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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Crossposting this from the Celebrity Deathwatch thread since it is music related.

Chita Rivera Dead - Singer and actress best known for playing Anita in the original West Side Story Broadway run.

Dolores Conchita Figueroa del Rivero Anderson
(1933-01-23)January 23, 1933
Washington, D.C., U.S.
January 30, 2024(2024-01-30) (aged 91)
New York City, U.S.



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I have three days of good things to say. And YES, lol, it's all about the kitties 😸 :teehee:

Two days ago, was standing in the kitchen, the blind was open with the sunshine shining through the window. Tigglee was sitting on the table, I blew out a cloud of vape and it went into the ray of sunlight. Tigglee jumped down trying to, I guess, catch it with his paws. It was so cute and funny. He hasn't done it since that day.

Yesterday, I apparently was a space cadet, sat my snowflakes glass down on the counter top and went to go do something. Heard some commotion on said counter top, walked fast to see what was going on, yup a Tangee looking all innocent sitting there with water spilled onto the floor. The good thing was my glass was not broken :)
I usually sit my glass inside the toaster oven, lol, this way I know it's safe from Chaos (Tangee) Mayhem (Tigglee) and Mischief (Calie) those are the names I should have named them, but I was naive (oh boy was I ever) at the time of naming them, lol.

For today's good thing...... Thank goodness I had my robe, and leggings on underneath my pajamas. Tangee came full speed running at me, leaped onto my leg, climbed up my back and decided to sit down on my back :teehee: 🙃 the little stink pot stayed there for around 10 minutes while I walked around trying to get things done. He's too big now just to sit/lay on my shoulders like he would when he was a kittie :inlove:


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I related with those two videos in so many ways. But, the second, oh boy, it touched the ol' heartstrings when his best friend was lost out wondering around all alone, it brought tears. Than so happy they found each other. Reminded me of when Duke and Emma went out on their adventure. Without the help of others, I don't know if I would have found them.
Then another time, my brother took Duke, Emma, and Taz ( was brothers doggie) to a park in the country, a few to five miles away from where I live.
I was on my way out to meet up with brother and doggies. When I got a phone call, my heart stop beating for a moment, all the doggies got out of a fenced-in baseball diamond. Bro didn't know there was a hole in the fence and that's how all of them got out.
This is one time I did speed to get there quickly. Arrived, saw bro on the other side of the road, got out and ran over there. Yelling out their names, there I see one it was Emma, then Taz and Duke :bliss: I started crying for being so very HAPPY ! Didn't know if we would have ever seen our doggies ever again.

SnapDragon NY

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I have three days of good things to say. And YES, lol, it's all about the kitties 😸 :teehee:

Two days ago, was standing in the kitchen, the blind was open with the sunshine shining through the window. Tigglee was sitting on the table, I blew out a cloud of vape and it went into the ray of sunlight. Tigglee jumped down trying to, I guess, catch it with his paws. It was so cute and funny. He hasn't done it since that day.

Yesterday, I apparently was a space cadet, sat my snowflakes glass down on the counter top and went to go do something. Heard some commotion on said counter top, walked fast to see what was going on, yup a Tangee looking all innocent sitting there with water spilled onto the floor. The good thing was my glass was not broken :)
I usually sit my glass inside the toaster oven, lol, this way I know it's safe from Chaos (Tangee) Mayhem (Tigglee) and Mischief (Calie) those are the names I should have named them, but I was naive (oh boy was I ever) at the time of naming them, lol.

For today's good thing...... Thank goodness I had my robe, and leggings on underneath my pajamas. Tangee came full speed running at me, leaped onto my leg, climbed up my back and decided to sit down on my back :teehee: 🙃 the little stink pot stayed there for around 10 minutes while I walked around trying to get things done. He's too big now just to sit/lay on my shoulders like he would when he was a kittie :inlove:
I thought of you and your kitties when I saw this on FB
Yes those kitties will get into everything, lol!


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Good afternoon Family :wave:


Just feelin worn out today, the closer it gets the more tense.


Hope everyone is havin a great day


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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OK, good thing for today, I got a double Ramones fix. First I got to listen to I Wanna Be Sedated right here before going to work, then on my way home from work the radio station I listen to in the car played the Ramones. Guess what song? Yep, I Wanna Be Sedated. :teehee:

Good thing for yesterday. I came home from work, headed to my computer room, flipped on the light (with the cats following me) and saw a big pile of dirt on the floor, along with the remnants of my spider plant. :gaah::cuss2:
My poor kitties didn't know what to think when I yelled something along the lines of "Which one of you attacked my plant?" I felt kinda bad when they ran off, I think I scared them.:(
The good thing is that both Sea Salt and Saffron still have a home, I didn't throw either of them out.:)

OK, maybe I wasn't actually that quite mad, but I did yell at them (I think that's the first time ever) and they did get scared and they did run off to hide from the crazy hollering human. The actual good thing is they both came back into the room after just a couple of minutes and started rubbing up against me, and I realized they forgave me for scaring them. And I apologized by giving them treats.

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