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  1. Nydia Chen

    Rincoe Manto Pro 228W Mod/ULTON Gata Style RTA 1:1

    $22.9 Rincoe Manto Pro 228W TC VW Variable Wattage Box Vape Mod 18650 Features Material: PC + Painting Battery Type: Dual 18650 Batteries (Not included) Modes: VW / TC (Ni200 / Ti / SS) / Bypass Power Range: 1~228W Input voltage: 6.0~8.4V Resistance Range of Atomizer: Wattage(VW / BYPASS)...
  2. JustA96Cummins

    Smok Alien 220 problems

    Hey all, ive got a smok alien 220 that i recently bought off of a buddy, its pretty scratched up and its obvious he didnt take that great of care of it, it mustve been banged around some because the whole top of the mod is loose, theres the 4 individual screws that hold the thing together and...
  3. JustA96Cummins

    What kind of coil should i build?(first time)

    Hey all, im running a smok alien with the tfv12 prince tank, im going to get the RBA deck for the prince because the coil prices are pretty up there, im trying to figure out what size wire and what kind of coil i should do, running 70vg/30pg liquid i want to get really good flavor out of this...
  4. S

    TFV8 X-Baby Beast Brother tank and alien

    Does the TFV8 X-Baby Beast Brother tank(smok stick x8 tank) fit to a smok alien mod?
  5. M

    The official directory - Learn to build from beginner to advanced (and more)

    alright, this is a work in progress thread, which aims to act as a listing for all of the 'official' threads in the building section of the forum. the 'post your builds' thread is full of good info, but its getting huge, and lots of the info and questions have been asked/answered repeatedly...
  6. Blackcr0wned

    Which Coil is best for me?

    Hello there, I recently purchased a Drop RDA and Alien Clapton Coils from GV. I'm not new to vaping - doing it for 3 years - but new to RDA's (used normal tanks like the TFV4, TFV8 Baby Beast, Cigpet ECO 12, etc. before). One thing I didn't knew was that a dual coil setup has half the amount of...
  7. MidgeFai

    Help me please

    Currently using the x4 coil in my baby beast and all I’ve been getting is dry and burnt hits. I’ve fully primed the coil and am vaping at 50watts. Is it because I’m using 80/20 juice? Or am I just doing something wrong?
  8. M

    Baby Beast, Should airflow be open or closed?

    Hello Fairly new to vaping.. bought my second upgrade recently a SMOK 220W w/ Baby Beast as opposed to the AIO penguin and Ego I had before. Getting used to having an actual tank, should my air flow be wide open or somewhat closed? I want to conserve eJuice but I'm not sure what I'm doing, I...
  9. Magic Coils

    IMagic Coils (Ukraine). Looking for vape-shops for cooperation.

    We present to your attention the "Handmade" coils from the Ukrainian manufacturer - Magic Coils. We successfully deliver our coils to the vape shops in Ukraine, and now we are looking for the vape shops in the US for cooperation. Why are our spirals the best? handemade, due to which high...
  10. sharkywarky220

    Need help - super frusterated with dry hitting

    So, I recently just bought my first vape. I did lots of research and found that the Smok Alien kit was the right way to go, so I bought the kit, took it home, and was having only the best experience for a few days. Great. Then I soon noticed that it tasted burnt, so I did my research and found...
  11. MassNhWolf

    New Alien mod owner ohms wont go above .155 and my flavor has gotten weaker

    Im vaping with strawberry watermellon time bomb. My ohms wont go above .155. I had been using a itaste v4 and was getting flavor. I have messed around with the watts to try to fix and hasnt worked. Any other suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated.
  12. M

    Smok Alien voltage too high

    I'm using my Alien with a Nautilus 2 tank. I have in the .7 ohm coil. Right now it's at 21 watts and reading 4.118 volts. What could be wrong or is this normal?
  13. razorlive

    smok alien 220w tc mod problems

    i have a smok alien 220w mod that started having issues last night. i was out fishing and left the mod in my truck (it was night time so it was not hot in there) i went to my truck to go take a few drags and the mod was dead. it was at 75% wen i walked away from it. it was extremely hot to the...
  14. F

    Batteries for the SMOK alien 220W mod with SMOK TFV12 tank

    Hi, I recently purchased a SMOK Alien 220W mod with TFV12 tank. With this I received 2 batteries (advised by the local vape shop), these batteries are the Samsung 18650-25R5 (green) - https://batterybro.com/products/samsung-25r5-green-inr1865025r5-2500mah-20a. Now I still have batteries from...
  15. Enrocc

    FUSED CLAPTON SPECIALS! 21'+ quad core ss - $55, 10'+ tri-core ss - $25, 5'6" tri-core ni80 - $15!

    Hello! I love making wire and I do it well. Custom orders are welcome! Triple or quad core? Yeah!! Stainless steel? You got it!! I also make perfect coils to specs--diameter, ohms, clouds, flavor--you name it and name your price and I'll make it right now! Message me here or email me at...
  16. C

    Need help of which awesome pre-made coil to get with Reload RTA

    Hello all, I just ordered a Reload RTA by Reload Vapor and it's on it's way. I got this RTA because I heard it delivers awesome flavor. Now, I gotta admit and dont wanr to offens anyone but this is my first time getting an RTA and getting into premade coils and such, coming from vaping a sub-ohm...
  17. C

    Alien 220W Problem

    UPDATE: I seem to have fixed the problem Ive had my alien for about 6 months now. Always been a great mod. Used the baby beast it came with for a while and eventually bought a pharaoh rta. Have been building for a while and absolutely love building on this thing. A few days ago while I was...
  18. VaporJoe


    Find a great deal on eBay? Post it here! NEW ITEMS ONLY PLEASE! -- NO USED ITEMS! Complaints about eBay will be deleted - This is a deals only thread.
  19. TaraSmash

    Al85 Alien Mini Charger Port

    Ive had the alien Mini for less than a month and the charging port stopped working. Now I can't upgrade the firmware to go above 85 watts. Also, the battery cap gets extremely hot when I take a semi-long drag. I have it in the soft settting, vaping at 80w. Does anyone else have these issues?
  20. kostaskas

    alien smok 220 screen issues

    Hello dudes! I bought a brand new alien smok 220w although the screen after 5 firing bar clicks started to show me the informations like the video below. Anyone has an idea about how to fix it? this is video with the problem
  21. Curiousinthe714

    Alien baby beast kits

    Which coils are best suited for the baby beast alien kits 220w?can you use any other brands of coils with this tank and if so which ones??thanks
  22. CJ-3

    Smok Alien user manual in pdf?

    HI all, Kind of embarrassed to admit this, but my Google and forum searching must be pretty weak tonight. I am getting a used Alien from the trading post here and I would like to know if anyone knows where I can download a .pdf of the user manual? Tried the smoktech site but I do not see one...
  23. O

    Gear RDA screws

    I have purchased one. It has hex grub screws on it, which is kind of weird. Because, on every photo and review I watched, it has philips head screws on it. Is that normal? Did Cigreen change the screws or I just got screwed with a clone instead of authentic? Thanks.
  24. jackson1992


    Dear fellow vaper, i know that probably there are a lot of thread discussing about those product mentioned. But i have been wander around and hasn't really have a verdict yet. So here it is. I am using finder 133 ATM. And have been very please by it with no issue at all (probably some small...
  25. R

    Tfv8 baby beast issues

    Hello all, So I have been using the smok alien starter kit for about 3 weeks and have started having issues with the tfv8 baby beast. The issues I'm seeing are: 1) it seems that there is a leaking from the glass or seal as the glass feels slick and I can see very light juice on my hand after...
  26. Ms. Trixy

    Ever think you ordered a mod and...

    ...it doesn't show up? Is it in a cart somewhere. But where? Missing: 2 Droid Mods 2 Alien Mods WTH did I do with them? China? Watch. I'll order 2 more of each and China will catch up with me. I checked many vendors. Hmmm. Anyone have this problem? I must be the only Ditz that doesn't...
  27. Cacuqecig

    Some photos of SMOK Alien Kit.

    SMOK Alien Kit Being fashionable and cool in appearance, the Smok Alien Kit has just been launched to meet those high wattage vapers! This kit consists of the popular TFV8 Baby tank and the Alien 220 Mod, aiming to contend with any huge vapor makers in the market. Features 1. Temperature...
  28. W


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