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Just Me

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I knew I liked you!!!


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Well I'm gonna go see my big homie and have dinner at his place.
Catch up with y'all later.
Vape safe and always beware of spontaneous dicks
I'm pretty sure this would be your nipple thief...View attachment 7584
Kinky girls!
Whips and switches!
Leather and lace!
And a bunch of freaky looking nipples all on one guy!
I can't leave now. Gonna have to cancel dinner and hang around here for at least another 30 seconds.


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ECF Refugee
I does seem that in various sub forums and threads, that the mods and admin are taking some piss from the populace. I'm not certain what the deal is...perhaps some are thinking that this is ECF, and not the "Anti-ECF" that it truly is. Even in the best possible scenarios, not every decision will be taken joyously by all...but for the average person....SHIT HERE IS JUST DANDY!

Just Me

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Well I'm gonna go see my big homie and have dinner at his place.
Catch up with y'all later.
Vape safe and always beware of spontaneous dicks

Kinky girls!
Whips and switches!
Leather and lace!
And a bunch of freaky looking nipples all on one guy!
I can't leave now. Gonna have to cancel dinner and hang around here for at least another 30 seconds.


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Sorry, I just find it hypocricritcal that some people here would bash someone for calling a mod or two on something that they have complained about or agreed on as being irritating when done by mods over at ECF.

I've never been a member over at ECF simply because when looking for info on vaping, I found the atmosphere over here to be more in line with my tastes and interests.

The good news (at least for me) is that even if I might get irritated by people occaisionally, I generally don't care much about what people think of me or say in the moment. I get over it, and just join back in.


Vapid Vapetress
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Maybe she forgot to take her meds today

i didn't forget but they don't always work. i am responsible for my deleted posts. someone made me feel badly about my pics in the halloween thread, and i was ashamed of the way i reacted in the ebola thread. so i deleted the posts. no reason for anyone else to be upset, especially with each other.


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i didn't forget but they don't always work. i am responsible for my deleted posts. someone made me feel badly about my pics in the halloween thread, and i was ashamed of the way i reacted in the ebola thread. so i deleted the posts. no reason for anyone else to be upset, especially with each other.
Know that we are your friends and ADORE YOU. It can be expected that as such, some of us would be quite up in arms if it were felt that you were treated unfairly. There was a great deal of speculation and I should imagine a certain degree of "flashbacks" from those that migrated from ECF and remember painfully how things were handled there. I am quite certain that this will clear the air, and we can all resume our regularly scheduled programming! *MAHOOSIVE SMOOCH!*


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Damn it rats the second chili post this I really have to make mine
Made my "Tears of the Sun" true to Texas Chili tonight. Chased the wife out of the kitchen when I started to fry the Serrano's in oil with garlic.


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i didn't forget but they don't always work. i am responsible for my deleted posts. someone made me feel badly about my pics in the halloween thread, and i was ashamed of the way i reacted in the ebola thread. so i deleted the posts. no reason for anyone else to be upset, especially with each other.
But, but, but why'd ya go and kidnap @Ace and lock him in the trunk of your car? His cell signal is REALLY bad cooped up in there, and he needs pop tarts!



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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i didn't forget but they don't always work. i am responsible for my deleted posts. someone made me feel badly about my pics in the halloween thread, and i was ashamed of the way i reacted in the ebola thread. so i deleted the posts. no reason for anyone else to be upset, especially with each other.
I kinda liked the Halloween pics, showed a mischievous side of Kelli.


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Know that we are your friends and ADORE YOU. It can be expected that as such, some of us would be quite up in arms if it were felt that you were treated unfairly. There was a great deal of speculation and I should imagine a certain degree of "flashbacks" from those that migrated from ECF and remember painfully how things were handled there. I am quite certain that this will clear the air, and we can all resume our regularly scheduled programming! *MAHOOSIVE SMOOCH!*
Welcome back I hope


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i didn't forget but they don't always work. i am responsible for my deleted posts. someone made me feel badly about my pics in the halloween thread, and i was ashamed of the way i reacted in the ebola thread. so i deleted the posts. no reason for anyone else to be upset, especially with each other.
But your pics were half the reason I went to the halloween thread:D
I was never upset, but did miss you alot.


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Well...on an unrelated topic...I signed up for another fight for next month!!! I was suspended for sixty days for my cut in my last one and now this fight takes place like 63 days from my last one...

Edit: shit 53 days...I'll just get a release then lol...still fighting


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That is illegal, whether in the lease or not.. 24hrs notice must be given. He can knock on the door and ask, but he is not allowed inside unless its an emergency. If he is there for repairs and you decide he cant do it that day, he must leave. If there is damage being done to the property, he can go to the Judge and ask for immediate recourse for entry and/or your removal. Then the police/sheriff's do the 'dirty work'. If he suspects you are doing something illegal, he must involve the police to do a search if you dont agree to one yourself. There are rules for being a landlord (I am one).

It's hard to talk with my bro about this since he is in college and always with his gf...I will inform either way and been trying.

What you landlord has done is most likely illegal and you have ways to prevent this from happening again in the future:

State Laws on Landlord’s Access to Rental Property

How to Stop Your Landlord's Illegal Entry


MissouriNo statute

That sucks!


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I just gave my younger brother my brand new MVP2 , a Kayfun clone and mixed him up a nice bottle of e-liquid. He wants to quit smoking after 21 years.
I had him sign up on VU also. I'm pretty excited to see him wanting to quit the nasty cigarettes and for hm to be here with all the rest of us.
@Anchoviefish is my little brother. He's pretty fuckin rad!
Congrats! I'm working on my sister-in-laws. One is called Alleyfish or fishsticks. The other is Bunty.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Here is one I have always liked.....

Chips, Dips, Chains and Whips!


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Well...on an unrelated topic...I signed up for another fight for next month!!! I was suspended for sixty days for my cut in my last one and now this fight takes place like 63 days from my last one...

Edit: shit 53 days...I'll just get a release then lol...still fighting
You got suspended for a cut? What happened?


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Glad that you are back @kelli now feel free to catch up on that backlog of your halloween photos, I doubt anybody on this thread will be offended... okay well maybe one or two people will... but post 'em anyway ;)

And with all the chili and farting talk, I guess I should fess up to having made a big batch of chili a couple of days ago and been eating left overs for a couple of days now :D



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Ya'll are killing me. After you add your spices and vinegar to your chili, if you do, add a teaspoon or two of baking soda and stir until it stops bubbling. Cuts down on your methane gas and you'll help save the ozone layer.


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Ya'll are killing me. After you add your spices and vinegar to your chili, if you do, add a teaspoon or two of baking soda and stir until it stops bubbling. Cuts down on your methane gas and you'll help save the ozone layer.
Bur, but, but .......... I LOVE to manufacture methane.


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i didn't forget but they don't always work. i am responsible for my deleted posts. someone made me feel badly about my pics in the halloween thread, and i was ashamed of the way i reacted in the ebola thread. so i deleted the posts. no reason for anyone else to be upset, especially with each other.


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Poor mans snack...

  1. Potato
  2. Rinse it
  3. Wrap it up in a paper towel
  4. Wet the paper towel
  5. Toss it in the nuker
  6. Enjoy
  7. Lmfao


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Morning bitches!
Going to the airport around noon!
Wish me luck, my goal is to get BUMPED! I love free travel vouchers. In fact, this trip was paid for with one! :D


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I freaking love this damn song it's so catchy

And whenever anyone says they're sick of it, I get really sad for them because I figure they are just an extremely fucking miserable person with absolutely no joy within them.

If I ever get sick of this song, I hope someone just kills me.


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And whenever anyone says they're sick of it, I get really sad for them because I figure they are just an extremely fucking miserable person with absolutely no joy within them.

If I ever get sick of this song, I hope someone just kills me.
Exactly how can listening to that song not make you at least smile a little lol


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