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Just Me

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I am vaping at work as well gotta love that my one boss and the other ones wife both vape>


Vaping at work



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ECF Refugee
There's always The Butthole Surfers, The Cramps and The Circle Jerks.

However, best song ever is "Detachable Penis" by King Missile
Revolting Cocks

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So tired of my job. The manager can leave after three hours anytime he wants, the boys can work on their trucks all day on the clock, but I can't take 15 seconds to watch a movie preview. Grrr


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I don't know I didn't watch it so I don't even know what happens

Just Me

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So tired of my job. The manager can leave after three hours anytime he wants, the boys can work on their trucks all day on the clock, but I can't take 15 seconds to watch a movie preview. Grrr
you can come work with me, I am playing on the pc ordering shoes sweaters and vape stuff and giving my old boss shit.


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I can't...I may be a fighter but I can't handle those things...movies are fine and when I fight is fine...but real life videos I can't watch...if I saw something bad like that in real life I'd venture to say I would be whooping some ass

Just Me

Platinum Contributor
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I can't...I may be a fighter but I can't handle those things...movies are fine and when I fight is fine...but real life videos I can't watch...if I saw something bad like that in real life I'd venture to say I would be whooping some ass
Its a prank, I am sitting here like ya i would have run him over or hit him with something when in reality I probably would run screaming lol


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ECF Refugee
you can come work with me, I am playing on the pc ordering shoes sweaters and vape stuff and giving my old boss shit.
I am retired, just saying.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Vapid Vapetress
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hi, i've been lurking. haven't had anything worthwhile to say and got admonished for some of my posts, so hiding for awhile. thanks for thinking of me tho. hugs


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hi, i've been lurking. haven't had anything worthwhile to say and got admonished for some of my posts, so hiding for awhile. thanks for thinking of me tho. hugs
Hurry back


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Nope, never consented entry at anytime...


LESSOR, MANAGING AGENT, or AUTHORIZED AGENT shall, with prior written notice, gain entry to PREMISES to perform maintenance, repairs, or inspections by law. In the event that LESSOR or MANAGEMENT AGENT determines an emergency condition exists, immediate entry shall be gained to correct the emergency condition and notice of such entry shall be given to LESSEE(s).

That is all the lease states.
What you landlord has done is most likely illegal and you have ways to prevent this from happening again in the future:

State Laws on Landlord’s Access to Rental Property

How to Stop Your Landlord's Illegal Entry


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hi, i've been lurking. haven't had anything worthwhile to say and got admonished for some of my posts, so hiding for awhile. thanks for thinking of me tho. hugs
Are you finding out about new unposted rules created by the mod team like I am?


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hi, i've been lurking. haven't had anything worthwhile to say and got admonished for some of my posts, so hiding for awhile. thanks for thinking of me tho. hugs
Or did the pile of mods in the ebola thread just not like the fact that you nailed a certain irrational mod to a cross?


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Jayzus H. F---in' C .... a bunch of @kelli 's posts in that Ebola thread just got flat out deleted?

I mean ... seriously?

Not even an explanation to back up the deletions?!

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