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There is a folding baby bottle drying stand made of plastic that works for bottles or dowels in a bit of wood would work too but you might find the baby one at a garage sale/goodwill lol

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...

Something like this I will be watching out for you and let u know if I find one...

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...


Yes. What was the question?
VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
Hey do you use much fa flavorings?

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...

Got 17 FA flavors in the mail today. No discernable odor.

No there's a few others who don't DIY.
Who all has started since we started the box?
I know @Heather @MOMABEAR @Cruel-Phate also @Geauxst is starting to, who else am I missing that has started recently?

Well, I'm a slow starter. Had my VG, PG and Nic before the box started, but I've yet to crack the seal on any of'm.

Dred pulled the trigger the other day but hasn't made any yet I don't think

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...

Correct ... when I placed my first order I strictly vaped menthol tobacco flavor. But before I mixed a thing I moved completely away from tobacco flavors. My first of three (so far) flavoring orders arrived today.

does anyone in here use 26650 mechs at all?

I'm going to pull the trigger on the Continental Black Oak clone soon.

I was also wondering how many wives/so vape also?

Sent from my Momabear headquarters...

Umm ... @Tawni

And ... steak night at Lonestar with the club. Laters.


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I am always one ingredient short. It's so aggravating!! Now I need Acetyl Pryzine or something along those lines. I thought i had it but sadly I don't. That is why I need to buy a rack or stand for my flavors. I am feeling a bit better so now I will alphabetize them. I have been very sick since Friday. I have a surgery consult on Wednesday.

Donald Bickers

i made one for momabear did you see it? kinda rough but works
yes I saw the one you made,,,it was cool,,,but what I need is something to put bottles upside down for drying
I have some plexiglass,I was thinking of drilling holes to put bottles in upside down,and put feet on it to raise it up enough the bottles aren't touching the counter


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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yes I saw the one you made,,,it was cool,,,but what I need is something to put bottles upside down for drying
I have some plexiglass,I was thinking of drilling holes to put bottles in upside down,and put feet on it to raise it up enough the bottles aren't touching the counter
ahh yeah then something like momabear was saying would work


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Member For 4 Years
I'm here...I'm okay. Give me a couple minutes and I have to type up a post for everyone.'s not as bad as the doc made it seem today. At least I don't think so and I'm hoping not.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Okay, so after the doctors I had to go get another MRI (didn't have to drink the mess again), then had to get my son from school, then came home and did the family thing and then it was dinner. Was sitting down with the wife talking over a bunch of things, including this latest. Then need some time for myself so my dog and I went for a walk. Stopped and talked to a couple different neighbors who were outside since they were asking how I was doing and stuff. Basically the lab work came back with my white blood cells through the roof which is a common sign of active inflammation in the intestines. Red blood cells down which means anemia...nothing really new in either of those, except my white cells haven't been high since before my colostomy reversal which was this past October. The MRI is showing micro-abscesses in my small intestine, and that is of a huge concerns to the doctors, because they're suspecting my intestines are leaking inside where they were re-attached, or elsewhere, which would mean a perforation. This happened awhile back and crept up on is the same way...with the abscesses and stuff...same signs. Anyway, he (my GI) wanted to admit me to the hospital and do a whole work-up and everything. He was able to call and get my colo-rectal surgeon on the phone, who also wanted to do the same at first, but then after discussing everything and explaining how I have been feeling okay (better than I have in quite awhile) decided that maybe it was a bit premature. The pictures from the first MRI couldn't really be determined if it was abscesses, pockets of air or possibly gas. They also don't know how long they have been there since it's been awhile since last MRI...which they weren't seen in the last one, but there's a possibility these could have been there since the last surgery. The plan is to watch for any changes in my health, as if there is leakage or perforation, there is a risk of sepsis, and that isn't good at all. Also, with the MRI they did today...1) they are looking for any changes in the abscesses, and 2) they manipulated my body in an attempt to see if they could determine if they are liquid (abscess) or just pockets of air or gas. They gave me a load of antibiotics to start on, since I'm on Remicade, my natural immune system is supressed, so those are a necessity. Obviously my wife and I have to closely monitor for any sudden changes, fever, vomiting, chills, fatigue, etc. as these could all be signs of something not so good. My "team" of doctors are basically on standby, and I carry their personal cell phone numbers with me, so in the event I go to the hospital in an emergency, they can be reached to explain to the ER docs what is going on and what needs to be done. So in a nutshell, it really didn't look good, but after evaluating everything, we all came to the conclusion that it didn't real seem as bad as it originally looked. This is all part of the roller coaster I have been riding for quite awhile now...constant ups, and downs. Although, I don't call this either an up or down, this is like that twist where you go upside down and come back upright around a curve. Haha. Nevertheless, I will be under careful watch, and if anything seems out of the norm, you better believe I will be on top of it. I'm familiar with all of this stuff, and I'm actually kind of used to it...sad as that sounds. I do appreciate you all being concerned and everything. One of the things I did talk to my wife, Samantha, about today, was that if something happened she knows to come here and post to let you all know. That would only happen in the case of an emergency operation (or worse God forbid), and that would have to hold you all over until I was able to get on my tablet in the hospital. If I end up in the hospital, admitted, I'll be on here more than ever, as I have nothing else to do while laying there except sleep. Okay, I think this is enough...anyone has any questions let me know. I'll definitely keep you all posted.


Just Thomas
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Member For 4 Years
I am always one ingredient short. It's so aggravating!! Now I need Acetyl Pryzine or something along those lines. I thought i had it but sadly I don't. That is why I need to buy a rack or stand for my flavors. I am feeling a bit better so now I will alphabetize them. I have been very sick since Friday. I have a surgery consult on Wednesday.

Drives me absolutely crazy, it never fails to be one flavor short, I keep buying more and does not matter, still always short :mad:

Pauly Walnuts

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Okay, so after the doctors I had to go get another MRI (didn't have to drink the mess again), then had to get my son from school, then came home and did the family thing and then it was dinner. Was sitting down with the wife talking over a bunch of things, including this latest. Then need some time for myself so my dog and I went for a walk. Stopped and talked to a couple different neighbors who were outside since they were asking how I was doing and stuff. Basically the lab work came back with my white blood cells through the roof which is a common sign of active inflammation in the intestines. Red blood cells down which means anemia...nothing really new in either of those, except my white cells haven't been high since before my colostomy reversal which was this past October. The MRI is showing micro-abscesses in my small intestine, and that is of a huge concerns to the doctors, because they're suspecting my intestines are leaking inside where they were re-attached, or elsewhere, which would mean a perforation. This happened awhile back and crept up on is the same way...with the abscesses and stuff...same signs. Anyway, he (my GI) wanted to admit me to the hospital and do a whole work-up and everything. He was able to call and get my colo-rectal surgeon on the phone, who also wanted to do the same at first, but then after discussing everything and explaining how I have been feeling okay (better than I have in quite awhile) decided that maybe it was a bit premature. The pictures from the first MRI couldn't really be determined if it was abscesses, pockets of air or possibly gas. They also don't know how long they have been there since it's been awhile since last MRI...which they weren't seen in the last one, but there's a possibility these could have been there since the last surgery. The plan is to watch for any changes in my health, as if there is leakage or perforation, there is a risk of sepsis, and that isn't good at all. Also, with the MRI they did today...1) they are looking for any changes in the abscesses, and 2) they manipulated my body in an attempt to see if they could determine if they are liquid (abscess) or just pockets of air or gas. They gave me a load of antibiotics to start on, since I'm on Remicade, my natural immune system is supressed, so those are a necessity. Obviously my wife and I have to closely monitor for any sudden changes, fever, vomiting, chills, fatigue, etc. as these could all be signs of something not so good. My "team" of doctors are basically on standby, and I carry their personal cell phone numbers with me, so in the event I go to the hospital in an emergency, they can be reached to explain to the ER docs what is going on and what needs to be done. So in a nutshell, it really didn't look good, but after evaluating everything, we all came to the conclusion that it didn't real seem as bad as it originally looked. This is all part of the roller coaster I have been riding for quite awhile now...constant ups, and downs. Although, I don't call this either an up or down, this is like that twist where you go upside down and come back upright around a curve. Haha. Nevertheless, I will be under careful watch, and if anything seems out of the norm, you better believe I will be on top of it. I'm familiar with all of this stuff, and I'm actually kind of used to it...sad as that sounds. I do appreciate you all being concerned and everything. One of the things I did talk to my wife, Samantha, about today, was that if something happened she knows to come here and post to let you all know. That would only happen in the case of an emergency operation (or worse God forbid), and that would have to hold you all over until I was able to get on my tablet in the hospital. If I end up in the hospital, admitted, I'll be on here more than ever, as I have nothing else to do while laying there except sleep. Okay, I think this is enough...anyone has any questions let me know. I'll definitely keep you all posted.
Man, that fucking sucks. Take care of yourself and know we are pulling for you.


Okay, so after the doctors I had to go get another MRI (didn't have to drink the mess again), then had to get my son from school, then came home and did the family thing and then it was dinner. Was sitting down with the wife talking over a bunch of things, including this latest. Then need some time for myself so my dog and I went for a walk. Stopped and talked to a couple different neighbors who were outside since they were asking how I was doing and stuff. Basically the lab work came back with my white blood cells through the roof which is a common sign of active inflammation in the intestines. Red blood cells down which means anemia...nothing really new in either of those, except my white cells haven't been high since before my colostomy reversal which was this past October. The MRI is showing micro-abscesses in my small intestine, and that is of a huge concerns to the doctors, because they're suspecting my intestines are leaking inside where they were re-attached, or elsewhere, which would mean a perforation. This happened awhile back and crept up on is the same way...with the abscesses and stuff...same signs. Anyway, he (my GI) wanted to admit me to the hospital and do a whole work-up and everything. He was able to call and get my colo-rectal surgeon on the phone, who also wanted to do the same at first, but then after discussing everything and explaining how I have been feeling okay (better than I have in quite awhile) decided that maybe it was a bit premature. The pictures from the first MRI couldn't really be determined if it was abscesses, pockets of air or possibly gas. They also don't know how long they have been there since it's been awhile since last MRI...which they weren't seen in the last one, but there's a possibility these could have been there since the last surgery. The plan is to watch for any changes in my health, as if there is leakage or perforation, there is a risk of sepsis, and that isn't good at all. Also, with the MRI they did today...1) they are looking for any changes in the abscesses, and 2) they manipulated my body in an attempt to see if they could determine if they are liquid (abscess) or just pockets of air or gas. They gave me a load of antibiotics to start on, since I'm on Remicade, my natural immune system is supressed, so those are a necessity. Obviously my wife and I have to closely monitor for any sudden changes, fever, vomiting, chills, fatigue, etc. as these could all be signs of something not so good. My "team" of doctors are basically on standby, and I carry their personal cell phone numbers with me, so in the event I go to the hospital in an emergency, they can be reached to explain to the ER docs what is going on and what needs to be done. So in a nutshell, it really didn't look good, but after evaluating everything, we all came to the conclusion that it didn't real seem as bad as it originally looked. This is all part of the roller coaster I have been riding for quite awhile now...constant ups, and downs. Although, I don't call this either an up or down, this is like that twist where you go upside down and come back upright around a curve. Haha. Nevertheless, I will be under careful watch, and if anything seems out of the norm, you better believe I will be on top of it. I'm familiar with all of this stuff, and I'm actually kind of used to it...sad as that sounds. I do appreciate you all being concerned and everything. One of the things I did talk to my wife, Samantha, about today, was that if something happened she knows to come here and post to let you all know. That would only happen in the case of an emergency operation (or worse God forbid), and that would have to hold you all over until I was able to get on my tablet in the hospital. If I end up in the hospital, admitted, I'll be on here more than ever, as I have nothing else to do while laying there except sleep. Okay, I think this is enough...anyone has any questions let me know. I'll definitely keep you all posted.
whew, well, i am definatly glad that something crazy bad isnt happening to you, it seems to be more of the usual, which is by no means fun, but its nothing tragic. i would hate to hear that you were hospitalized. keep your head up and keep in good spirits, sometimes that is the best defense you can have, when you get down on yourself, you will find that things just tend to get worse. remember, myself, and everyone else are always here if you ever need Anything

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