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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day before Christmas afternoon Family :wave:
I hope everyone is ready for Christmas and havin a relaxin day;)




Diamond Contributor
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@ The Music Game Family and Friends :inlove:
I just wanted you all to keep on enjoying the Christmas songs without an interruption from a non Christmas song playing Wolfie.
Though, as Kad and Bliss points out, that it usually will go back to the Christmas songs and I should have fun as well. So, I won't worry about interrupting your fun with the non holiday(s) songs.
Love, Peace and Joy....with maybe a little bit of this :vino: :teehee:



Diamond Contributor
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I'm not sure I understood Wolfie's post correctly. Was she saying she wants to get it back "on track" meaning non-Christmas, or that she posted a song compatible with Christmas (winter) so people could get back to that line of music if they wanted to?

I left it alone, kept the "mouth of the south" shut, but if I'd opened my mouth I would have replied, without any bad feelings whatsover, that none of us made a rule that we had to post holiday music, and that Wolfie makes the rules for her thread, so she can nix it anytime.

But I think my final understanding of what @2WhiteWolves was saying, was "as you were".

Or not.

I agree with you it could accidentally swing back to holiday again before December 25 is finished.
No bad feelings....its all good :)
@SirKadly is right ;) :)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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@ The Music Game Family and Friends :inlove:
I just wanted you all to keep on enjoying the Christmas songs without an interruption from a non Christmas song playing Wolfie.
Though, as Kad and Bliss points out, that it usually will go back to the Christmas songs and I should have fun as well. So, I won't worry about interrupting your fun with the non holiday(s) songs.
Love, Peace and Joy....with maybe a little bit of this :vino: :teehee:

I'll skip the wine, gonna pour me some egg nog. The good stuff, not the stuff in the dairy section. :cool:

Just doing a quick fly by, but be back after a bit. Just got home but need to go to the store, too much coffee today (because I was awake too early today) meant that I really needed to stop at home before doing that though.

Lost Forever - Sergio Valentino

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Though, as Kad and Bliss points out, that it usually will go back to the Christmas songs and I should have fun as well. So, I won't worry about interrupting your fun with the non holiday(s) songs.
Love, Peace and Joy....with maybe a little bit of this :vino: :teehee:

Awww, hi there. Kad will have to speak for himself, but basically I was trying to interpret what you wrote, and saying I could hang with your decision either way. In the world outside of VU I sometimes get fed up with the prevailing idea that everybody celebrates Christmas, when in fact not everybody does, but everybody puts up with mediocre department store music, bland TV specials, entire store aisles dedicated to selling the stuff that will become the holiday trash heap, etc. etc.

This is just for you, a broken link to avoid jumping the line. This was never a Christmas song until it was added to a compilation. I always loved the song and the idea "let peace begin with me", and this is the best version ever of the song, IMO:


For anybody who doesn't realize, with a broken link you don't have to copy-paste the first link then the second, and put them together yourself. You can copy the whole two lines together, then paste the whole thing on YT.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I know some, well one of us anyway, will try to translate the lyrics of it
Who would possibly do that? ;)
I do sometimes just listen without trying to figure out what the lyrics mean, but sometimes there is something about the song that makes me just NEED to know. I will say this though, I generally avoid google translate, it is crap when it comes to music, poetry, etc due to the frequent imagery and idiomatic language. Much better even though not always perfect to find an already existing translation for songs.

As for this one, I'll try to be content with the explanation from this interview.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Who would possibly do that? ;)
I do sometimes just listen without trying to figure out what the lyrics mean, but sometimes there is something about the song that makes me just NEED to know. I will say this though, I generally avoid google translate, it is crap when it comes to music, poetry, etc due to the frequent imagery and idiomatic language. Much better even though not always perfect to find an already existing translation for songs.

As for this one, I'll try to be content with the explanation from this interview.

I saw that! I like it because that lets the artists speak for themselves.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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So when I went to the store earlier, I really was looking for eggnog, and of course they didn't have any. So thinking about my previous post, I headed to the "Holiday Spirits" display at the end of the liquor aisle. Grabbed a bottle of the good stuff. Checked out. Loaded my stuff into the car. Thought "Wait a sec, where is the bag with the booze?" Searched all the bags, no sign of the egg nog. Back inside to the checkout lane I went through, nope, didn't leave it there they say. At this point I figured the bagger failed to put it in my cart and that then it wound up in the next customers cart. They checked with customer service, the reply was they'd have to check the cameras, and they couldn't right now. Didn't even say "Give us your info" so they could check later and get back to me. :mad: "I'll just buy another bottle" I grumbled,and did.

Got home, brought my groceries in and started putting stuff away. Yep, two bottles of eggnog.:facepalm: While I wasn't rude, my aggravation had been clearly on display for the cashier, so I hopped back in the car, went back to the store, went in, and apologized to her.:oops:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
So when I went to the store earlier, I really was looking for eggnog, and of course they didn't have any. So thinking about my previous post, I headed to the "Holiday Spirits" display at the end of the liquor aisle. Grabbed a bottle of the good stuff. Checked out. Loaded my stuff into the car. Thought "Wait a sec, where is the bag with the booze?" Searched all the bags, no sign of the egg nog. Back inside to the checkout lane I went through, nope, didn't leave it there they say. At this point I figured the bagger failed to put it in my cart and that then it wound up in the next customers cart. They checked with customer service, the reply was they'd have to check the cameras, and they couldn't right now. Didn't even say "Give us your info" so they could check later and get back to me. :mad: "I'll just buy another bottle" I grumbled,and did.

Got home, brought my groceries in and started putting stuff away. Yep, two bottles of eggnog.:facepalm: While I wasn't rude, my aggravation had been clearly on display for the cashier, so I hopped back in the car, went back to the store, went in, and apologized to her.:oops:
Your outstanding character shined through, this is what of a lot of mankind is missing. If she didn't appreciate you doing this, something is wrong with her. But, I want to say.....Thank You and say this should be your good thing for the day. It was bad than turned into good thing :)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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My G String is drivin' me crazy, maybe it'll be better once it's broken in, but I don't get it. Tune it, perfect G, any fret along that string though gives me a slightly sharp version of the respective note. Makes my Am sound strange with one good A and one slightly sharp A.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Could it just need a string change?
I don't know, I'm new to this whole thing.:teehee:
I wouldn't think so just because it's new, and the Luna came with the strings that some people were recommending. But maybe? I do know that from what I've read and seen in videos, uke strings take time to break in, and until they due they don't hold their tune well. Guessing it's because they are nylon.
I've got an old friend I'm hoping to see this week while she's in town. She used to play the guitar, and was a music major, hoping she might be able to tell me something.

I also just realized, maybe I could have phrased that post a bit better. Someone's going to think I was talking about an entirely different type of G String.:eek:

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