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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot


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Diamond Contributor
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Todays,, um well, maybe stupidity, lol. Was going through the tunez :tunez: listening and all the sudden on one of the tunez I couldn't hear anything, same with the next and the next ! Hmm, what the heck, so go to youtube to see if I could hear on there, all was fine, I could hear the videos. Ok, come back here, still couldn't hear anything, refreshed the page, that did not work, grrrr. Looked closer at one of the videos, :teehee: :facepalm: :teehee: The rest of the videos had the sound OFF :teehee: such a duhhhhh :teehee: The good thing....I figured it out and was able to hear the videos again :tldr:

Bliss Doubt

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Gnat suicides

It's early yet, but I have a good thing for today.

When I go outside during the warm months, always a gnat or a fly or two will follow me back in. Then they buzz around annoying me until they're too tired and hungry to live anymore. They do get chances to escape when I go outside again, but they stay inside where they can look for food without getting eaten by a bird. I don't leave food out, so they buzz around my head while I'm eating, but they don't land on my food because I guess they know they could get stuck and die. They want crumbs and spilled drops of water. It's enough to drive you nuts.

When they've gone a few days without food or water, they're ready to die. They land right in front of you and wait for you to strike. This morning one landed on my desk. I grabbed a tissue and smashed him without resistance. An hour later, another one. I think of it as suicide, not murder, because you can see they want to die. They could get away if they didn't want to die. In fact when they're not ready to die, they fly away if they see the tissue coming.

I'm now working in peace, my good thing for today.
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Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Going Up The Country - Canned Heat (Woodstock version)

Woodstock was slightly (only slightly) before I existed but I used to own a documentary on VHS, and for some reason this is the only version of the song I can listen to. The studio recording just doesn't sound right to me. I think the footage in this video might be from that documentary, not positive though.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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This is probably going to sound odd, but what does it mean if I keep smelling perfume this morning? Trust me, there is absolutely no way this scent is coming from inside my home. I'm even almost certain that I can identify the perfume in question, or rather the lady at work that wears it. Very strange.

Bliss Doubt

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This is probably going to sound odd, but what does it mean if I keep smelling perfume this morning? Trust me, there is absolutely no way this scent is coming from inside my home. I'm even almost certain that I can identify the perfume in question, or rather the lady at work that wears it. Very strange.

A component of the scent the lady wears? In a food ingredient or one of your soaps or shower gels or something? Something drifting in from a nearby garden or flowering tree?


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Something drifting in from a nearby garden or flowering tree
I'm going to go with this, even though I don't smell it near the windows. I've also sniffed my clothes, my hands, etc to try to detect it but I haven't started using anything new anyway. It comes and goes, so something blowing on the breeze could make sense, but it seems odd that I'm identifying such a specific scent.

But my other options so far appear to be olfactory hallucination (I guess that isn't impossible but from what I gather the most common reason for those is some sort of sinus issue, cold, flu, sinusitis, etc which I don't have) or clairalience which, even if I believed in it and I'm not certain I do (not sure why I find it easier to believe in the possibility of other psychic abilities than I do that one), seems like it would be unlikely to manifest at my age not to mention it again seems like an odd scent for me to detect if that were the case.

So I'll assume it's a nearby flower of some sort even though I'm not completely satisfied with that answer.


Cranky Old Fart
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Spent yesterday smoking some ribs for a birthday party for 4 of us who's birthdays are close together and then going to the party. The ribs were gone in nothing flat, so now I have to up my production. Now it's a minimum of 4 racks.

One advantage to using a pellet grill is I don't have to stand over them tending the fire, especially on Sunday's throwing church attendance in the midst of the cook.

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