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Well, no trip to Oklahoma this week for me! I don't feel like dodging morons that don't know how to drive in the snow for 8 hours today and it's supposed to be snowing all week up there so none of the Texans I work with want to be out in the woods lol. Looks like we'll be going up there next week instead :/

My geni's are all built using 1/16 steel cable wrapped in a thin layer of japanese cotton. It wicks great and don't have to fight with hotspots.

Yeah I've watched a few videos and such on the gennies, I get the concept but man they look like they'd be a pain to set up!


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Silver IPV3 upgraded to 165w for 70 bucks shipped first class from dre (member on VU)... should I jump?

@Taver13 @Donald Bickers and anyone else who knows reg mods lol

Sounds like a good deal to me! I haven't used the IPV3 personally but they're pretty well reviewed and I know a few people that swear by em. Gotta love having that huge range of wattage at your disposal! You may never use it all but hey if you want it it's there.

Donald Bickers

You ignoring me @Donald Bickers ? You just liked my two previous posts then ignored this question... lol
not ignoring,just paying more attn. to the coffee pot for a minute
yea that seems like a good deal to me,,,,,cheap enough,,,,,more power than I would ever use ,but always better to have extra than not enough


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not ignoring,just paying more attn. to the coffee pot for a minute
yea that seems like a good deal to me,,,,,cheap enough,,,,,more power than I would ever use ,but always better to have extra than not enough
Was just yankin your chain man lol...

Was more making sure the IPV3 wasn't a piece of junk since I know absolutely nothing about these type of mods... I had researched price and it seems like a good deal and as far as the watts go, since I don't know what I like, it's better to have more than enough than not enough :p


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Ok so I just sealed the deal on that IPV3... soooo now is anyone interested in a 50w SMOK BEC PRO?? lol

@Cruel-Phate what about you? I know you were kind of interested in it when Taver was trying to sell it... would make you the same deal as he did me... 50 bucks shipped...
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Donald Bickers

So I should quote you a lot so you have 100s of notifications to go thru?


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@Diescum88 pro tip that I just figured out on the Orchid - use a vape band to block off the air holes when you're filling it and it won't leak at all! So much easier than trying to position my fingers just right when I'm pulling out the screw and such


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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OK guys I need some help I'm running a subtasks .5 coil wide open airflow on a kbox that has preset watt settings at 8 13 20 25 30 35 40 I been running it 25w mainly for a cooler vape but I just got some badass ejuice has awesome taste to it

So question is how do I max the flavor output on this setup changing to the 1.2 coil isn't an option Noone here sells them I'd have to order them online so what settings would you think would make it pump out flavor


Just Thomas
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Ok so I just sealed the deal on that IPV3... soooo now is anyone interested in a 50w SMOK BEC PRO?? lol

@Cruel-Phate what about you? I know you were kind of interested in it when Taver was trying to sell it... would make you the same deal as he did me... 50 bucks shipped...

I am good for now....I bought a iPV Mini 2 - 70W over the weekend :)
The Pioneer4you are really good devices, I have a ipv2 50w and it's really light weight and has never failed me, only complaint I have is the touch sensor is located on the top and I think it's dumb idea on top, "I just use the button :)


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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OK guys I need some help I'm running a subtasks .5 coil wide open airflow on a kbox that has preset watt settings at 8 13 20 25 30 35 40 I been running it 25w mainly for a cooler vape but I just got some badass ejuice has awesome taste to it

So question is how do I max the flavor output on this setup changing to the 1.2 coil isn't an option Noone here sells them I'd have to order them online so what settings would you think would make it pump out flavor


A Banished Ghost of the Past
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It's really not to bad if your in a pinch and need to vape....I won one on modeny few weeks ago and it's OK little case :)
Does it run the mod and the phone on the same battery Or separate


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Bored at work today - didn't have anything on the agenda since we cancelled the field excursion for this week so I've been building new coils lol

@Taver13 I stuck a 1.2 ohm 16 wrap 28g 1.2mm ID nano "dragon" coil in the magma, I've kind of been figuring it out in my head for a little while how to pull it off, I think I did pretty good on this one! The flavor is badass and it's putting out pretty massive clouds for how restricted the airflow is. I've got it set up like a vertical coil with it centered over the open airhole (I have my magma in dedicated single coil mode) and ran a thin sheet of rayon around it, wrapped the tails in front and brought them back to between the posts so nothing wicks onto the top deck and into the air channel.

I'll get some pics up once my internet decides to play along. It's been slow as shit all day


Not here for the Drama!
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Although the tracking says the delivery date is supposed to be today. The tracking says-
Your item has left our acceptance facility and is in transit to a sorting facility on February 21, 2015 at 11:37 am. There has been no update, so guess it's still in originating city.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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dude, thats a sick build, im a fan, i just traded my veritas off for an atalantis, some flavorings and two rolls of kanthal, so im going to have to do a dual in my clt

Ya man it's working great so far! I've been vaping it pretty non-stop for the last couple hours and I haven't gotten any dry hits. I think I may redo it at some point with a slight larger diameter coil, closer to the size of the airhole in the magma and try to get it as close as possible so all of the airflow has to go directly through the coil.


Just Thomas
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Does it run the mod and the phone on the same battery Or separate

It's separate battery pack built into the case with a separate usb charge port, "I would not say it hits hard on the highest setting but it's OK


Yes. What was the question?
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haha I was thinking the same thing... we have a dred and I always get those two confused for some reason lol

You and @MOMABEAR stand by for some freak'n extreme differentiation. I don't dislike the guy, but I do dislike being confused wid'm. Your apologies were successfully implied, so I won't be starting y'all threads in the hall of shame but ... just WOW.

I'm working on differentiation. His name had a bunch of numbers after it till I hit like 100 posts ... then he had it changed and I sorta cringed then, but ... it is what it will be. Still working on the differentiation thing, but he has a flip'n cartoon for a propic ... got it ... gonna share a little more personality in my propics ... it might help.



Yes. What was the question?
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Geauxst, don't take this the wrong way, but ... you have seven power settings and a factory coil. I doubt you're gonna have luck driving it with the two highest or two lowest settings, but ... that leaves you three settings to select between. I suggest you ... try'm. It's gonna be faster than me setting my mod to those settings and giving you my opinions. I will tell you I'm enjoying my ~25-32 watts resulting from my Mini on my mech today with the .5 factory coil. On regulated mods I tend to drive it closer to 15 watts for maximum personal satisfaction. ADV is a 70% VG juice.
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You and @MOMABEAR stand by for some freak'n extreme differentiation. I don't dislike the guy, but I do dislike being confused wid'm. Your apologies were successfully implied, so I won't be starting y'all threads in the hall of shame but ... just WOW.

I'm working on differentiation. His name had a bunch of numbers after it till I hit like 100 posts ... then he had it changed and I sorta cringed then, but ... it is what it will be. Still working on the differentiation thing, but he has a flip'n cartoon for a propic ... got it ... gonna share a little more personality in my propics ... it might help.

Haha yeah man I got it... he used to have 1982 after his name then he changed it to just dre... that's where the confusion came in, I was used to reading dred and dre1982... so now at first glance I see dred because there's no numbers... nothing to do with profile pics or how y'all act, just got used to dred and dre(with numbers following) now my brain still sees dred because there's no numbers lol


Just Thomas
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i just went through the same, took five days, why the fuck should i have paid for two day if i wasnt going to get it

You know, I don't mind waiting but don't put label ohhh 2nd day priority and then I just sit here looking at nothing but stuck on the same city it came from, if it just said five day mail I would simple check tracking in five days. USPS sucks, they should just let FedEx bring my crap. Anyhow, that's what I am doing, snow day looking at screwed up tracking :(


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You and @MOMABEAR stand by for some freak'n extreme differentiation. I don't dislike the guy, but I do dislike being confused wid'm. Your apologies were successfully implied, so I won't be starting y'all threads in the hall of shame but ... just WOW.

I'm working on differentiation. His name had a bunch of numbers after it till I hit like 100 posts ... then he had it changed and I sorta cringed then, but ... it is what it will be. Still working on the differentiation thing, but he has a flip'n cartoon for a propic ... got it ... gonna share a little more personality in my propics ... it might help.

Sorry should have seen that it was spelled c o m p l e t l y different lol. Agree that you need to share your personality and we surely won't mistake you for someone else lmbo


vape mail for today!
2015-02-23 22.34.06.jpg
must say, love the ipv mini 2 as expected. now onto the UD Goblin....this son of a bitch is downright painful to build on. took me almost two hours to decipher it. smallest build deck in a dual coil tank i have ever seen. as for the vape, im going to have to give it some time and get back, coils and wicks gotta break in. i love the custom glass and driptip i got from spectrum tanks. goes well with the ipv


Just Thomas
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vape mail for today!
must say, love the ipv mini 2 as expected. now onto the UD Goblin....this son of a bitch is downright painful to build on. took me almost two hours to decipher it. smallest build deck in a dual coil tank i have ever seen. as for the vape, im going to have to give it some time and get back, coils and wicks gotta break in. i love the custom glass and driptip i got from spectrum tanks. goes well with the ipv

It defiantly looks sharp :) I like the whole setup,,,,,,,,"maybe I will get one delivered by end of week ;) is the drip tip frosted glass?


got an amber tank for my orchid, but i had to use kayfun rings to use the glass, and the rings dont allow for enough juice flow with 70-80 vg, so i got crazy dry hits, so its going to be my backup for my erlkonigen incase i break the glue because they are interchangeable

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