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Not here for the Drama!
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I like to hear that!. Thanks.

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Search out an SAE connector.

Like: . You grad student proof this connector by ensuring the DC positive pole from the power source is in the side that is insulated when the fans are disconnected.

Ahh yes that would definitely work. Thanks man!


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So they didn't turn out exactly as I'd hope grabbed the wrong orings but now they are slip on gloves sorta... And they will work for what I want them to


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Ok so i had an idea while we wait for the box to get to me why dont we play a game ...

seeing how i have no clue what i wanna donate lets make it random i have 62 items (excluding 1 atty 1 mod to fire it and my anniversary gift from the wife)
so what i will do is roll a random number to give me the amount of items to donate and since there 17 people excluding my self ill use 1-17
then once i have the amount of items i will then roll that many times to determine who on the list will pick what item
once you are picked i will tag you and you will guess a number and that item will go into the box to go to the next persons
sure you might not be next but hey its to pass time ok so lets get this rolling


Ok so i had an idea while we wait for the box to get to me why dont we play a game ...

seeing how i have no clue what i wanna donate lets make it random i have 62 items (excluding 1 atty 1 mod to fire it and my anniversary gift from the wife)
so what i will do is roll a random number to give me the amount of items to donate and since there 17 people excluding my self ill use 1-17
then once i have the amount of items i will then roll that many times to determine who on the list will pick what item
once you are picked i will tag you and you will guess a number and that item will go into the box to go to the next persons
sure you might not be next but hey its to pass time ok so lets get this rolling
rollin a 1D20?


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So there will be 7 items picked by 7 people


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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And here is the number for the people that will pick item numbers








A Banished Ghost of the Past
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So the players according to the numbers in order shall be
@BenJamminX 7 Nautilus replacement tank
@VaperjimX 62 Kamry epipe
@Donald BickersX 56 Vamo v3
@anendeloflorienX 54 IGO W4
@Taver13X 47 4nine mod
@Cruel-PhateX 13 Zero Gravity

ok so all you guys tagged all i need you to do is pick a number between 1 and 62 and when i get the numbers ill pick the items with the corresponding number and it will go in the box
Last edited:


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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i take it it goes by the order on our list?
yes sorry im slow typing never ran something like this quess i should of had it planned out better but yeah using the current list excluding myself


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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actually an awesome idea man
well you're on that list so in true leader fashion why dont you kick us off by picking a number from 1-62 and lets see what it is until the others get on and respond


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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OK guys so 1 down 6 more to go just pick your numbers excluding the previously pick numbers between 1-62 and let's see what we get


Just Thomas
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A Banished Ghost of the Past
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Just Thomas
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You got it first

Don wasn't included bad rules on my part sorry

Pick another number please Jim

And here is number 13


A zero gravity dripper tank

Nice, I have a stainless 4nine or Chi You that will match it :)

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