was a smash hit. We bet today she'd be happy to know that her namesake herb, rosemary, is taking center stage, as recent studies show that it can help people achieve and maintain a healthy gut biome.

One study of the essential oil in rosemary found that it can improve probiotic levels by decreasing E. coli and fungi that cause gas, bloating, irregular bowel movements, and even fatigue. That also helps alleviate heartburn and indigestion caused by overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut.

Rosemary is also approved for dyspepsia, high blood pressure, alopecia, and rheumatism by the German Commission E, which regulates drugs and medical devices in that country.

But the doses are small: just 1 to 2 grams per day taken with 5 ounces of hot water. The oil is only topical. And overdosing can cause everything from seizures to miscarriage.

A better idea is to skip the supplements and cook with rosemary, which is great on roasted veggies. Or drop fresh sprigs into a bottle of olive oil for use on salads and chicken.

If you grow it in a garden or find it in the wild, try rubbing your hands on the leaves for immediate aromatherapy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,

Have you ever felt drained, anxious, unable to focus, or like you’re struggling to think clearly?

If so, it’s not your fault. You’re living in an age of information overload, and your brain is under attack.

  • Stress
  • Poor nutrition
  • Lack of sleep
  • Environmental toxins, and more
All take their toll on you and the health of your most precious asset – your brain.

And the truth is, you’re not alone. Billions of people around the globe are suffering from brain health issues like low mood, anxiety, depression, and dementia right now.

The great news, however, is that science has given us the blueprint to unlock a better brain today that can last you for the rest of your life, and this FR-EE online event will give you the inside scoop on how.

This is your personal invitation to the Better Brain Blueprint – a FR-EE online broadcast of this documentary series! I’m so thrilled to share this exciting, life-changing opportunity with you. Please, don’t miss out!

You’ll have the chance to learn from the top experts in brain health and mental health as they reveal how you can rewire and build your better brain to create a healthier, more vibrant life.

This documentary series will give you cutting-edge, science-backed, firsthand information that you won’t find anywhere else!

Click Here to register FR-EE for the live broadcast of the Better Brain Blueprint!


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The brain function questionnaire allows you to see if you’re low in certain neurotransmitters (serotoninin, norepinephrine, etc) and which amino acids you need.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Stop The Inflammation
Reduce or eliminate the foods that cause inflammation. You can help prevent or reverse inflammation and the diseases associated with it by avoiding the following foods:
All grains and grain products, including whole wheat bread, white bread (all breads), pasta, pizza dough, cereal, pretzels, crackers, bagels, pastries, wheat thins, scones, and all flour goods.....
Fish Oils in Research
Some studies have shown that supplementing with fish oils results in a dramatic reduction in leukotriens in your body (one of the chemicals implicated in asthma and other allergic reactions) by 65%. This correlates with a 75% decrease in their clinical symptoms. Another fish oil study, involving rheumatoid arthritis sufferers (often treated with incredibly toxic and life threatening prescription drugs) who took 1.8 grams of EPA fish oil and reduced their saturated fats (land animal foods), showed significant improvement over and above a placebo......
Risk Factors for Magnesium Deficiency
1) Excessive stress in your life whether from physical, emotional, or psychological stressors. Stressful conditions cause the body to use more magnesium and a lack of magnesium tends to make stress responses more severe. The hormones associated with stress, adrenaline and cortisol, were also associated with magnesium deficiency.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years



Nature's Answer to Male Sexual Health: The Power of Pomegranate and Cacao​

Sexual dysfunction is a growing health concern among men worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sexual health is an essential component of overall well-being. However, factors such as aging, stress, hormonal imbalances, and lifestyle choices contribute to declining testosterone levels and reduced sexual function in men.

Pomegranates Help Stroke Recovery​

Everyone wants to stave-off the cognitive decline that is routinely experienced as we age. What if that decline wasn’t inevitable? As a recent study shows, there is a simple, inexpensive food that not only supports cognitive functions as we age, it can help restore brain function impaired during stroke.



GreenMedInfo Research Dashboard: Pomegranate​

Discover results-driven, evidence-based natural medicine research on the numerous health benefits of pomegrantes in the GreenMedInfo database.



Learn More About Global Wellness Forum​

The Global Wellness Forum is a coalition of grassroots organizations and stakeholders committed to creating exponential change to advance truth, sovereignty and wellness and freedom. From soil to society, we are catalysts for a net-positive, harmonious and healthy world.

Subscribe to gain exclusive updates, actionable tools, and opportunities to drive meaningful change. Let’s spark a ripple effect that transforms the world.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I came across a poem this week that stopped me in my tracks. I was reading the Tibetan Book Of The Dead when the eight lines below jumped off the page.
I’ve never seen a description of "source" energy written on paper so succinctly. This is the epitome of what we connect with in deep meditation – when we are truly awake.
These words are now printed on the wall next to my desk:
Remember the clear light,
The pure clear white light.
From which everything in the universe comes,
To which everything in the universe returns;
The original nature of your own mind.
The natural state of the universe unmanifest.
Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it.
It is your own true nature, it is home.
- The Tibetan Book Of The Dead

Never forget who you really are.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you heard about oregano? Most have, but if you haven’t…Oregano is a fragrant herb that originates from the Mediterranean region, though it’s now grown worldwide. Known for its robust flavor, it’s commonly used in cooking, especially in Italian and Greek dishes.

Beyond its culinary uses, oregano has been valued for centuries in traditional medicine for its health-boosting properties, including its potent antioxidant and antimicrobial effects.

Oregano means “mountain joy” and is popular in Spanish and Mediterranean cooking.
Using fresh oregano in your dishes adds extra fiber to your meal. The fiber aids in lowering cholesterol levels and helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Research has also shown that oregano is an excellent source of vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting and bone building. Oregano is also a good source of manganese and a good source of iron, and calcium.

Here are a few more lesser known facts about Oregano…

Ancient Remedy – The Greeks and Romans used oregano as a natural antiseptic and to treat infections, wounds, and digestive issues.

Natural Insect Repellent – Oregano’s strong aroma makes it a natural deterrent for pests like mosquitoes and garden insects.

More Than Just a Spice – Oregano essential oil is packed with powerful compounds like carvacrol and thymol, known for their antibacterial, antifungal, and immune-boosting properties.

Survives Harsh Conditions – Oregano is a hardy plant that can thrive in poor soil and dry climates, making it one of the most resilient herbs.

Higher Antioxidants Than Many Fruits – Oregano has more antioxidants per gram than apples, blueberries, or oranges, making it a powerful free radical fighter.

Used in Beekeeping – Some beekeepers use oregano oil to help control mites in beehives naturally.

Click here to continue reading about this amazing, powerful herb…

Do you use oregano or other herbs for cooking, health regimens, teas, etc? Reply and let me know, I’d love to hear from you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A fascinating study revealed that one simple habit can lower stress levels and boost focus and attention. Over time, it can actually cause powerful and positive structural changes in your brain.
What is that one simple thing?
>> Find out all about it (plus nine other brain-boosting tools) when you download Top 10 Ways to Rewire Your Brain, right here. (It’s free!)
Neuroscience researchers have recently made some life-changing discoveries about how certain actions can give you improved memory, sharper focus, and better mental health.
Dr. Austin Perlmutter wants to share these potent insights with you, which is why he created Top 10 Ways to Rewire Your Brain.
Inside, you’ll discover:

  • The #1 way to grow new brain cells and protect against cognitive decline
  • A simple morning habit for lasting energy and quality sleep
  • How the foods you eat impact memory, stress levels, and mental clarity
  • The fascinating connection between cold exposure and a key neurotransmitter linked to focus and mood
  • Practical, science-backed strategies to rewire your brain for resilience
>> Click here to get your free copy now.
Yours for a healthy brain and a thriving life,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Along with this important ebook, you'll get a free ticket to Better Brain Blueprint — a powerful docuseries featuring 20 of the world’s leading brain health experts and packed with cutting-edge, science-backed information to help you think clearer, feel better, and enjoy more energy. Get it all right here.


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New Member
Reddit Exile
A fascinating study revealed that one simple habit can lower stress levels and boost focus and attention. Over time, it can actually cause powerful and positive structural changes in your brain.
What is that one simple thing?
>> Find out all about it (plus nine other brain-boosting tools) when you download Top 10 Ways to Rewire Your Brain, right here. (It’s free!)
Neuroscience researchers have recently made some life-changing discoveries about how certain actions can give you improved memory, sharper focus, and better mental health.
Dr. Austin Perlmutter wants to share these potent insights with you, which is why he created Top 10 Ways to Rewire Your Brain.
Inside, you’ll discover:

  • The #1 way to grow new brain cells and protect against cognitive decline
  • A simple morning habit for lasting energy and quality sleep
  • How the foods you eat impact memory, stress levels, and mental clarity
  • The fascinating connection between cold exposure and a key neurotransmitter linked to focus and mood
  • Practical, science-backed strategies to rewire your brain for resilience
>> Click here to get your free copy now.
Yours for a healthy brain and a thriving life,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Along with this important ebook, you'll get a free ticket to Better Brain Blueprint — a powerful docuseries featuring 20 of the world’s leading brain health experts and packed with cutting-edge, science-backed information to help you think clearer, feel better, and enjoy more energy. Get it all right here.

pleased your back to save the world young jimmi


Diamond Contributor
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Healthy Hibiscus: Exploring the Benefits and Uses of this Tropical Flower​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes! You Can Produce Eggs in Your Backyard!

  • Marjory Wildcraft from Marjory Wildcraft - The Grow Network

    Marjory Wildcraft from Marjory Wildcraft - The Grow Network
    To me · Wed, Mar 12 at 4:37 PM

    Message Body​


    Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

    Yes! You Can Produce Eggs in Your Backyard!

    this short video is to inspire you that you CAN do this - a small laying flock is much easier than you think​

    https://BackyardFoodProduction.com this is the free webinar with how to grow a LOT of food in your backyard and the examples of the chickens coop designs and automatic waterer.
    https://FreeChickenFeed.com this is the link to the free video on how to feed your chickens for free.
    Please put questions or comments down below. I sincerely want you to get started with this right away. The cost of a laying hen is about to go parabolic…



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Episode 414: FOWL PLAY
Del sits down with Keresey Pearl and Briana Pond, filmmakers documenting the powerful journey of Regenerating Asheville, a project showcasing how community-led action is transforming Appalachia in the wake of disaster.

Then, Jefferey Jaxen delivers major updates on the ongoing bird flu saga as U.S. leaders reject a bird flu vaccine. Plus, a deep dive into how obesity impacts the immune system and the latest on Dr. Dave Weldon’s nomination for CDC Chief.

Finally, Dr. Richard Bartlett joins Del in-studio to discuss his frontline experience treating children during the West Texas measles outbreak. He reveals the protocol he’s using with success, followed by powerful testimonies from mothers whose children have recovered under his care.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

One of the most challenging aspects of chronic illness is the persistent pain that can accompany it, pain that often doesn't fit neatly into traditional medical categories or respond to standard treatments.

In this episode of the Gordon Medical Forum podcast, Dr. Eric Gordon and Dr. Richard Horowitz explore how pain manifests differently in each patient and why personalized treatment approaches are essential for healing.

Together, they examine the complex relationship between chronic illness and pain, sharing insights from their extensive clinical experience and discussing innovative approaches to treatment through the lens of the Cell Danger Response.​
Episode Highlights:

  • Understanding the characteristic patterns of Lyme-related pain and its migratory nature
  • The role of the Cell Danger Response in chronic illness and pain
  • Techniques for calming an overactive nervous system to facilitate healing
  • Addressing the emotional component: mood disorders and their connection to chronic pain
  • Strategies for working with sensitive and treatment-resistant patients
  • The vital yet often overlooked importance of structural support and drainage in treatment
Hormone Optimization 3-Day Masterclass​
In the upcoming Hormone Optimization Masterclass, Dr. Nafysa Parpia sheds light on why midlife women can suddenly be hit with unexplained symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, aches, and pains.

When women enter perimenopause, they naturally begin to lose bone density. What many don’t realize is that bones aren’t only structural supports – in addition to other purposes such as blood cell production, they’re also storage sites for heavy metals, particularly lead. As bone loss occurs, stored metals can leach into the bloodstream, creating what’s known as “endogenous contamination.”

Join Dr. Parpia for the 3-Day Virtual Hormone Optimization Masterclass, March 28th - 30th, for her masterclass presentation: Over 40 and Toxic: The Unexpected Release of Long-Stored Heavy Metals

>> Learn more and register to join


Diamond Contributor
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GMO Corn, Serious Losses for Farmers - The US Study

A 12-year study published in Science (Yes et al. 2025), reveals shocking economic losses for farmers relying on rootworm-resistant GM corn. This in-depth analysis, conducted in ten key US Corn Belt states, provides original data quantifying regional yield disparities and confirming the acceleration of pest resistance.

The study, conducted by a team of 20 researchers from 12 universities in the United States, China and Canada, analyzed 12-year data (2004–2016) in 10 states in the US Corn Belt. The research focused on adoption and impact of Bt corn hybrids, genetically modified to produce toxins lethal to the rootworm.

The team collected data on pest pressure, crop yields and agricultural practices, comparing regions with continuous corn cultivation (western states of the Corn Belt: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin) with those practicing crop rotation (Eastern states: Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio). Learn more about the study here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

GMO Products Will Be Labelled in New Zealand's Supermarkets

Food produced from genetically modified material will have to be labelled as such, say supermarkets and the New Zealand Food & Grocery Council.

Submissions on the Gene Technology Bill to the Health Select Committee closed with many industry groups supportive of change, but also urging caution on the way forward.

Chief executive for the New Zealand Food & Grocery Council Raewyn Bleakley said the current labelling settings require any foods produced by gene technology to be labelled as such, “which the NZ Food & Grocery Council fully supports”.

“This is covered by the Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 1.5.2, which means novel foods produced from gene technology will require a separate approval step specified for novel foods under the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code. Continue reading here.

Mexico's Congress Passes Ban on Cultivation of GMO Corn

On March 5th Mexico's Congress approved a constitutional reform that bans the cultivation of genetically modified corn and protects native grain varieties in the country.

An initiative of President Claudia Sheinbaum, the legislation was approved by 97 votes to 16 in the Senate on that Wednesday, a week after the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, gave it the green light.

The reform must now be approved by the local legislatures of at least 17 of the country's 32 states, where the ruling Morena party has a majority. Read on here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Canadian Government Tried to Bail Out a Genetically Modified Salmon Company

Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) is calling on the Auditors General of Canada and Prince Edward Island to investigate why the government funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to a genetically modified salmon company just before it shut down.

In December 2024 troubled biotech company AquaBounty stopped production of all genetically modified salmon and closed its last working facility at Bay Fortune on Prince Edward Island.

The closure announcement came just weeks after the federal and PEI governments announced $231,095 in funding for the company. CBAN has registered a complaint with the Auditors General and the federal and provincial ministers of fisheries, and it is calling for a review of the decision to send more funds to AquaBounty when the company already owed PEI $1.5 million from a $2.7 million loan in 2018. Continue reading about the developments here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Make These Lifestyle Changes Now to Boost Longevity

By Tricia Cooney Bresnahan

Make lifestyle changes now and you can enjoy a long, healthy life.

Many of us grew up eating foods that were not heart healthy, but we can all change that now and reap the benefits, according to Dr. Chauncey Crandall, world-renowned cardiologist and director of preventive medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida.

Editor’s Note: Join the Heart Health Revolution: Dr. Crandall's Simple Solution

So how do we do that? “The bottom line is this ─ we want natural foods. Things that grow out of the ground or off the tree, fruits, vegetables, nuts,” Crandall tells Newsmax’s “Newsline.” “And we want to stay away from processed foods, of course,” he adds.

Instead of processed meats or fatty beef, get your protein from plant-ba sed sources such as any type of beans, anything that grows in a pod, says Crandall. In addition, fatty fish and lean chicken are good protein sources.

Special: Dr. Crandall: All Multivitamins Are Not the Same

“So, as we go through the supermarket, we want to go around the edges where all the fruit is, all the vegetables, all the fresh meat, and stick to that and stay away from the center of the supermarket, which contains all the processed foods. They're just not good for us at all,” emphasizes Crandall, editor of the popular newsletter Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report.

According to two studies published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, young and middle-aged adults who ate a healthful, plant-based diet were at lower risk for cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke.

Editor’s Note: 4 Signs Your Heart Is Quietly Failing

In addition to a healthy diet, other lifestyle changes, including exercise, are important for health. “Activity is key to living a long life,” stresses Crandall. He says his older patients stay healthy and active by swimming, walking, cycling, playing tennis, and even ballroom dancing.

The American Heart Association recommends aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity (or a combination of both) each week.

Special: God's Biblical Blueprint for Healing

Crandall says we need to combine a heart-healthy diet and regular exercise with other lifestyle measures. He recommends eight hours of sleep and getting up and going to bed at the same time each day. And limiting alcohol intake is another big key to living a long life, he notes.

Crandall says having a partner or friend to keep each other accountable to staying on a heart-healthy plan is also helpful.

“We can do this… we can live a long life,” emphasizes Crandall.


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Member For 5 Years
@Bliss Doubt , this might help you


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Ending Big Pharma’s Legal Immunity: The Case Against the PREP Act​

We don’t all agree on the best way to prevent and treat disease. Even among doctors, there’s a wide range of opinions on the safety and efficacy of various pharmaceutical drugs. But, there’s one idea that should bring us together:

Corporations should be liable for the deaths and injuries they cause, and people who have been hurt, or have suffered the loss of a loved one, should have the right to sue the companies and hold them accountable for deaths and injuries caused by their products.

In 2005, Congress enacted the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), granting the Secretary of Health and Human Services the authority to provide legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies, regardless of any mistakes they may make.

The sole exception is “willful misconduct,” which is defined as acting “deliberately to achieve an unlawful purpose, knowingly without legal or factual justification, and with disregard for a known or obvious risk so severe that harm is almost certain to outweigh any potential benefit.” The law established such an extremely high threshold that no circumstances could ever satisfy this burden of proof. Additionally, it prohibited any court from reviewing the Secretary’s decisions granting pharmaceutical companies these liability waivers.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was unpopular when it was introduced and remains just as disliked today. It contradicts our sense of justice and is unconstitutional, yet we are bound by it until ongoing lawsuits challenging it progress through the courts. However, there is a solution—Secretary Kennedy could use his authority to revoke the current PREP Act declarations that limit our ability to hold corporations accountable.

Health & Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has the power to revoke the current PREP Act declarations. The one for COVID and seasonal flu is in effect until 2029. There are also PREP Act declarations for monkeypox until 2032, for hemorrhagic fevers until 2028, and for pandemic flu, nerve agents, Zika, anthrax, radiation, and botulism until 2027.

The liability waivers are supposed to be for medical countermeasures used in emergencies, but read the fine print and you see that they could be construed to protect the pharmaceutical companies against any use of covered drugs and vaccines. One covered drug, Neupogen, is for radiation sickness. It’s a risky drug that can even be deadly, but is routinely given to cancer patients–and is now being prescribed to women to prevent miscarriage. If anything were to go wrong, people given Neupogen would have no legal recourse.

The PREP Act should either be repealed or ruled unconstitutional. However, until that occurs, Secretary Kennedy should annul all current PREP Act declarations, even retroactively. This would allow victims of pharmaceutical companies to seek justice in court, while paving the way for constitutional challenges to the PREP Act’s provision that prevents judicial review of actions taken by the HHS Secretary.

Something Sec. Kennedy Can Do That We Should All Be Able To Agree On: Revoke the PREP Act Declarations That Take Away Our Power to Hold Corporations Accountable!

TAKE ACTION: Tell Sec. Kennedy to Restore Our Right to Sue Big Pharma!


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USDA Cancels $1B in Local Food Purchasing for Schools, Food banks​

Marcia Brown, Politico:

“The Agriculture Department has axed two programs that gave schools and food banks money to buy food from local farms and ranchers, halting more than $1 billion in federal spending.

Roughly $660 million that schools and child care facilities were counting on to purchase food from nearby farms through the Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program in 2025 has been canceled, according to the School Nutrition Association.

The Trump administration’s move to halt the programs comes as school nutrition officials are becoming increasingly anxious about affording healthy food with the current federal reimbursement rate for meals. As food costs have risen in the last few years, more people are turning to food banks and other feeding organizations to supplement their increased grocery bills.”

Read about how feeding children and supporting local farmers are no longer ‘priorities’


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


For a happier life, we must balance two old psychological needs​

William von Hippel, Psyche:
“The comforts, safety and ease of modern existence make most of us the equivalent of multimillionaires by comparison with them, but our hunter-gatherer ancestors were probably happier than we are. How could that be?
There’s more than one answer to this question, but an important part of the story lies deep in our history. Based on evolutionary theory and psychological research, I have come to believe that human evolution has led to a pair of competing psychological needs that must be balanced in order for individuals to experience lasting happiness.
These needs reflect two key goals our distant ancestors had to achieve: to bond with others for their mutual protection, and to develop personal skills to make them valuable to their group and potential mates. In service of these goals, our ancestors evolved two corresponding needs that still drive us today: from childhood through to old age, humans have a need for connection and a need for autonomy.
The need for connection played a central role in human evolution, as it enabled us to cooperate to solve problems that we were too small, weak or ignorant to solve on our own. Hunter-gatherers who couldn’t see the need for connection soon became lion chow. As a result, their tendency to go it alone was largely removed from the gene pool, and their remains served as a vivid reminder to the folks back home that survival requires connection. Genes pushed our ancestors to connect, their cultural rules demanded connection, parental socialization reinforced the message, and daily life reminded them that they couldn’t live without it.”
Read how we may get what we want when we prioritize autonomy, but not what we need and how we rebalance



Low-Dose Chronic Air Pollution Wreaks Havoc on Metabolic Function​

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola:
“Story at-a-glance
* Over 99% of people worldwide live in areas exceeding WHO air pollution guidelines, and research shows that fine particulate matter air pollution contributes to 20% of global Type 2 diabetes cases
* A 2025 study found that chronic low-dose exposure to traffic-derived air pollution triggers fatty liver disease, causing inflammation, reduced glycogen storage and liver scarring in mice
* Human studies confirm the link between air pollution and liver damage, with exposure leading to significant elevations in liver enzymes
* Air pollution disrupts metabolic health through multiple pathways, including oxidative stress, systemic inflammation and interference with the autonomic nervous system and key metabolic organs
* While outdoor air quality is often beyond individual control, using air purifiers, proper ventilation and water filtration — due to chlorine vapors — significantly reduces exposure to harmful indoor air pollutants”
Learn more about the risks and simple steps you can take to lessen air pollution’s impact on your health


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Creating a More Just and Accountable System​

As consumers, we deserve the right to hold corporations accountable for the harm they cause. But a little-known law, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), gives Big Pharma blanket immunity from liability, even in cases of gross negligence.
This is unacceptable.
That’s why we’re calling on Health & Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy to revoke the current PREP Act declarations and restore our right to sue pharmaceutical companies for the deaths and injuries they cause.
We feel like RFK will be on our side on this, and with your support we can work together to make this happen!
Your donation will help us mobilize public pressure on Sec. Kennedy to revoke the PREP Act declarations and continue our work advocating for policy changes that hold corporations accountable for their actions.
Please consider donating today to help us work on creating a more just and accountable system.
Thank you for standing with us in this fight!
Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Make a tax-deductible donation to Regeneration International, our international sister organization
Make a lasting impact through monthly giving, stock donations, planned giving, and IRA charitable distributions



Bayer Attempts To Pass State Bills That Give Them Immunity From Legal Accountability​

Bayer, manufacturer of the cancer-causing glyphosate-based Roundup Weedkiller, is working to pass laws across the United States with one intention: to shield them from facing consequences for producing and profiting from a cancer-causing chemical.
Bayer is on the hook for billions of dollars for acting with “malice, oppression or fraud” to hide the fact that the glyphosate-based herbicide the company acquired when it bought Monsanto causes non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. But Bayer has a plan, and it’s a coordinated multi-state strategy to hijack democracy and protect corporations from facing further legal consequences through a series of state-level “Bayer Protection” bills.
Just this week there are committee hearings about these bills in Tennessee (SB 527/ HB 809), Georgia (SB 144), and North Dakota (HB 1318). And bills will soon have hearings in Oklahoma (SB 1078), Idaho (HB 303/HB 1755), and Florida (SB 992/HB 129).
It’s now more important than ever to reach out to your state lawmakers and tell them they need to ban glyphosate, not bail out Bayer!
TAKE ACTION: Tell Your State to Ban Glyphosate, Not Bail Out Bayer!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


As Scientists Report Intimidation, Four States Introduce Bills to Limit Deadly Neonics​

Rebecca Raney, USRTK:

“In 2018, Louis Robert, an agronomist in Québec, was fired after releasing controversial research about the limited effectiveness of neonicotinoid pesticides.

After a year of asking his superiors at the Ministry of Agriculture to release the report, Robert sent the unpublished research to Radio-Canada.

The upshot of the study: That neonicotinoid seed treatments produced no significant difference in crop yields for corn and soybeans.

Shortly after he released the report to the press, while he was in a field giving a demonstration to farmers, Robert’s phone rang. It was his boss’s secretary, insisting that he return to the office immediately.

‘As soon as I got to the office, I was invited to a conference room, and my boss was there, and on the video was his boss in Québec City, and they handed me a letter signed by my ministry,’ Robert said. ‘I was suspended from the department.’

Read about how research was clearly showing that those products were not giving any benefits to farmers and that four more states are moving to limit the use of neonics, in addition to the 10 states that have already restricted

Read New Study: Neonicotinoids Found to Drive Butterfly Declines More Than Any Other Environmental Variable

TAKE ACTION: Tell your state legislators to ban neonic seed treatments!


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Member For 5 Years


Microplastics Hinder Plant Photosynthesis, Study Finds, Threatening Millions with Starvation​

Damian Carrington, The Guardian:
“The pollution of the planet by microplastics is significantly cutting food supplies by damaging the ability of plants to photosynthesise, according to a new assessment.
The analysis estimates that between 4% and 14% of the world’s staple crops of wheat, rice and maize is being lost due to the pervasive particles. It could get even worse, the scientists said, as more microplastics pour into the environment.
About 700 million people were affected by hunger in 2022. The researchers estimated that microplastic pollution could increase the number at risk of starvation by another 400 million in the next two decades, calling that an ‘alarming scenario’ for global food security.”
Read about how the annual crop losses caused by microplastics could be of a similar scale to those caused by the climate crisis and more



From Soil to Soul: Young Filmmakers Explore the Local Food Sovereignty Movement​

Arty Mangen, Bioneers:
“Through the powerful stories of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) farmers, regenerative practitioners, food activists, and thought leaders, the film series From Soil to Soul charts a path toward food sovereignty — a future where communities reclaim their right to control their local food systems. And by doing so, heal themselves and their communities. The three creators of this film series, a geospatial data scientist, an expert in sustainability and regenerative strategies, and a multimedia artist and filmmaker, share what they have learned in the process.
Ankur Shah uses satellite data to assess climate hazards and environmental issues, and is the Director of Operations at Mycelium, where he has designed sustainable food systems.
Jahnavi Mange has worked with grassroots organizations, local governments and global corporations to drive equity and environmental impact. Margaret To’s climate activism led her to start Studio SAKA, dedicated to social impact and climate education.
Read more to be inspired: Arty Mangan of Bioneers interviews Ankur, Jahnavi, and Margaret To


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
In May of 1995, Dr. Andrew Wakefield received a desperate call from a mother.
Her child had been perfectly healthy - meeting milestones, engaged, full of life.
Then came the MMR vaxx.
And everything changed.
Dr. Wakefield recalls the mother telling him…
"My child was absolutely fine, and then he had the MMR vaxx. I wasn’t anti-vaxx… I took him to be vaxxed on time.

And he had a catastrophic regression within a very short space of time…

Lost all of his skills, his interaction, his socialization with his siblings, his speech, language. Everything was gone."
Doctors dismissed her concerns.
They ignored her son’s chronic gut issues, agonizing pain, and 12 bouts of diarrhea a day
Labeling it “just autism.”
"The doctors and nurses I tell say, ‘That’s just autism. Get over it. Put him in a home, forget about him, move on, have another baby.’ That was the attitude."
But Dr. Wakefield listened - and what he discovered changed everything.
He and a team of experts investigated these children, uncovering something the medical system had ignored:
They had an inflammatory bowel disease that was completely treatable.
When their gut was healed, their autism symptoms improved.
"The children started coming back. They started laughing and smiling and interacting and sleeping… The skills that they’d lost years ago were coming back."
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
The system had lied, telling parents there was NOTHING they could do.
My heart broke when Dr. Wakefield was telling me this story.
The TRUTH is…
Our bodies have the most amazing innate ability to heal.
You just need to know what to do…
Which is why I have gathered incredible health experts’, like Dr. Wakefield, healing protocols in my BRAND NEW book Born Healthy, Injected Sick: The Unspoken Dangers of Childhood Vaxxination…​
Download your F.REE copy right now:
>>> Click HERE to download your F.REE copy of Born Healthy, Injected Sick: The Unspoken Dangers of Childhood Vaxxination!
Inside this eye-opening book, you’ll discover:
  • Vaccines aren’t just about health - they’re a multibillion-dollar industry protected from liability, no matter the harm they cause.
  • The rapid rise in autism, autoimmune diseases, and allergies isn’t random - these conditions have skyrocketed alongside the expanding vaccine schedule.
  • Hidden ingredients like aluminum, mercury, and aborted fetal cells are injected into children - without parents ever being told the full risks.
  • The media, government, and pharmaceutical companies work together to silence doctors, censor dissent, and control the vaccine narrative.
  • Detoxing from vaccine injury is possible - learn how to restore the body, strengthen natural immunity, and take back control of your child’s health.
And here’s the BEST part:

When you download this eye-opening book, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to my groundbreaking 12-episode docuseries, Healing Revolution.
Healing Revolution starts April 7th, 2025, and it will reveal breakthrough after breakthrough…
From top medical experts, environmental scientists, and health pioneers…
Sharing the uncensored truth about how to create a toxin-free home and protect your health from environmental hazards.
Most doctors never share this vital information… because they don’t know how deep the problem really is.
But our 60+ world-class experts hold nothing back!
>>> Click HERE to download your F.REE copy of Born Healthy, Injected Sick: The Unspoken Dangers of Childhood Vaxxination!

To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Exclusively for ICAN supporters.
In this new episode, Del goes Off The Record with ER doctor, Richard Bartlett. Having successfully treated 108 measles patients in one day, he shares a dramatically different picture of the West Texas measles outbreak than that portrayed in mainstream media. Hear how Dr. Bartlett aims to upend the myth that measles is untreatable, and how he believes the historic layoffs in key public health government agencies will affect America’s future.
If you aren’t aware, HighWire+ is our exclusive gift to monthly donors - a video-on-demand platform featuring brand new shows, 24/7 access to a selection of your favorite documentaries, and new titles coming soon!
*If you are an existing donor, sign up using the email address associated with your donation! If you are ready to become a recurring donor, then CLICK HERE and create your new monthly donation!
On behalf of all of us at ICAN and The HighWire, thank you for your continued support, get signed up on HighWire+, and enjoy this new episode of Off The Record!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you struggle with low energy, sluggish digestion, or constant fatigue? It’s time for a reset, and Anthony William (Medical Medium) can help!

On Sunday, March 23rd, an exclusive session with Anthony, 'From Fatigue to Vitality: Simple Foods & Routines to Restore Energy & Digestion,' will be made available through this year's Total Wellness Summit presented by my dear friends at Food Matters.

The Summit runs from March 18th - 25th, and in addition to the Medical Medium, it also features sessions with Christa Orecchio, Elissa Goodman, Dr. Libby Weaver and many more. The best part? That the entire online summit is completely FREE to attend!

This is your chance to learn from some of the world's top wellness experts on how to get better sleep, improve your digestion, release stress and so much more. Sign up now by clicking the button below!
Still Need Some Convincing? Sign Up Now & You'll Also Receive Two FREE Exclusive Recipe-Packed eBooks
As a special bonus for signing up, the Food Matters team is also giving you immediate access to two exclusive recipe eBooks filled with 30+ nourishing meals, an easy-to-follow meal plan, and time-saving shopping lists to make healthy eating simple and sustainable.

Don’t miss this FREE opportunity to reset your body, restore digestion, and feel your best — claim your free eBooks and reserve your spot now!


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Member For 5 Years
Oxygen Therapy: Healing & Recovery Stories
In this clip from last week's HEAL with Kelly episode, Brad Pitzele shares remarkable stories of healing and transformation through oxygen therapy. He discusses how increasing oxygen intake can reduce inflammation, boost energy, and accelerate recovery, helping people overcome chronic illness and optimize their well-being. Whether you're looking for natural ways to heal or enhance performance, this conversation is a must-listen. Click the button below to tune in and discover the power of oxygen!
You can also watch the full podcast episode on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or listen to it now on either SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Podcast Episode:
How to Rewire Your Mind, Visualize Success and Manifest the Life You Want with Sarah Grynberg
What if the life you desire is just one thought away? What if the key to happiness, success, and deep fulfillment has been within you all along — waiting to be unlocked? Whether you’re navigating challenges, seeking deeper meaning, or looking for ways to elevate your mindset, this episode will leave you feeling empowered, expanded, and ready to embrace the path ahead.

Today on HEAL with Kelly, I sit down with mindset coach, speaker, mother, and podcast host Sarah Grynberg to explore the profound connection between our thoughts and the reality we create. We dive into her newly released book, "Living A Life of Greatness – Steps to a Fulfilling Existence."

Sarah shares her personal journey — how she experienced total burnout and a dark night of the soul, which ultimately led her back to her true self and awakened the gifts and manifesting powers that were inside her all along. Together, we uncover the science and spirituality behind personal growth and success, revealing how professional athletes, executives, and everyday individuals can train their minds to overcome fear, reprogram limiting beliefs, and attract/create the life they truly desire.

From the life-changing power of meditation, visualization and gratitude, to the unexpected beauty of human connection and forgiveness, Sarah reveals how small shifts in mindset can lead to game-changing transformation. Tune in now to break free from fear, harness the power of your mind, and create a life of greatness!
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

If you’ve ever dealt with chronic pain, you know how it takes over everything.

It’s not just about the discomfort…

It’s the exhaustion, the frustration, the feeling like your own body is working against you.

And for those facing cancer or immune issues, it’s even worse.

Because chronic pain doesn’t just accompany disease, it can actually fuel it.

Studies show that ongoing inflammation can actually support the spread of cancer by weakening the immune system and creating the perfect environment for disease to thrive.

But here’s something that rarely gets talked about…

Your body has a built-in system designed to calm pain, reduce inflammation, and help you heal.

The problem?

For most people, it’s completely switched off.

And that’s why pain keeps coming back.

But there’s a way to help flip that switch back on.

Something that works with your body instead of against it, so pain no longer dictates how you feel, what you can do, or how you live your life.

Find out how here.

Chronic pain isn’t just something to "deal with."

It’s a sign that your body needs support.

And when you give it what it needs, relief is possible.

You see, inflammation and pain go hand in hand… one fuels the other.

But when you interrupt that cycle?

Everything changes.

👉 See what we mean and learn how you can turn your pain switch off here.

To calm and relief,

The Conquering Cancer Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

If you’ve ever dealt with chronic pain, you know how it takes over everything.

It’s not just about the discomfort…

It’s the exhaustion, the frustration, the feeling like your own body is working against you.

And for those facing cancer or immune issues, it’s even worse.

Because chronic pain doesn’t just accompany disease, it can actually fuel it.

Studies show that ongoing inflammation can actually support the spread of cancer by weakening the immune system and creating the perfect environment for disease to thrive.

But here’s something that rarely gets talked about…

Your body has a built-in system designed to calm pain, reduce inflammation, and help you heal.

The problem?

For most people, it’s completely switched off.

And that’s why pain keeps coming back.

But there’s a way to help flip that switch back on.

Something that works with your body instead of against it, so pain no longer dictates how you feel, what you can do, or how you live your life.

Find out how here.

Chronic pain isn’t just something to "deal with."

It’s a sign that your body needs support.

And when you give it what it needs, relief is possible.

You see, inflammation and pain go hand in hand… one fuels the other.

But when you interrupt that cycle?

Everything changes.

👉 See what we mean and learn how you can turn your pain switch off here.

To calm and relief,

The Conquering Cancer Team

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