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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cha Cha Slide Dance- DJ Ralphie

This is an experiment. I hope it isn't obnoxious of me to coopt a little piece of this thread for my purpose. I'm editing my previous reply. Everybody can remove their votes if they want to.

When you access anything on Youtube lately you get anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes of ads before the video starts, and then it gets interrupted with more ads. However, when you view a shared video on this thread there are never any ads.

So I'm editing this reply to include my other favorite exercise video next to DJ Ralphi's piece so I can always know I can come right to this page, the day after Christmas 2023, and get either or both of them for exercise without ad waits or interruptions.

I've even once or twice been listening to a YouTube in my big chair, like a history of space aliens or something, when a long infomercial interrupts my vid, and then the video never comes back! Gack, YT is getting worse and worse in terms of use and enjoyment.
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