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Donald Bickers

Had to wait til the page rolled so I didn't have to look at pictures of your roast and taters...was making me hungry ...sure looked good cant believe I wasn't invited but I see how you are...
sorry,,,,,me and Ruffie enjoyed


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Well! Looks like I am going to PIF that Delta II, it's just not for me. I like the flavor better out of a re-wicked Atlantis. Wasted money I guess, it has the rebuildable kit with it as well, I never used it. Sterilizing the one coil I used for a few days and the tank.
I agree I bought all the sub tanks .i just love my Atlantis I build the coil like kanger and it's great

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It's says number 7 but I am not worried I just had surgery 4 weeks ago so I having checked the thread so wasn't sure what was going on thanks

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It's says number 7 but I am not worried I just had surgery 4 weeks ago so I having checked the thread so wasn't sure what was going on thanks

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I hope recovery is going well for you. You have a lot of pages to catch up on lol. 100 pages and like 5000 posts lmbo


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I hope there's a alantis in the box so I can trade for my delta 2

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i just traded off an atlantis....and am getting a delta 2, damn, litteraly you just missed it

Pauly Walnuts

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@Taver13 Wanted to let you know, Im getting some good use out of that orchid. That little extra airflow really makes this tank better.

Donald Bickers

guys about to get punched and get his candy took,,,,aint that a bitch

Donald Bickers

yeah,,,,I was older than most of em and they respected me,,,,kinda lucky I guess


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Good morning sunshines!!! Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful for myself, I have to drudge off to our wonderful postal unit and see what kind of chaos I can cause, good Monday morning postal ppl...muhahaha .....

Donald Bickers

Going to get my first DIY package this morning, then imma b a juice-making Moma lol. So excited!! Don helped me put a list together so if I forgot anything I can blame it on him lol...or Rufus....
Rufus picked everything out,but if he missed anything go ahead and blame me,i can take it
Edit:How can you blame anything on him,,,,,,hes so innocent,,,,,,NOT


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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I really dig the graphic on that one...where you score it from? Does it come in any other colors with the graphics?
Sorry busy weekend that's the Oni edition Sigelei 150w it comes in black the graphic is the oni demon it's on the front and back covers. Scored it from 101vapes for 99$

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