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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

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Good lord, an hour ago I thought everybody had gone to bed. Now that it's midnight here in the East, people show up? Y'all know Santa Kad won't come if you stay up all night, right? ;)

Well, my good thing for today is that the last of holiday socializing was done yesterday with two separate items, my friend's new apartment and lunch with her, and another friend's xmas party last night, so I had nothing to do today, nowhere I had to be, and it felt really good. I cleaned my place a bit and slept a LOT, so now I'm up for a while. Thinking about some hot chocolate.

Santa can take my stuff to someone who needs it. I'll wave and blow him a kiss if I see the reindeer fly by.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Well, I should be going to bed, but I will leave this poem I was writing just before you came back on, even though the first stanza is apparently not accurate.

But no peeking under the tree until morning.:giggle:

'Twas the night before Christmas
And in the Music Game thread
Nobody was stirring
They'd all gone to bed

But I in my flannel shirt
and my sweats
Had been practicing scales
And was taking a rest

I looked at the clock
And after a pause
Knew the time had arrived
To become Kad Clause

I have no caribou
To bring me here
But I have my two cats.
Who needs eight reindeer?

We slipped through the shadows
And up to the tree
You'd think we were ninjas
Unheard and unseen

I laid down the present
And we slipped out of sight
Happy Holidays to all
And to all a good night.


Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
2128 hrs here in Cali, I went to Mass twice today, regular Sunday Mass at 1100 and then Christmas Vigil Mass at 1600, and then to Christmas Eve dinner at my daughter's in-laws. Tamales and pazole, yum!

Though not catholic, I sort of sampled many faiths at the time in my life when going to church with someone was the preferred way of dating. I attended with the Methodists (the church I was brought up in), the Baptists, very often with the Catholics, I even went to a Mormon chapel service once, and a Jewish synagogue service. I went to one of those called "Holy Roller" churches (pentecostal, interesting, to say the least), and there was an Episcopal church within walking distance of my childhood home. There were many others I'm not recalling all at once this moment.

Of all that, what I loved most was midnight mass on Christmas eve. It may sound strange to say it was so romantic, but the candle light, the incense, everybody all dressed up, the joy, the songs, hot chocolate afterwards, the peace and goodwill, all are beautiful memories for me.

Merry Christmas Goph.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well, I should be going to bed, but I will leave this poem I was writing just before you came back on, even though the first stanza is apparently not accurate.

But no peeking under the tree until morning.:giggle:

'Twas the night before Christmas
And in the Music Game thread
Nobody was stirring
They'd all gone to bed

But I in my flannel shirt
and my sweats
Had been practicing scales
And was taking a rest

I looked at the clock
And after a pause
Knew the time had arrived
To become Kad Clause

I have no caribou
To bring me here
But I have my two cats.
Who needs eight reindeer?

We slipped through the shadows
And up to the tree
You'd think we were ninjas
Unheard and unseen

I laid down the present
And we slipped out of sight
Happy Holidays to all
And to all a good night.


Thank you Kad, that's lovely.

Nite nite, and happy holidays to you and your fur babies.


Cranky Old Fart
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Though not catholic, I sort of sampled many faiths at the time in my life when going to church with someone was the preferred way of dating. I attended with the Methodists (the church I was brought up in), the Baptists, very often with the Catholics, I even went to a Mormon chapel service once, and a Jewish synagogue service. I went to one of those called "Holy Roller" churches (pentecostal, interesting, to say the least), and there was an Episcopal church within walking distance of my childhood home. There were many others I'm not recalling all at once this moment.

Of all that, what I loved most was midnight mass on Christmas eve. It may sound strange to say it was so romantic, but the candle light, the incense, everybody all dressed up, the joy, the songs, hot chocolate afterwards, the peace and goodwill, all are beautiful memories for me.

Merry Christmas Goph.
Merry Christmas Bliss!

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Mk, my taste buds were leaping with joy for what came afterwards of a late lunch or early dinner. It was a homemade cinnamon roll, oh my gosh it was so yummy ! Haven't had a homemade cinnamon roll for ages, it was delightfully sinful!

Cinnamon rolls seem to me to have gained tremendously more popularity lately than ever before. We had them among my family's Thanksgiving desserts this year, and they were on the food table at the party I attended last night. You reminded me I have the one I was given to bring home, so I'm going to choose that over the hot chocolate I was thinking of, and reheat it now.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Some of you peeked at your present without waiting for morning, I can tell, I saw the evidence all around the virtual tree when I woke up. Just like impatient children. :)

Not that I would know anything about impatience. Not once in my entire life did I ever try to find out what my presents were ahead of time. Nope, never. I never carefully unwrapped a present, then wrapped it back up trying to get the tape to line up just right so that nobody would notice. Nope. Never did that when I was young. And certainly never did that as an adult, nope, not me. :giggle:


Cranky Old Fart
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Positive thing for the day - I know why I have intonation problems with my uke. The saddle is at least (bearing in mind my eyes aren't exactly calibrated) 2mm too tall. Fixing it is both easy and maybe not so easy. I have to sand down the saddle, sound simple. But I have to make sure I keep the amount I sand it by even from one end to the other, that might be tricky on something that has very little to hold onto. But at least I know what the solution is.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Hi Kad, hi Goph. And everybody.

I hope the day was grand. I wish I could say anymore that xmas with famdamily is fun, but it never is. When our parents were still in this world, we were nicer to each other, out of respect for them. Since my brothers are divorced, and I never married, there are no adult mediators, so it tends to get nasty. I guess I don't need to go into it any further. I'm sure my family, what's left of it, is not unique in that way.

Looks like Jimi hasn't been around today. Hope he and Jean are okay.

Nice to see @VapeOn1960 visited this thread.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Well Kad, I do have a legit excuse. I was smoking a prime rib for both of my daughters and my grand kids. You held the fort well...

Got To Get You Into My Life - The Beatles

I'm loving the prime rib, not the song. But then again, it is a Beatles song, so I guess I can give the song some love too.

Tamales, prime rib, I need to look into starting some new Christmas traditions. Ham seems so boring compared to those.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Love it, now I know it is a conspiracy against their humans :teehee: and I am not crazy :crazy: , well that may still be up in air just don't ask my crazy kitties :teehee:
I've been pretty sure ever since I adopted mine that they actually have some sort of mind control ability. After all, how else can you explain that I decided I was going to adopt a dog, and wound up with two kittens instead?


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I've been pretty sure ever since I adopted mine that they actually have some sort of mind control ability. After all, how else can you explain that I decided I was going to adopt a dog, and wound up with two kittens instead?
Calie had me when she appeared on the front porch small looking cute and hungry. Than she got pregnant and the kitties had me with their cuteness.
She had her babies in a wooden box condo that we built. When ahe took the babies to another spot it freaked me out....EEK. Than on a stormy night she brought two back and left one, that freaked me out even more. I knew where Tangee was, but I didn't know whether to get him or not. So, the decision was, I left him there. After storm passed by she went and got him.
She was really clever about how she moved them both times. She hopped up to railing, jumped onto roof, over to the wood shed, and down to where she hid them and brought them back the same way.
Here is where she had them
There is an upstairs, that's where I put a heated pad and a bed. Insulated it with an unused doggie bed for the winter. She'd go up in there to sleep in it, have a pic I need to find showing her sleeping in it. She was nice warm n cozy throughout winter :) and that was the last winter she spent outside.
But, I have to be honest, I really don't like cats, they scare the crap out of me. But, I do love the ones I have.

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