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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

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Ok bad thing for today, I dosed off, just been worn out, and almost burnt the chuckwagon down. Woke up smellin smoke:confused:, luckily Jean slept through it;), and the kitchen dinin room and livin room full of smoke both smoke alarms goin off :facepalm: Had to open all the windows and doors to let the smoke out, needless to say it was a complete start over:huh: and I was startin to get points for the wooden spoon award:( Took 20 minutes to get the smoke alarms to go off.o_O

Jimi, oh my.

You'll always get advice whether or not you want it, when maybe you just want to tell what happened, but deal with it in your own way.

I agree with Kad about seeking community services. People who do that kind of work are usually very compassionate, trained and efficient.

Winter time is when we naturally slow down and sleep more, so you are not alone in that, and it doesn't mean you're falling apart or becoming incompetent. The days are short, the nights long, and that "long winters nap" is an eons old biological adaptation, especially among bears :) Barring the exceptional responsibilities and duties you're under, it's something you earned with the long days in the garden, growing food. Even a 25 year old will be brushing his teeth and getting into his pajamas in the early evening at this time of year. Add to that the pressure you've been under, with probably a nostalgia for when life was more simple and you had more control over your schedule. So here comes advice.

If you're not going to seek any help, don't make meals of anything that has to have more than quick stovetop heating while you stand there and stir, soup from the pantry, stew from the freezer. If you stand, peel, chop, saute, boil, wait for something to finish in the oven, the cluster of winter rhythms and your fatigue will, as you have seen, endanger your life and home. Better to break the rules and make sandwiches with Dave's Killer 21 whole grains, some vegan cheese and fresh organic tomato, than to try to prep and cook all the ingredients for a hot evening meal. There are also certain of the Ezekiel or separately labeled Food 4 Life breads that are organic, and sprouted grain is considered less inflammatory than conventional wheat bread. Then your cleanup is easy and you're off to down time. I can make you a long list of ideas for simple vegan sandwich meals if you want it, nutritious, easy, no weird fake meats, and the cleanup is sweeping crumbs off the counter.

That's for your eating, maybe Jean too, but for her, Meals on Wheels is in East Peoria, with a sliding scale of fees from low to zero:

I say MoW is for Jean because I doubt you'll eat it when you don't know what's in it. I've never heard of anybody being poisoned by Meals on Wheels, but nobody is going to promise it's vetted against GMO, non-organic or any of the things you have zero tolerance for.

I have said all along, this is the hard work of love you are doing. It's easy to love each other when everybody is young, resilient, filled with joy, sharing the burdens. Honoring that vow "in sickness and in health" is something newlyweds don't concern themselves with much in the blush of young love. I pray things will get better for you.
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Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
:idea:Wonder if there's any money to be made as a Tiny Tim tribute artist.

Got a few minutes while my hair dries.

I get positively mad at peoples' stereotypes and limitations, as if "Tiptoe" were the only popular uke music ever made. But yeah if you take the instrument to a party, somebody is going to ask you to play that.

Broken links.

Here's the guy from Pearl Jam (but this is a very old, sweet song):


Here's a group with former members of the Pain Teens, and this whole 2010 release earns the title of this one piece:


The CD is cheaper than the download, and you can probably find a used one for even less:



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I get positively mad at peoples' stereotypes and limitations, as if "Tiptoe" were the only popular uke music ever made. But yeah if you take the instrument to a party, somebody is going to ask you to play that.
I intended that as a joke just because so many people associate the instrument with that song and with Tiny Tim. I guess I didn't really think of it as stereotyping, but I suppose it is. Other people have a stereotypical view of the uke, and I played into it.

I do know there are a lot of well known artists who play one at least occasionally, I've seen some jam session videos with some very talented playing, and it is really a much more versatile instrument than most people realize. Available songbooks are filled with music from virtually any genre you can think of. So yes, I know it is not limited to just one popular song.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Normally I wouldn't say that, but I know people who cuss like sailors but are still extremely offended by one of the words these ladies use in this song. So just giving fair warning - they use the C word. Bear in mind it is more acceptable in the UK than here, it is used about as casually there as we use the term asshole. And in this song I thought it was quite funny when they got to it.

Rudest Christmas Song .... Ever? - Fascinating Aida


Cranky Old Fart
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The tamales are made, but we couldn't stay late enough to eat any last night. They take a long time to cook and none got started early enough. We did have pazole though and brought home a dozen tamales to cook tonight.

My grandson has been stuck inside all week due to the rain we have been having. My daughter finally let him play outside and he found a mud puddle. He had a great time and played in it for over an hour. Needless to say he got covered in mud. Before they would let him anywhere near the house he was stripped down and marched into the bath.

Muddy Mateo.jpg

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
I intended that as a joke just because so many people associate the instrument with that song and with Tiny Tim. I guess I didn't really think of it as stereotyping, but I suppose it is. Other people have a stereotypical view of the uke, and I played into it.

I do know there are a lot of well known artists who play one at least occasionally, I've seen some jam session videos with some very talented playing, and it is really a much more versatile instrument than most people realize. Available songbooks are filled with music from virtually any genre you can think of. So yes, I know it is not limited to just one popular song.

Kad, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut. I made that joke a few days ago about my parents suggesting I enter foreign service after college, and my rejection of that idea based on my potential to cause a nuclear war.

Not you stereotyping Kad, NOT YOU. I knew you were joking, anticipating what people will say when they see that beautiful uke you bought.

"I intended that as a joke just because so many people associate the instrument with that song and with Tiny Tim."

Yes, I knew that, and it's just sad that this is all people know of the ukelele and its potential as a lovely, small portable stringed instrument, as an addition to a band or for solo playing. I could just picture you taking it to a party, taking it out of its case, and some drunk person saying "play Tiptoe through the Tulips", fully expecting you to sing in falsetto.

I do apologize.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Normally I wouldn't say that, but I know people who cuss like sailors but are still extremely offended by one of the words these ladies use in this song. So just giving fair warning - they use the C word. Bear in mind it is more acceptable in the UK than here, it is used about as casually there as we use the term asshole. And in this song I thought it was quite funny when they got to it.

Rudest Christmas Song .... Ever? - Fascinating Aida

Fascinating Aida and her group are so funny. I have shared this many times (broken link)

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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Kad, I need to learn to keep my mouth shut
No ma'am, and no need to apologize either. I knew you weren't directing the comment at me, but at the same time the moment I made a joke based on a stereotype other people hold, I was in fact engaging in stereotyping myself. I just didn't recognize that fact until you wrote what you did.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Dangnabbit, where is the day going? How did it get to be almost noon? I guess I need to go get some things done before I waste the entire day.

For anyone that was a Seinfeld fan, Happy Festivus.


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Member For 5 Years
God Jimi, I just don't even know how to respond to this. I've been trying to figure out what to say now for the last half hour, and I'm no closer now than I was when I read it.

but at the same time

I'm so glad that it wasn't worse and that you and Jean are both OK, but this really could have turned out badly. PLEASE find a way to get some things off your plate so you can get more downtime. There have to be some community services available.

Maybe this???

Individuals, families and friends interested in learning more about home and community-based services and supports for those ages 60 and over are encouraged to contact the Care Coordination Unit (CCU) in your area (listed to the right) through the Community Care Program (CCP). Once a referral is made a Care Coordinator will make a home visit and assist the participant in determining eligibility for CCP and in developing a person-centered plan of care. CCP core services include homecare aides, adult day services, emergency home response services and automated medication dispensers. In addition to CCP services, the CCU can link older adults to community-based services offered by the local Area Agency on Aging.
ACM Care
809 West Dettweiller Drive
Peoria, IL 61615
Phone: (309) 453-2736
Fax: (309) 694-7974
Central Illinois Agency on Aging, Inc. Mature Solutions Case Coordination Unit
6005 South Adams Street
Bartonville, IL 61607
Phone: (309) 633-0927
Fax: (309) 633-2344

Or This???

Area Agency on Aging
Area Agencies on Aging(AAAs) have the primary task of planning and coordinating services and programs for older people in their respective areas. The AAAs contract with local agencies which provide services to the older people who live in the same community. Services are based on available funding. Contract the AAA listed to the right to see if you are eligible for services.
Central Illinois Area on Aging, Inc.
700 Hamilton Boulevard
Peoria, IL 61603
Phone: (309) 674-2071
Fax: (309) 674-3639
Thank you my friend, we use agency for aging to get our license plates. I have thought about seein if I could get someone to help but with winter and all the flu/sicknesses neither of want anyone new to come in, had that happen when I was real bad once.


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! WAKE UP ! from the MEDIA SPELL !


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good mornin Family :wave:
I hope everyone is havin a great weekend:)

In 1977, shortly before #BingCrosby's death, he teamed up with #DavidBowie to record the duet 'Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy'. It remains one of the greatest festive duets of all time.
Bing said of Bowie that he was a "clean-cut kid and a real fine asset to the show. He sings well, has a great voice and reads lines well."

May be an image of 4 people and text

75 years ago, 1948, Baby Cheech Marin of Cheech and Chong fame patrolling South Central L.A. on a pony.

May be a black-and-white image of 1 person, child and horse


Diamond Contributor
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Normally I wouldn't say that, but I know people who cuss like sailors but are still extremely offended by one of the words these ladies use in this song. So just giving fair warning - they use the C word. Bear in mind it is more acceptable in the UK than here, it is used about as casually there as we use the term asshole. And in this song I thought it was quite funny when they got to it.
What you said about the C word is what I found out about the bitch word across the pond. Interesting how words play out in different areas of the world.

SnapDragon NY

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It is a Uwell Valyrian. It says it has a 510 thread. I don't drip, so that doesn't matter to me. It would just be nice to have it bit skinnier taller like a cig butt. I know weird, lol.
It is worthy of our Ms @SnapDragon NY :)
View attachment 211535

I know I have a bunch of drip tips here, but right now I am so busy with Christmas, baking cookies, wrapping gifts and all the people that are coming on Christmas day. I will go thru them right after Christmas, take some pics and will send them to you free of charge.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Wow!!! The nerve of some people truly amazes me. I only recently discovered Lindsey Sterling, and think from what little I have watched of her she is a talented violin player and dancer, which is a rather unique combination. I just scrolled through some of the comments posted under Santa Baby and saw something she posted in response to comments people made about the video. I don't see the comments she was evidently replying to but I found it truly sad that she felt the need to post this:

"For everyone saying that I've lost who I am as an artist and you miss the old lindsey...just because I sang two songs on a Christmas album and worked really hard to learn some point ballet, doesn't mean I've lost my center. Aside from this and mr. grinch, all my other videos this year have been full instrumental, violin heavy songs and the videos were artistic metaphors with greater meaning... aka, the kind of content I am known for. I put a lot of time thought into making my art entertaining, artistic, and or meaningful. But Sometimes I enjoy trying new things. I strive to keep my content full of variety so I like to try new things. I also seek to uplift, and I really try to be a good role model. Just because I look pretty and dare I say, sexy in a video doesn't mean that I am a "wannabe" "Barbie" "pop star" that has lost her sense of value. I draw the lines that I think are appropriate for me and it is up to you to draw the lines that are appropriate for you. Don't judge me because my line is different than yours. It is never our place to judge others. The way we view others is actually more of a reflection of how we feel about ourselves."

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