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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

SnapDragon NY

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I remember one year when I was still rather young, my mom bought me bell bottom jeans for school. Yes, the Bell Bottom Blues are very real.:teehee:

Bell Bottom Blues - Derek & The Dominos
I still wear them!
Yes guys wore bell bottoms too and I thought they were a good look on guys, my husband was wearing them when I met him.


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@Jimi how is Jean doing today? Hugs and prayers
Not very good, when they put the bag in they have a part of her small intestines drainin into the bag, it is held in place by a plastic doll rod about 1/2 bigger than the hole. Well this mornin just before time to leave she said her bag was tryin to leak so I put a new one on for her and while it was "open" I looked it over good and seen the plastic post, which is held in by 1 stitch on each side, had shifted half way out.
So got her all ready and headed to her so called doctors, she had 2 different appts. both had something to do with the bag and neither of them wanted to chance puttin it back so she hasta wait 2 weeks for her surgeon to do it. One of the appointments was with the surgeons nurse. It's just been one nightmare after another. But thank you for asking my friend :hug: and for your hugs and prayers.


Cranky Old Fart
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Been busy today. I have to do a 5 to 10 minute presentation for my Master Gardener class this Saturday. I spent today working on my slide deck for the presentation which is on yellow jackets and social wasps. Believe it or not, both are beneficial as they eat other insects normally. They also aid pollination as they feed on nectar. This is my good thing for today.

I have the grands coming over tomorrow morning since my daughter has a client meeting. This will be my good thing for tomorrow!
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Bliss Doubt

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Been busy today. I have to do a 5 to 10 minute presentation for my Master Gardener class this Saturday. I spent today working on my slide deck for the presentation which is on yellow jackets and social wasps. Believe it or not, both are beneficial as they eat other insects normally. They also aid pollination as they feed on nectar. This is my good thing for today.

I have the grands coming over tomorrow morning since my daughter has a client meeting. This will be my good thing for tomorrow!

I'm glad to know they are teaching this in Master Gardener class. I have written of it often in gardening conversations, including my experience with wasps, how they will not sting you unless they feel threatened by you, so when they're buzzing around your tomatoes, feasting on aphids and coincidentally pollenating the plants, it's your time to go inside and have an iced tea. They only do their work for a little while in the midmorning and again at mid-afternoon. Wasps do something about those army worm infestations that get into pecan trees every few years. I don't remember if they eat the worms or the larvae, or parasitically lay their wasp eggs in the army worm pupae. In any case, they clear up the army worm infestation. I had a Meyer lemon tree that bore so much fruit I couldn't believe it. I'd noticed the wasps all over it, and their nest was only a few feet away from the tree, in a shed.

But people love to fumigate the wasps, be afraid of them,. smoke them out, spray their nests with poisons. Such a shame that this friendly free labor is so reviled.
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Member For 5 Years
Good mornin Family :wave:
Well it's 10:35 here and nothing bad has happened so havin pretty good day here.;)
How are are all my friends here doin today?:huh:

So true

May be an image of 1 person, child, musical instrument, heart and text that says 'Some days there won't be song in your heart. Sing anyways PB'

The Woodstock 69 festival documentary was quite clear in the who what where of Richie Havens' version of this. There are some eronious claims by someone on FB, that they had something to do with the writing of Havens' version. I offered simple corrections to this from fact and that it was based on an old Spiritual. I don't as not going to say anything about this, but the claims by a certain person about this and so much more. I've grown tired of trying to present facts and history. Havens himself explained quite clearly. I know now that like many people they to make claims like this for some reasons, and Its necessary to their needs to help themselves. I'm sorry for someone's pain but it's not my fault. It may have been unnecessary on my part. But it was so prevalent I feel I had to say something. This was not the only claim like this. Oh well
Richie Havens – Freedom (Motherless Child)


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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You and @Jimi are always so polite to say goodbye when you're logging out. I don't always. I do if I've been in a hot ninja plagued game with 2-3 people or more and I'm exhausted.
Actually I don't usually, but when I posted a song last night after I got home, some insomniac ;) posted a song after mine, so in case her insomnia continued I wanted to be sure she knew I was no longer around. Most days I head off to work without saying anything and usually don't before I go to bed. But I don't want anyone left alone if they might think I'm there to play with.

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