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A Spin Off of Keep a Word/Drop a Word and Music, Pics, and Whatnot

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
I don't remember just the ladies playing the MG, awesome, yes the guys playing is cool too, but for now I am enjoying this time, ladies only!

I'm loving it too, as long as I know everybody is okay and not missing in action. Gopher_byrd always has family events on holidays, Jimi is having fun fishing.

I think maybe Kad got bored with the whole forum. Haven't seen him in a long time on any thread.

SnapDragon NY

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Press Corps
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Bye Wolfie and Bliss- time for me to turn my thoughts to
"what's for dinner" and get started making it, I'm hungry, lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hope Jimi is catching lots of fish.
Well we didn't get to go, one of Jeans sisters called last night and is movin out of her boyfriends house and we are the only family with a truck so instead of kickin back fishin we worked, but family comes before fun. ;) Gonna try again to go this week


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good afternoon Family :wave:
Had a change of plan, had to help SIL move suddenly like, her and her boy friend went south and I am the only one with a truck in the family, really sore and stiff now.:rolleyes:
Wish I'd of been here for all the fun;)
I hope the evenin brings relaxation and fun for everyone:)

May be an image of text

A Whimsical Artlike Version Of
Henrietta, The Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Captured On The Very First Of September Day
Hanging Out In A South Eastern Manitoba Bay
Sadly It Won't Be Very Long Before These Tiny
Emerald Beauties Are On Their Migration Way
Afternoon All, Hope You Are Having A Totally
Awesome And Wonder Filled Holiday Monday
And, Your Whole New Month Is All That Way,
With Absolutly Nothing To Cause You Dismay
May be an image of hummingbird


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