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Donald Bickers

heres the cooker ill be using

it does a super job


i think im going to make a new smoker this year, got a 55 gallon drum i got gear oil in thats empty


i smoke alot of fish, being as i go fishing at least 3-4 times a week in spring summer and fall, striped bass, mahi mahi, fluke flounder blackfish bluefin and yellowfin tuna, mako shark....mako shark is especially good smoked as is mahi mahi

Donald Bickers

definatly, ive been wanting to make a good size one for a while, the little one i have is good, but fits like, maybe a rack of ribs
yeah that's the only problem with what I have here,,,,you can roast a 12 to 15 lb turkey in it,but that's max


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Anybody else have problems logging in this morn?

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im always logged in, VU stays open on my laptop
Usually opens right up in tapatalk, but it kept asking me to login, and then wouldn't accept my password. Oh well, in now.
We have rain right niw, but I think winters over here in Dallas. 60s and 70s all next week.

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Did ya ever find out why they locked the thread?

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Saw some talk of classic rock earlier. Most of my presets are either classic rock or Classic country. First concert ever...Jethro Tull.

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i smoke alot of fish, being as i go fishing at least 3-4 times a week in spring summer and fall, striped bass, mahi mahi, fluke flounder blackfish bluefin and yellowfin tuna, mako shark....mako shark is especially good smoked as is mahi mahi
I miss living in Florida for all the fresh seafood. I used to scuba dive a lot and loved lobster season.


ah, i gotcha, both actually, most of the early spring is summerizing and launching boats that have been blocked up on land for the winter. early summer the in water repairs start happenening. anything major, the boat is coming out of the water. then fall is hauling boats out and winterizing.


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Is there much work to keep ya busy in the winter, or is it seasonal? My neighbors have a boat, go skiing and tubing with em a couple times a year.

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Donald, looks like you and Moma have a little romance happening. Are we gonna have our first Pif box marriage?

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here in a month it will be staying daylight till 8:30 or so,,,,,,,,man im ready,,,,,
be sitting on the deck drinkin my beer,,,,with the tablet so I can keep an eye on VU
I hear ya on that. I'm not sitting out back as much as I used to though. It was a smoking thing.

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Is there much work to keep ya busy in the winter, or is it seasonal? My neighbors have a boat, go skiing and tubing with em a couple times a year.

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i do a few major jobs in the winter, like big motor swaps and what not, things people dont want to do in season so they dont loose time on the water. fuel tank replacements things like that. there is like a two to three month off season for me, just before christmas til around now depending on when the nicer weather starts. in the winter ill do some work on cars for some spare cash


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I still haven't gotten this rayon thing down. Rewicked with it maybe 5 or 6 times. First few hits are good, and then not. Tried using a little, tried using a lot, haven't had success with Lemo. Kayfun or Russian.

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the fishermen around here ae the hardcore ones, like myself, we are out on the water every chance we get, then there is the rich yuppie, i only bought a boat to show off to my friends that i can waste money, that never leave the dock and just sit at the marina drinking, and if the do leave the dock, they have no fucking clue what they are doing, and fuck shit up. they are a danger to the rest of us

Donald Bickers

I still haven't gotten this rayon thing down. Rewick end with it maybe 5 or 6 times. First few hits are good, and then not. Tried using a little, tried using a lot, haven't had success with Lemo. Kayfun or Russian.

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I have good luck with rayon,,,,,i don't know what I do but it works great for me and last a lot longer than reg cotton

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