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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
Havin to do all these appointments again really sucks, just like the song goes, it's the waitin that's the hardest part:rolleyes:
I hope the day is treatin everyone well;)

May be an image of text that says 'w IFABBEY ROAD WAS RELEASED TODAY MARK PAR'

8 years ago we lost a music

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'RIP 1947 1947-2016'


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Good mornin Family :wave:
Mother nature left me a present last night, still stiff from the last one, eyeballin it it only looks like about 3 inches but gotta go deal with it before the real cold comes :( so be back later
I hope everyone is stayin warm and havin a nice warm tea/coffee;)

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'When you come from the era of the Beatles, Pink Floyd, James Brown and Led Zeppelin, it's hard to get excited about Ed Sheeran, Kanye and Justin Beiber''When you come from the era of the Beatles, Pink Floyd, James Brown and Led Zeppelin, it's hard to get excited about Ed Sheeran, Kanye and Justin Beiber'

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'There's something happening here...''There's something happening here...'
Keep warm and safe while shoveling.
Our weather guessers were a bit off, they said the snow wouldn't start until this afternoon, that it would rain most of the day, but it has been snowing since before I woke up.:rolleyes: Wet, so heavy.
And the bitter cold is on it's way.:eek:


Cranky Old Fart
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I had a class for Master Gardener last evening and needed to bring in my laptop for training on the system they use through UC (Univ. CA). Ok fine, I'll just unplug the external drive I use for running Linux and deal with Windows there. I got home and plugged my external drive back in and it would not boot. Argghhh!!! Oh well, I have been contemplating reloading my distro anyway as cruft has been building up on my drive. I downloaded the latest iso of Arco Linux, burned it to a USB stick, and installed it. Luckily I have separate partitions for my home and data folders so I didn't lose anything there. So my good thing is I now have a clean root directory and didn't lose anything! What could have been a disaster turned into a good thing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Good things for the last couple of days...
The first thing is it wasn't freezing cold.:bliss: .
Today is the start of the freezing cold, 13° at the moment, lol and snowing :bliss:
The second, my vehicle has had the same battery since last year and has started every time:bliss:

For todays good thing and this is a major thing!... the water pipes are not frozen :bliss: the guest bathrooms cold side was a bit frozen, though. I hadn't been in that bathroom this morning and didn't know it had gotten down to 12° while sleeping. Went to bed it was 23° woke up and it was 14° . Than 13° hit oh better turn on all the faucets, that's when I discovered the cold side frozen. Turned on the hot, let it run with cold side open, oh thank goodness, cold water started to flow :bliss:
Now, all faucets will be dripping from now till next week sometime.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ HAPPY WINTER ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ :teehee:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Keep warm and safe while shoveling.
Our weather guessers were a bit off, they said the snow wouldn't start until this afternoon, that it would rain most of the day, but it has been snowing since before I woke up.:rolleyes: Wet, so heavy.
And the bitter cold is on it's way.:eek:
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Thank you my friend ;) , I did it in sections and took generous breaks, it started rainin ice after I was out there for about 5 minutes, has rained since but gonna turn to snow again tonight.
The snow here was and weighed a ton, I love my long drive but on days like these not so much.
About the same forecast here, more snow tonight. This is the part of winter that I don't like, this real cold stuff. You be careful too my friend and stay warm.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My good thing for yesterday was while out stopped by goodwill, I do that to watch for exercise equipment, most of it is like new cause when people realize they have to use it for it to work they give it to goodwill, while there I seen a viberation plate that you stand on and the vibes make your lymph system flush out toxins, a good one of those cost hundreds and this is a good one, I got it for 20.00.
My good thing for today is I tried it out and does it ever work good :bliss:
I really needed one of these to help my fight.
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