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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What the hell is going on around here? Ebola flavored juice and @Whiskey has become a tyrannical mod like classwife (;)) ? Somebody has been picking on Kelli? Ace is still missing? (He must've contracted something in Vegas). Man.. I miss out on all of fun.

Just Me

Platinum Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
What the hell is going on around here? Ebola flavored juice and @Whiskey has become a tyrannical mod like classwife (;)) ? Somebody has been picking on Kelli? Ace is still missing? (He must've contracted something in Vegas). Man.. I miss out on all of fun.
nope @Whiskey is still a sweetheart as usual and @Ace has been kidnapped


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Just checked all posts there, None were deleted by us , which means she herself deleted those
The point here is that @kelli was apparently admonsihed to a level that compelled her to delete her own content, which I find disappointing.

So what are you selling here inmyimage ?

Is there not a third option ?
The only third option that I could see to a statement that either she deleted the content or the content was deleted by a mod, is the remote possibility that the ebola virus has turned her into a zombie, taken control of her actions and thus ebola deteled her posts... or the 4th option that an alien simply did it...

Or did I misunderstand the point you were trying to make?

I don't know, because this is the first I heard all this happened, I was busy pissing off someone by removing a dilldo video:cool::D
You did NOT delete a DILDO video. You deleted a link to a MUSIC video posted publicly on YOUTUBE. I'm sorry, but if an adult is offended by a couple of dildo's being in a music video, then they should check themselves into a nunery.

How long does the Edit button stay up?
Based on my previous questions about the same issue, forever. Which in my opinion is a mistake. It is all to easy for someone to go back and edit their content to twist what someone else appeared to be saying or hide what they said.

If a person feels the need to retract a comment that they have made, including a moderator like @SMOKIE, then they should do so publicly. If nothing else it will serve as a reminder to others, or in the case of the thread that was supposedly deleted by @SMOKIE, would quickly quash a rumor, misleading or fake story thereby helping others not get caught up in the same sort of hysteria and fear-mongering that he seems to be wrapped up in...

@ the rest of you folks, I'm too lazy to name you all individually. But I wubs you guys and gals very much too.
Even @InMyImage ;) And I still think you're being a dick lately. Not that it bothers me in the slightest bit. I just think it's funny. So come on, admit it, you're being a dick.[/USER]
Honestly don't think I'm being a dick (or a censored dildo) in any, although I admit that I've poked someone recently who chose to use absolutes without thinking... oh and I'm standing up to and voice my opinions to a moderator or two.

That being said, I will state my Asperger's Syndrome does cause me to have issues reading social situations and also has an impact on the level of restraint or enthusiasm that I exercise on topics that are important to me.

----- Began Main Rant -----

If the moderation team, which includes @Whiskey, @UncleRJ, @SMOKIE, @VaporJoes, @TygerTyger, @TowerOfVape, @5150sick, @Countrypami, @cigarbabe, @LucidiousRage, @VapinChevy, et. al. collectively decides that new rules need to be implemented, then they should all be aware of them, be on the same page (even if begrudgingly) and update the rules thread so that people know that there have been new restrictions place on the community as a whole.

I'm a person who lives by rules. I believe that rules are put in place for a reason and even if I don't necessarily agree with all of them here or elsewhere, at least I can live within the confines of them (except speed limits which I openly admit to generally exceeding by 5 mph) or have the opportunity to voice my concerns/opinions regarding them. I loathe the abuse of power when individuals in authority start to force their own sense of morality on others contrary to the established rules (or lack thereof) of a community.

So yes @Whiskey, I'm a bit irritated that you took it upon yourself to delete a link hosted on a website with reasonable TOS regarding acceptable content, for a music video that is at best R rated if not PG-13. It's silly and indicates that you may be a prude, which based on comments regarding a moderator over on ECF is detested here not only by the community members, but quite likely by @VaporJoes himself.

Just to find out the opinion of others and to see if a link with full advance disclosure is permissible, I am going to post a link without any images appearing here or the ability to accidentally click it, to a music video by the band King Missile called "Detachable Penis".

*** WARNING *** The music video linked to below this contains open references to a man's penis and it's abilility to be detached. It includes statements that said penis could be rented out, lost or in other ways be used for purposes that it was not designed for.

***** SECOND WARNING ***** The music video linked to below contains clear images of dildos multiple times. This includes a strap-on dildo that is worn over the pants of the user and includes gestures and actions that demonstrate a compatible dildo being "installed" onto the harness required for it's use.

If this content is something that you are worried about your child seeing, or a co-worker seeing, even though it is unrestricted and available to any user who can access YouTube, including minors without any restrictions placed on said video by YouTube, then you might want to view it later in a setting where an adult would be comfortable, or at agreeing see a dildo.

********** Disclaimer ********** This video indicates that it is "uncensored" but does not depict or show any nudity of any kind. MTV exercised their discretion and chose not to show this version on their network.

Copying and pasting, or right clicking and selecting the option to open the link in a new tab or window will result in the video for the song "Detachable Penis" by King Missile being shown on your computer screen/monitor:

Enoy or don't, but exercise your freedom to do so as an adult over the age of 18 who could see similar content by watching an R rated movie, if not a PG-13 rated movie.


Just Me

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
The point here is that @kelli was apparently admonsihed to a level that compelled her to delete her own content, which I find disappointing.

The only third option that I could see to a statement that either she deleted the content or the content was deleted by a mod, is the remote possibility that the ebola virus has turned her into a zombie, taken control of her actions and thus ebola deteled her posts... or the 4th option that an alien simply did it...

Or did I misunderstand the point you were trying to make?

You did NOT delete a DILDO video. You deleted a link to a MUSIC video posted publicly on YOUTUBE. I'm sorry, but if an adult is offended by a couple of dildo's being in a music video, then they should check themselves into a nunery.

Based on my previous questions about the same issue, forever. Which in my opinion is a mistake. It is all to easy for someone to go back and edit their content to twist what someone else appeared to be saying or hide what they said.

If a person feels the need to retract a comment that they have made, including a moderator like @SMOKIE, then they should do so publicly. If nothing else it will serve as a reminder to others, or in the case of the thread that was supposedly deleted by @SMOKIE, would quickly quash a rumor, misleading or fake story thereby helping others not get caught up in the same sort of hysteria and fear-mongering that he seems to be wrapped up in...

Honestly don't think I'm being a dick (or a censored dildo) in any, although I admit that I've poked someone recently who chose to use absolutes without thinking... oh and I'm standing up to and voice my opinions to a moderator or two.

That being said, I will state my Asperger's Syndrome does cause me to have issues reading social situations and also has an impact on the level of restraint or enthusiasm that I exercise on topics that are important to me.

----- Began Main Rant -----

If the moderation team, which includes @Whiskey, @UncleRJ, @SMOKIE, @VaporJoes, @TygerTyger, @TowerOfVape, @5150sick, @Countrypami, @cigarbabe, @LucidiousRage, @VapinChevy, et. al. collectively decides that new rules need to be implemented, then they should all be aware of them, be on the same page (even if begrudgingly) and update the rules thread so that people know that there have been new restrictions place on the community as a whole.

I'm a person who lives by rules. I believe that rules are put in place for a reason and even if I don't necessarily agree with all of them here or elsewhere, at least I can live within the confines of them (except speed limits which I openly admit to generally exceeding by 5 mph) or have the opportunity to voice my concerns/opinions regarding them. I loathe the abuse of power when individuals in authority start to force their own sense of morality on others contrary to the established rules (or lack thereof) of a community.

So yes @Whiskey, I'm a bit irritated that you took it upon yourself to delete a link hosted on a website with reasonable TOS regarding acceptable content, for a music video that is at best R rated if not PG-13. It's silly and indicates that you may be a prude, which based on comments regarding a moderator over on ECF is detested here not only by the community members, but quite likely by @VaporJoes himself.

Just to find out the opinion of others and to see if a link with full advance disclosure is permissible, I am going to post a link without any images appearing here or the ability to accidentally click it, to a music video by the band King Missile called "Detachable Penis".

*** WARNING *** The music video linked to below this contains open references to a man's penis and it's abilility to be detached. It includes statements that said penis could be rented out, lost or in other ways be used for purposes that it was not designed for.

***** SECOND WARNING ***** The music video linked to below contains clear images of dildos multiple times. This includes a strap-on dildo that is worn over the pants of the user and includes gestures and actions that demonstrate a compatible dildo being "installed" onto the harness required for it's use.

If this content is something that you are worried about your child seeing, or a co-worker seeing, even though it is unrestricted and available to any user who can access YouTube, including minors without any restrictions placed on said video by YouTube, then you might want to view it later in a setting where an adult would be comfortable, or at agreeing see a dildo.

********** Disclaimer ********** This video indicates that it is "uncensored" but does not depict or show any nudity of any kind. MTV exercised their discretion and chose not to show this version on their network.

Copying and pasting, or right clicking and selecting the option to open the link in a new tab or window will result in the video for the song "Detachable Penis" by King Missile being shown on your computer screen/monitor:

Enoy or don't, but exercise your freedom to do so as an adult over the age of 18 who could see similar content by watching an R rated movie, if not a PG-13 rated movie.

Hmmmm why do I only see Blah Blah Blah????

Just Me

Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Muhahahaha that's fucking classic! I forgot about that, but I do remember lol'ing when I watched that episode.

So did I see in a preview that he gets back in Jax's good graces? or was that just me?
back and gone again have you not been watching??


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The point here is that @kelli was apparently admonsihed to a level that compelled her to delete her own content, which I find disappointing.

The only third option that I could see to a statement that either she deleted the content or the content was deleted by a mod, is the remote possibility that the ebola virus has turned her into a zombie, taken control of her actions and thus ebola deteled her posts... or the 4th option that an alien simply did it...

Or did I misunderstand the point you were trying to make?

You did NOT delete a DILDO video. You deleted a link to a MUSIC video posted publicly on YOUTUBE. I'm sorry, but if an adult is offended by a couple of dildo's being in a music video, then they should check themselves into a nunery.

Based on my previous questions about the same issue, forever. Which in my opinion is a mistake. It is all to easy for someone to go back and edit their content to twist what someone else appeared to be saying or hide what they said.

If a person feels the need to retract a comment that they have made, including a moderator like @SMOKIE, then they should do so publicly. If nothing else it will serve as a reminder to others, or in the case of the thread that was supposedly deleted by @SMOKIE, would quickly quash a rumor, misleading or fake story thereby helping others not get caught up in the same sort of hysteria and fear-mongering that he seems to be wrapped up in...

Honestly don't think I'm being a dick (or a censored dildo) in any, although I admit that I've poked someone recently who chose to use absolutes without thinking... oh and I'm standing up to and voice my opinions to a moderator or two.

That being said, I will state my Asperger's Syndrome does cause me to have issues reading social situations and also has an impact on the level of restraint or enthusiasm that I exercise on topics that are important to me.

----- Began Main Rant -----

If the moderation team, which includes @Whiskey, @UncleRJ, @SMOKIE, @VaporJoes, @TygerTyger, @TowerOfVape, @5150sick, @Countrypami, @cigarbabe, @LucidiousRage, @VapinChevy, et. al. collectively decides that new rules need to be implemented, then they should all be aware of them, be on the same page (even if begrudgingly) and update the rules thread so that people know that there have been new restrictions place on the community as a whole.

I'm a person who lives by rules. I believe that rules are put in place for a reason and even if I don't necessarily agree with all of them here or elsewhere, at least I can live within the confines of them (except speed limits which I openly admit to generally exceeding by 5 mph) or have the opportunity to voice my concerns/opinions regarding them. I loathe the abuse of power when individuals in authority start to force their own sense of morality on others contrary to the established rules (or lack thereof) of a community.

So yes @Whiskey, I'm a bit irritated that you took it upon yourself to delete a link hosted on a website with reasonable TOS regarding acceptable content, for a music video that is at best R rated if not PG-13. It's silly and indicates that you may be a prude, which based on comments regarding a moderator over on ECF is detested here not only by the community members, but quite likely by @VaporJoes himself.

Just to find out the opinion of others and to see if a link with full advance disclosure is permissible, I am going to post a link without any images appearing here or the ability to accidentally click it, to a music video by the band King Missile called "Detachable Penis".

*** WARNING *** The music video linked to below this contains open references to a man's penis and it's abilility to be detached. It includes statements that said penis could be rented out, lost or in other ways be used for purposes that it was not designed for.

***** SECOND WARNING ***** The music video linked to below contains clear images of dildos multiple times. This includes a strap-on dildo that is worn over the pants of the user and includes gestures and actions that demonstrate a compatible dildo being "installed" onto the harness required for it's use.

If this content is something that you are worried about your child seeing, or a co-worker seeing, even though it is unrestricted and available to any user who can access YouTube, including minors without any restrictions placed on said video by YouTube, then you might want to view it later in a setting where an adult would be comfortable, or at agreeing see a dildo.

********** Disclaimer ********** This video indicates that it is "uncensored" but does not depict or show any nudity of any kind. MTV exercised their discretion and chose not to show this version on their network.

Copying and pasting, or right clicking and selecting the option to open the link in a new tab or window will result in the video for the song "Detachable Penis" by King Missile being shown on your computer screen/monitor:

Enoy or don't, but exercise your freedom to do so as an adult over the age of 18 who could see similar content by watching an R rated movie, if not a PG-13 rated movie.



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Based on my previous questions about the same issue, forever. Which in my opinion is a mistake. It is all to easy for someone to go back and edit their content to twist what someone else appeared to be saying or hide what they said.

Even @InMyImage ;) And I still think you're being a kitten lately. Not that it bothers me in the slightest bit. I just think it's cuddly. So come on, admit it, you're being elated.
I'm a dick :D


Silver Contributor
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Muhahahaha that's fucking classic! I forgot about that, but I do remember lol'ing when I watched that episode.

So did I see in a preview that he gets back in Jax's good graces? or was that just me?

Haven't caught up on my episodes yet!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years

I haven't been in this thread for a while. But hey, as Fishee suggested, you are quite the Dick aren't you?

Third option smartass... ..She deleted the posts of her own free will......who knows why. You certainly don't.

Could be she didn't like what she said, could be she is just messing with everyone on this thread and just sitting back laughing at us all ( I like that scenario )

But you jumped the gun and according to you, it MUST be the Mods that did it or the Mods pressured her to do it. No other scenario, because your always right apparantly.

Understand now what I mean by the third option?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Gold Contributor
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Member For 3 Years

I haven't been in this thread for a while. But hey, as Fishee suggested, you are quite the Dick aren't you?

Third option smartass... ..She deleted the posts of her own free will......who knows why. You certainly don't.

Could be she didn't like what she said, could be she is just messing with everyone on this thread and just sitting back laughing at us all ( I like that scenario )

But you jumped the gun and according to you, it MUST be the Mods that did it or the Mods pressured her to do it. No other scenario, because your always right apparantly.

Understand now what I mean by the third option?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe she forgot to take her meds today


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
lol nope that was your highly vivid imagination
Perhaps a MOD removed it from the entire Internet.
Because I can't find it any where. Which is odd because in my never ending search for madness I have come across that same image several times and now I can't find it no matter how bizzare my search is.

There is only one logical explanation. And that is one of our beloved VU moderators has removed it from the World Wide Web.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Perhaps a MOD removed it from the entire Internet.
Because I can't find it any where. Which is odd because in my never ending search for madness I have come across that same image several times and now I can't find it no matter how bizzare my search is.

There is only one logical explanation. And that is one of our beloved VU moderators has removed it from the World Wide Web.
I did ,,,,I tell you I cannot lie.......beat me now, NOW DAMNED IT!!!!!!!:D


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and you will quickly see that @kelli was either strongly encouraged to delete her content, or a moderator deleted the content for her.

Third option smartass... ..She deleted the posts of her own free will......who knows why. You certainly don't.
Okay, I guess that I can see how "encourage" might be misconstruted to mean forced.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Perhaps a MOD removed it from the entire Internet.
Because I can't find it any where. Which is odd because in my never ending search for madness I have come across that same image several times and now I can't find it no matter how bizzare my search is.

There is only one logical explanation. And that is one of our beloved VU moderators has removed it from the World Wide Web.

I'm pretty sure this would be your nipple thief...The_Nipple_Man.jpg

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