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I am the blue print guy for my construction company, and some the shit the give me to put a bid on for a job are just garbage. Its hard to find a good engineer these days ha ha...I run a dirt work crew and place bids trying to get new work. Sometimes it piles up so much I get close to exploding lol. 75 hours a week gets to you after a while lol
I used to do all the estimates for a sub contractor right outta college. Can confirm the crappy blue prints!


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i don't like when people get mean. makes me want to leave. :(
Whomsoever was mean to you shall be cursed with the fleas of a thousand camels on their genetailia, for you have always seemed like a rather nice person to me and do not deserve that.


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My two new vaping goals...

1. Learn to mix
2. Build my own box mod
Item #1 ain't too bad. It's a great hobby, and is way cheaper than buying premade juice.

Item #2, I wish I knew how to do.


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Head towards South Bend..
So South Bend has always confused me but not enough to try to figure out why a city at the Northern reaches of Indiana would be called "South" Bend... So your post finally pushed me over the edge and down the river.

Learned something today. Thanks ;)


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So South Bend has always confused me but not enough to try to figure out why a city at the Northern reaches of Indiana would be called "South" Bend... So your post finally pushed me over the edge and down the river.

Learned something today. Thanks ;)
LOL! I thought it was pretty obvious :)


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true fact. most of them have never worked in the field one day in there life, but still think the know how shit actually works better than I do...even though I actually work with it EVERY SINGLE DAY
Funny, same thing happens in the computer software field as well... Kept me employed though, so I couldn't complain to much.

I always said that the last thing I ever wanted was for an engineer to make was something that worked perfectly because I'd be out of work. :)


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for you boys!! Actually she is awsome so much muscle control. Now I want a pole looks like a great work out!!
Put her on a stage in Vegas and she'd be a shoe-in for Cirque Du Seliel

And I'd love to see a translated version of the dialog...


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LOL! I thought it was pretty obvious :)
I always figured it was South of something obvious if one looked, just hadn't bothered yet and wasn't sure if it was South of something wet or something dirty ;)


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Is it just me or does anyone else notice that when you are trying to catch up on a couple of pages of posts that sometimes they seem to be out of order and get a bit jumbled if you reply to one mid-stream?


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When you reply and are not on the last page, it will skip to the end. There is a small break with 'There are more posts, view them?' that lets you know.


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Is it just me or does anyone else notice that when you are trying to catch up on a couple of pages of posts that sometimes they seem to be out of order and get a bit jumbled if you reply to one mid-stream?
Yes, and it annoys me.


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When you reply and are not on the last page, it will skip to the end. There is a small break with 'There are more posts, view them?' that lets you know.
I've not noticed that before. Is that only from a browser, or does it show in Tapatalk too?

Just Me

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good night folks
Night my lil fishee


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I am still alive!

All the other medical conditions are severely exaggerating the cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis condition in which is threatening my life, I opt'd out of goin to the hospital since there is nothing that can be done. For roughly 3 or 4 days I was unable to eat food as well but had to passively force myself to eat and not eatin for that long is obviously not healthy and I have food poisoning, can't control that but there are consequences and not pretty so I won't go into details. I will state that I have gone a week without food but still consumed liquids but that was when I was homeless in an actual cave.

I am Medically FUBAR, rarity, oddity, and marvel...I am a rather strong human, I can't deny that.

Not trying/attempting to create a debate here but I am an Atheist and this image pretty much explains my reasoning but not entirely cause there's more to why I am an Atheist...I respect others Religiousness/Spirituality/Faith/the like however.


I still think House should do a show based on someone like me, I will gladly openly share all my medical records with the writers, producers, directors, and actors/actresses.


Beyond Vape has sent me a replacement Silo Lite Tank, should be here Monday if Fedex can find my Top Secret Location...Area 51 ain't got nothin on my location.
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I think Big Foot just released his minions on some other animal cause that was some creepy animal noises...just joking, more like an owl attacking a rabbit or other small animal.

Woop...woop..woop...woop..woop followed by struggling/frantic blood curling screeches than silence...


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When you reply and are not on the last page, it will skip to the end. There is a small break with 'There are more posts, view them?' that lets you know.
I don't see a link or note like that unless I'm in the new alerts page.


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I am still alive!

All the other medical conditions are severely exaggerating the cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis condition in which is threatening my life, I opt'd out of goin to the hospital since there is nothing that can be done. For roughly 3 or 4 days I was unable to eat food as well but had to passively force myself to eat and not eatin for that long is obviously not healthy and I have food poisoning, can't control that but there are consequences and not pretty so I won't go into details. I will state that I have gone a week without food but still consumed liquids but that was when I was homeless in an actual cave.

I am Medically FUBAR, rarity, oddity, and marvel...I am a rather strong human, I can't deny that.

Not trying/attempting to create a debate here but I am an Atheist and this image pretty much explains my reasoning but not entirely cause there's more to why I am an Atheist...I respect others Religiousness/Spirituality/Faith/the like however.


I still think House should do a show based on someone like me, I will gladly openly share all my medical records with the writers, producers, directors, and actors/actresses.


Beyond Vape has sent me a replacement Silo Lite Tank, should be here Monday if Fedex can find my Top Secret Location...Area 51 ain't got nothin on my location.

So I was curious and looked up those conditions and please understand that I'm asking this question in oversimplistic terms and a genuine desire to understand because I didn't see readily apparent explanations of how hive and a sweating disorder can be life threatening. Is there a hydration issue related to kidney issues or something?

Again, because I have so many medical issues myself I understand that my question could easily be taken as patronizing or belittling in a written message but that is not in any way my intention.


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I have seen that link if messages have been posted while I am writing mine, but nothing like it when I am catching up on a thread and posting responses to things with a couple of pages left to read through. In this situation I now refresh the page and frequently the posts are out of order from how I previously read them and are even on different pages than they were before.


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So I was curious and looked up those conditions and please understand that I'm asking this question in oversimplistic terms and a genuine desire to understand because I didn't see readily apparent explanations of how hive and a sweating disorder can be life threatening. Is there a hydration issue related to kidney issues or something?

Again, because I have so many medical issues myself I understand that my question could easily be taken as patronizing or belittling in a written message but that is not in any way my intention.

No worries, I enjoy informing others.

Sweating is one of the ways us Humans regulate our body temp, any complications with your ability to sweat becomes dangerous. Think of a Chimney that hasn't been cleaned for a year, I hope that made sense. I am at high risk of Hypothermia and Hyperthermia due to my inability to completely sweat.

  1. Normal Ability to sweat
  2. Hypohydrosis- Partial inability to sweat (patches or entire body)
  3. Hyperhydrosis- Constant ability to sweat buckets...literally
  4. Anhidrosis- Complete inability to sweat
Crazy huh, 4 different ways a Human can perspire.

Also, sweating cleanses your body of toxins.


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I become rather cold if the temp is below 66 Degrees Fahrenheit, any colder and my entire body begins to shutdown. Any temp above 70 Degrees Fahrenheit, I begin to overheat (throw in medium-excessive humidity...the overheating process speeds up 10 fold). Direct sunlight will cause me to experience the Prickly Heat Sensation (enough to drive majority clinically insane and some have killed themselves from this sensation). Majority of emotions will trigger all of the above (attempting to put my emotions in check 24/7 and it's damn near impossible but I have to try). I am missing some other triggers but when I explain this to some, I get labelled as a Vampire or a Child of the Sun ( but as far as I can tell, I don't suffer from that but I was homeless in Seattle with a man who was diagnosed with it (we were the Homeless Vampires of Seattle).
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Diamond Contributor
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I am still alive!

All the other medical conditions are severely exaggerating the cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis condition in which is threatening my life, I opt'd out of goin to the hospital since there is nothing that can be done. For roughly 3 or 4 days I was unable to eat food as well but had to passively force myself to eat and not eatin for that long is obviously not healthy and I have food poisoning, can't control that but there are consequences and not pretty so I won't go into details. I will state that I have gone a week without food but still consumed liquids but that was when I was homeless in an actual cave.

I am Medically FUBAR, rarity, oddity, and marvel...I am a rather strong human, I can't deny that.

Not trying/attempting to create a debate here but I am an Atheist and this image pretty much explains my reasoning but not entirely cause there's more to why I am an Atheist...I respect others Religiousness/Spirituality/Faith/the like however.


I still think House should do a show based on someone like me, I will gladly openly share all my medical records with the writers, producers, directors, and actors/actresses.


Beyond Vape has sent me a replacement Silo Lite Tank, should be here Monday if Fedex can find my Top Secret Location...Area 51 ain't got nothin on my location.
Glad you checked in Trip, I was wondering and worried!!

Good morning Crew!!


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No worries, I enjoy informing others.

Sweating is one of the ways us Humans regulate our body temp, any complications with your ability to sweat becomes dangerous. Think of a Chimney that hasn't been cleaned for a year, I hope that made sense. I am at high risk of Hypothermia and Hyperthermia due to my inability to completely sweat.

  1. Normal Ability to sweat
  2. Hypohydrosis- Partial inability to sweat (patches or entire body)
  3. Hyperhydrosis- Constant ability to sweat buckets...literally
  4. Anhidrosis- Complete inability to sweat
Crazy huh, 4 different ways a Human can perspire.

Also, sweating cleanses your body of toxins.
Thanks for the explanation. So many of us have issues here, some we can relate to and others we can't. It easy to empathize with someone who suffers from an ailment but my OCD won't let me do that without understanding the impact to some degree.

Frequently people don't understand why I prefer to be alone even though I communicate to what they see as excess and without effort. What they don't understand is that it is truly an effort for me to talk to them face to face, and really frustrating when they don't grasp what I see as the obvious nuances and complications of a situation. This made me an very successful systems engineer and caused me to be in great demand no matter how much I rubbed people the wrong way.

That being said I understand that my lack of need for contact with others is not common and can be extremely difficult for people who have a desire to be in the company of others.

Hopefully you find enough to satisfy your needs on-line and at night on days when you can venture out.

And thanks again for helping me understand the impact that something like this has on your life.

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