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Donald Bickers

Maybe I am just too old. Please no names like that in your juice line Don!
I wouldn't have thought money shot was bad without the lab rat pointing it out,,,,,all juice names get googled from now on:cool:


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I wouldn't have thought money shot was bad without the lab rat pointing it out,,,,,all juice names get googled from now on:cool:
True. I honestly thought it was when a girl in a short skirt got in a car and you could see something. That's what I thought it was. I better rethink the names of juices I have been vaping.

Donald Bickers

im going to google all of our juice names now,,,,,we don't need a lab rat pointing out bad gugu


Just Thomas
VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
im going to google all of our juice names now,,,,,we don't need a lab rat pointing out bad gugu

I am not the most intelligent by far, "I though it was gambling related :) I guess at least if the names are pretty direct, "like bag of butts, I will know I don't want to vape a bag of butts :D Lab Rat did not mean nothing by it, he was just screwing with me.


i fucking hate teenagers, i just had to take apart this asshole kids TV and rip the board out and re-glue and solder the hdmi port back in, when i was a kid i had the same tv for 20 years without a fucking problem, this kid breaks anything that plugs in. and you know what happened when the vcr part of my tv broke, too fucking bad, i wasnt watching any videos. kids these days have no respect for anything, they think everything is disposable and money shoots out of my ass like confetti

Donald Bickers

i fucking hate teenagers, i just had to take apart this asshole kids TV and rip the board out and re-glue and solder the hdmi port back in, when i was a kid i had the same tv for 20 years without a fucking problem, this kid breaks anything that plugs in. and you know what happened when the vcr part of my tv broke, too fucking bad, i wasnt watching any videos. kids these days have no respect for anything, they think everything is disposable and money shoots out of my ass like confetti

Donald Bickers

heres what I got goin on tonight,,,,,4Nine 18500 mode with kayfun and the vaporflask with a carto tank,,,,beer to soon follow


i hope i didnt throw out that one then, i forgot about it honestly and i hope it wasnt in the pile of crap i threw out

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