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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thinking about putting my tree away already. Totally undecorated anyway because, y'know, cats. Heard a crash a few minutes ago, went downstairs, and found this...

He wasn't even trying to get out from under it. I picked it up off him, but it still took about 3 minutes before he actually got up and moved. Seems to be walking OK so I don't think he's hurt, but it scared me a little when he didn't run off right away. Better safe than sorry I think.

He's so cute in his little white mitts.


Cranky Old Fart
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Where is this survey you speak of? Just checked their website and don't see it nor am I seeing anything posted here on VU?
Don't know if the link is individulized or not, but here it is:


Cranky Old Fart
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That survey was long. I wonder if they'll freak out when said I vape 20 different mods with 20 different juices in a month... And I don't have a primary vape... I have 12 sitting in front of me right here downstairs in my computer room and a bunch more upstairs in my mixing room...

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm surprised YT didn't age restrict this...

Nor this.

I think the YT bots are busied with political content more than anything else these days.

For some reason it was suggested to me, the way YouTube does. I think it's pretty egregious that public servants are allowed to post things like that, and post mug shots online. These are serious forms of harm, and someone is being paid for the content of that vid. She committed suicide a few days later.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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OK, my actual good thing for the day (as opposed to taking the day off just for a little snow) is that I had some fantastic tea, Yogi's Egyptian Licorice. I bought a few boxes of Yogi tea when i saw it at the store yesterday mostly because they were labeled as Organic and Non GMO, and because each variety has a different Yoga pose on the box, with instructions and what that particular pose is good for. I'm really liking the Licorice one, I'll definitely get this again.

Though I guess I should be careful not to drink it too much, licorice root can cause low potassium levels which in turn can cause high blood pressure. Or maybe I could just eat more bananas to compensate.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
OK, my actual good thing for the day (as opposed to taking the day off just for a little snow) is that I had some fantastic tea, Yogi's Egyptian Licorice. I bought a few boxes of Yogi tea when i saw it at the store yesterday mostly because they were labeled as Organic and Non GMO, and because each variety has a different Yoga pose on the box, with instructions and what that particular pose is good for. I'm really liking the Licorice one, I'll definitely get this again.

Though I guess I should be careful not to drink it too much, licorice root can cause low potassium levels which in turn can cause high blood pressure. Or maybe I could just eat more bananas to compensate.

Mmm. I want to try that. Love licorice.

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