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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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I was on here earlier, but I didn't want to take you all off the Christmas song roll. However, do want to leave my good for the day. I talked with someone that was very unexpected and it made my day be Terrific !

However, since I'm the only one here now, I'm gonna post :) . It isn't a Christmas song, but hopefully, I left it open to get back on track :)
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Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I was on here earlier, but I didn't want to take you all off the Christmas song roll. However, do want to leave my good for the day. I talked with someone that was very unexpected and it made my day be Terrific !

However, since I'm the only one here now, I'm gonna post :) . It isn't a Christmas song, but hopefully, I left it open to get back on track :)

It will all be over in a couple of days, and like my boss at the old b&m used to say, "only 364 days 'til Christmas".

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Not sure which would be worse to have in your front yard, the one in that song or the one in this cartoon...
View attachment 211565

That reminds me of something I saw many years ago. I tried to find it but I don't think I ever will. I believe it was on a website called and that site is shut down. A video had a mom walking into a room where her little boys were "creating". You don't see mom. You only hear her, sounding extremely befuddled, saying "oooh, airplanes, huh?" Then pans the camera to the big picture window that gives onto the street. On the window are stuck several maxi-pads with "wings".

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
The tamales are made, but we couldn't stay late enough to eat any last night. They take a long time to cook and none got started early enough. We did have pazole though and brought home a dozen tamales to cook tonight.

My grandson has been stuck inside all week due to the rain we have been having. My daughter finally let him play outside and he found a mud puddle. He had a great time and played in it for over an hour. Needless to say he got covered in mud. Before they would let him anywhere near the house he was stripped down and marched into the bath.

View attachment 211556

Those paw prints! Looks like a dogosaurus was there.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I was on here earlier, but I didn't want to take you all off the Christmas song roll. However, do want to leave my good for the day. I talked with someone that was very unexpected and it made my day be Terrific !

However, since I'm the only one here now, I'm gonna post :) . It isn't a Christmas song, but hopefully, I left it open to get back on track :)
Feel free to take it in another direction any time you wish. I don't think anyone will mind if you move the thread away from Christmas songs. Tho I did notice the other day when I tried to go in another direction that it swung right back to Christmas almost immediately. But I for one would rather see you post something you want to post, than see you stay away just to avoid breaking the chain of Christmas songs.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Feel free to take it in another direction any time you wish. I don't think anyone will mind if you move the thread away from Christmas songs. Tho I did notice the other day when I tried to go in another direction that it swung right back to Christmas almost immediately. But I for one would rather see you post something you want to post, than see you stay away just to avoid breaking the chain of Christmas songs.

I'm not sure I understood Wolfie's post correctly. Was she saying she wants to get it back "on track" meaning non-Christmas, or that she posted a song compatible with Christmas (winter) so people could get back to that line of music if they wanted to?

I left it alone, kept the "mouth of the south" shut, but if I'd opened my mouth I would have replied, without any bad feelings whatsover, that none of us made a rule that we had to post holiday music, and that Wolfie makes the rules for her thread, so she can nix it anytime.

But I think my final understanding of what @2WhiteWolves was saying, was "as you were".

Or not.

I agree with you it could accidentally swing back to holiday again before December 25 is finished.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Either you heard a reindeer, or something in your soul wanted to be on VU when it's the slowest it's ever been. 60 seconds to post my last "like" vote.
I was actually in the process of looking at other browsers when you showed up, on the off chance that it was just Chrome. When I came on it gave me cloudflare errors a couple times while liking Wolfie's posts, so I went on a quest to see if changing to something else might work better.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I was actually in the process of looking at other browsers when you showed up, on the off chance that it was just Chrome. When I came on it gave me cloudflare errors a couple times while liking Wolfie's posts, so I went on a quest to see if changing to something else might work better.

Cloudflare is asswipe. I'm doing things in other windows on this same browser, my Epic Privacy browser, and other sites are working just fine and normally.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
I'm not sure I understood Wolfie's post correctly. Was she saying she wants to get it back "on track" meaning non-Christmas, or that she posted a song compatible with Christmas (winter) so people could get back to that line of music if they wanted to?

I left it alone, kept the "mouth of the south" shut, but if I'd opened my mouth I would have replied, without any bad feelings whatsover, that none of us made a rule that we had to post holiday music, and that Wolfie makes the rules for her thread, so she can nix it anytime.

But I think my final understanding of what @2WhiteWolves was saying, was "as you were".

Or not.

I agree with you it could accidentally swing back to holiday again before December 25 is finished.
The way I took it was that she didn't post anything when she was here earlier because she didn't want to interrupt other people's fun, so she waited until everyone was gone to post a non-Christmas song. But she picked one that would let us get back to Christmas if we chose.

I'd rather she go ahead and post, she shouldn't feel like she is interrupting if she chooses to post non-holiday music.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra - John Williams

Word match with group name, because this piece is so so so so goooooood.

Un tabaco para Elegua
-Orquestra Akokan

I know some, well one of us anyway, will try to translate the lyrics of it, which are available online. If you do, ask me for the corrections, because Google Translate cannot handle the hybrid words of the orisha faith, which are derived from Yoruba, some of the words mixed with Spanish. I've read maybe ten books on the Orisha faiths of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, a New Orleans variant, Haiti's very distinct variant (Vodun), and more. It's all a fascinating brew of a very ancient nature based, and community based, religious tradition, which came to this hemisphere with human trafficking (the slave trade).
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