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This is why I have reservations about being in a relationship with a woman who vapes. It's bad enough that there is a history of my hoodies and dress shirts being nicked!!!
Oooh, the thought of a woman in the morning wearing nothing but one of my long sleeve dress shirts... mmm...


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Fishee, I knew that you had issues... but now I know that you one sick individual and that there most likely is no hope for you.

Fuck that, I like Mondays too!
Then again, I work 7 days a week so "Monday" doesn't mean to me what it means to most I suppose.
Also there's some weird unexplained phenomena, but customers are WAY nicer on Mondays than Fridays!!!!! As much as everyone goes on and on about how Friday rules and Monday sucks, how can that one be explained?


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M3rm wants dat ebola



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Ugh, vacuuming sucks.

Just vac'd the whole Apt.and somehow filled 3 hoppers full of dirt/hair/fur using my 'ol Bissel Pet Hair Eraser.
(I'd saved that from the trash a few years ago and fixed it, it just needed some TLC and a new $15 upper cyclone part.)

IDK how me and the Tiki generate so damn much detritus...SMH..
Plus, I don't have the extension tube or attachments, so I gotta do half of the detail stuff on hands and knees. On the plus side, I found a 15ml bottle of ECX Captain DIY juice I'd lost months!

1. vac the giant carpet
2. terrify the kitteh
3. I'm tired and sore
4. the carpet wins?

Miller time....
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Heh, nice.

Except, I don't want to think about laundry. I don't have laundry facilities here, or a car, so that kinda gets backed up.

Same! I'm bringing laundry to Texas 'cos it's literally easier for me to take it halfway across the country than get to a laundromat somehow.
Cross-country laundry, that's how I roll!

Just Me

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Has anyone else noticed fasttech has been shipping faster!! only took 7 days I am impressed


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I ordered a bunch of tips, a few out of stock ones, they haven't shipped yet. I placed order on the 4th


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Has anyone else noticed fasttech has been shipping faster!! only took 7 days I am impressed
Lucky, I ordered from them last Sunday and it still hasn't even shipped out yet, even though everything was showing in stock.


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Lol I have never bought anything online...which is probably why I'm so limited


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I would say that about 75% of my purchases are online anymore. I spend all day in ministry, and there comes a point of saturation where I just do not want to deal with people anymore for the day.
Is there such a thing as Webcam confessional? :D


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Would be a bit hard to receive the Sacramental Blessing over the 'net. I get people all the time wanting to make me their Confessor, but I remind them time and time again that I am not ordained, and as such, cannot administer the Sacraments......I can do pretty much everything else tho.


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Would be a bit hard to receive the Sacramental Blessing over the 'net. I get people all the time wanting to make me their Confessor, but I remind them time and time again that I am not ordained, and as such, cannot administer the Sacraments......I can do pretty much everything else tho.
Well then what good are ya ha ha


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Heh, nice.

Except, I don't want to think about laundry. I don't have laundry facilities here, or a car, so that kinda gets backed up.
When I was a dirt poor college student, I used to wash my clothes in a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet plunger (only used for washing!), soap first, then rinse, then hang up dripping from a clothes line I rigged on the small balcony of the apt I shared with 4 guys. Mind you that was when I owned 3 pair of jeans and 5 shirts, hoodies.


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Six inch tuna sub from Subway was a good call!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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I thank you for your vote of confidence, but I am severely flawed.
That is one of my secrets to staying single. Despicable past, my faith, celibacy, depleted self esteem. All guaranteed to keep the ladies away! Lol

Thou doth protest too much....

Me, I'm A SOAB whose enjoying a footy and consuming much Mac Naughton's whiskey + eggnog...and I'm not apologetic about being single.
It's safer for me on that.

Some people just shouldn't be around people. ;-)

My dream is a nice acre or two of land with an organic garden, a few sheep, a lot of cats, a nice big German Shepard, a breeding pair of goats, maybe a chicken or three. And no humans for miles.

Or, me and a couple of animals in the Far north...I'm Canadian and most of that country is just wasted land...
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Thou doth protest too much....

Me, I'm A SOAB whose enjoying a footy and consuming much Mac Naughton's whiskey + eggnog...and I'm not apologetic about being single.
It's safer for me on that.

Some people just shouldn't be around people. ;-)

My dream is a nice acre or two of land with an organic garden, a few sheep, a lot of cats, a nice big German Shepard, a breeding pair of goats, maybe a chicken or three. And no humans for miles.
Oh I'm not protesting at all! My singleness is the source of my safety and sense of balance. The items I mentioned are components of my "Self Preservation Strategy" God will send me the one that I am supposed to be with, IF and when the time is right. In the we were taught in the early 70's...DUCK AND COVER!!


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Thou doth protest too much....

Me, I'm A SOAB whose enjoying a footy and consuming much Mac Naughton's whiskey + eggnog...and I'm not apologetic about being single.
It's safer for me on that.

Some people just shouldn't be around people. ;-)

My dream is a nice acre or two of land with an organic garden, a few sheep, a lot of cats, a nice big German Shepard, a breeding pair of goats, maybe a chicken or three. And no humans for miles.

Or, me and a couple of animals in the Far north...I'm Canadian and most of that country is just wasted land...
That sounds perfect...minus the animals...not able to care for them, but the rest is idyllic. Wee two bedroom log home with adjacent tiny building for a chapel. Preferably quite forested.


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Oh I'm not protesting at all! My singleness is the source of my safety and sense of balance. The items I mentioned are components of my "Self Preservation Strategy" God will send me the one that I am supposed to be with, IF and when the time is right. In the we were taught in the early 70's...DUCK AND COVER!!

Ah, so true. Except, I was raised next to a SAC base...we weren't gonna live. Still wouldn't now, Fairchild is too important and I'm only 18mi away..

I hear ya though mate, after I spent a considerable time behind bars because of a relationship...never again. No, I've never struck a woman in my life.

I've done all the sex things; had most all of the adventures a young man could think of and many most could not. I'm good.

I'm jealous that you were in the military, I tried in 1993...even with an IQ of 142 and ASVAB in the 90% percentile range, I couldn't.

Because my eyes were too bad for MEPS. I was packed and ready to go at 7AM, got the call at 7:30.
If I'd been in the USN in Germany doing SIGINT/CyOp as I should have been, who knows how history may have changed.


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Indeed...all of my past relationships....including two failed marriages....began horizontally. No surprise that because of that, not a one of them succeeded for any length of time. I'm just so bloody tired of the process. If I should ever do it again....there WILL BE a proper courtship first...and if it goes beyond that, it had better be a marriage that lasts until my dying day, which could be at any time with the disease I have...but still. Ok, enough of my utter nonsense...TOPIC CHANGE!!!


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Indeed...all of my past relationships....including two failed marriages....began horizontally. No surprise that because of that, not a one of them succeeded for any length of time. I'm just so bloody tired of the process. If I should ever do it again....there WILL BE a proper courtship first...and if it goes beyond that, it had better be a marriage that lasts until my dying day, which could be at any time with the disease I have...but still. Ok, enough of my utter nonsense...TOPIC CHANGE!!!

Eh, thank you and good on ye mate. ;-)
I was sheltered as a child, so naturally, I thought this was real....

Part of me still does.

It's not nonsense and you know it.
I keep the ideal of love alive with my cherished cat; I love her and she loves me. A symbiotic relationship. No matter the day, when the lights go out at night, she comes and sleeps with me.
We 'talk' all day long in "cat"..I know her vocal inflections and mannerisms.

Has been since the day she was pulled from the snow in -10F weather.

The only human flaw in it is me, and she lets me know when I'm not being a nice human. ;-)
Right now, she's still pissed because of the

But, if I turn off all the lights, 30sec and she'll in here leaping over the covers to be near me and get belly rubz.

A female human, just can't stack up to that.

Yes, I know and trust animals better than I do humans. And, they usually instinctively trust me.
Even wild ones will come up to me and lick my hand..drove my dad crazy as a

It's my Druidic blood..I feel nature, energies and living things in ways I can't explain.

In summary: I'm not normal. I don't expect normal for a life anymore.
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Eh, thank you and good on ye mate. ;-)
I was sheltered as a child, so naturally, I thought this was real....

Part of me still does.

It's not nonsense and you know it.
I keep the ideal of love alive with my cherished cat; I love her and she loves me. A symbiotic relationship. No matter the day, when the lights go out at night, she comes and sleeps with me.
We 'talk' all day long in "cat"..I know her vocal inflections and mannerisms.

Has been since the day she was pulled from the snow in -10F weather.

The only human flaw in it is me, and she lets me know when I'm not being a nice human. ;-)
Right now, she's still pissed because of the

But, if I turn off all the lights, 30sec and she'll in here leaping over the covers to be near me and get belly rubz.

A female human, just can't stack up to that.
Yes, I know and trust animals better than I do humans. And, they usually instinctively trust me.
Even wild ones will come up to me and lick my hand..drove my dad crazy as a

In summary: I'm not normal. I don't expect normal for a life anymore.
Oh poor kitty! So glad you rescued her!


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Oh poor kitty! So glad you rescued her!

I hadn't had a cat in a decade after my last feline passed and wasn't looking for one, but we were meant to be. A late-night phone call from a friend who wanted me over for BBQ and BTW, we have a cat you might want...or she goes to the pound in the morning...

I knew the second I saw her I'd take her home. She did too..she followed me around all night..pirouetted like a prairie dog at my feet...that is how she got her name..she looked like a Tiki statue. ;)

She isn't just a cat, she is MY cat. And, I am her human. My familiar, if you will.

We are partners until death.
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