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@Franciscan, this pic made me think of you.

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.
I think I remember him from one of my retreats....looks like a Capuchin Friar


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I've always been a cat guy. I think we have compatible personalities since neither of really need people but we sure like to cuddle with one every now and again ;)

I don't currently have one of "my own" right now, but my daughter headed off for college and her's has adopted me during the week when she is not home... completely ignores me when she is though.


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I've always been a cat guy. I think we have compatible personalities since neither of really need people but we sure like to cuddle with one every now and again ;)

I don't currently have one of "my own" right now, but my daughter headed off for college and her's has adopted me during the week when she is not home... completely ignores me when she is though.
I like my women like I like my cats........Aloof and independent......affectionate on occasion. BIN THE COMMENTS ON CRAPPING IN A BOX!


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I like my women like I like my cats........Aloof and independent......affectionate on occasion. BIN THE COMMENTS ON CRAPPING IN A BOX!

Yeah, I love that Tiki is Independent.
I feed her, etc. and she lets me know when she wants something FOR SURE.
But, we both want luvvzz. She wants me to affirm her with pets and pats, and talking. I want to know that when I go to sleep, I have a furry kitty to curl up. We have a ritual of her curling around like a dog, and stuff then she lays down and FLOPS. Then, I rub her belly and we go to sleep.

Sometimes, I don't.

Winter months, she cuddles more for simple's OK. Sometimes, she bitches at me for NOT going to bed when she wants to...I find that reasonable too.

She's a cat, I accept that. She doesn't do shit for no reason. ;-)


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Yeah, I love that Tiki is Independent.
I feed her, etc. and she lets me know when she wants something FOR SURE.
But, we both want luvvzz. She wants me to affirm her with pets and pats, and talking. I want to know that when I go to sleep, I have a furry kitty to curl up.

Sometimes, I don't. Winter months, she cuddles more for simple's OK. Sometimes, she bitches at me for NOT going to bed when she wants to...I find that reasonable too.

She's a cat, I accept that. ;-)
See...more women need to be cut from that cloth! (couldnae resist)


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Would that be a crushed velvet? ;-)

( I knew a lez punk rock bank yrs ago called Velvet name ever)
Sir if you think that is the best name ever...look up dick delicious and the tasty testicles


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There's always The Butthole Surfers, The Cramps and The Circle Jerks.

However, best song ever is "Detachable Penis" by King Missile
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I checked on that a while ago before I took down a sandy vagina, with admin, those types of images are a no-go


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Well... I guess it was only a matter of time before the morality police were going to show up and start censoring PG-13 and R rated content.

Should probably start adding numbers to the rules and making sure that everything that has been decided by modertors behind "closed doors" is made public so that we can get in line.


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According to the landlord "Use of e-cigs aren't allowed cause the smoke damages property."


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I like my women like I like my cats........Aloof and independent......affectionate on occasion.
IME, that's pretty rare for a man. Unless they're just FBs (and I don't mean facebook :p). Pretty much gave up on them anyway but I do miss a good hug. Anyway....

Good morning every one! Why is it that I cut myself more in the kitchen than I do in the shop? Cans are freaking evil.


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I will continue vaping inside till the landlord threatens/evicts us, I will love to see the landlords evidence of said damages from an e-cig and to prove that the landlord is making unannounced inspections. Landlords don't like me cause I stand up for my right as a renter.


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According to the landlord "Use of e-cigs aren't allowed cause the smoke damages property."

Well then, it's fortunate that they'll have no way to prove you vape inside.


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I will inform the landlord that what comes out of e-cigs is identical to taking a hot shower...I'm mad as hell!


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Well then, it's fortunate that they'll have no way to prove you vape inside.

I guess he came over a couple days ago completely unannounced while I was sleeping to fix our dishwater but he saw clouds and my "e-cig paraphernalia."

Didn't even inform my bro and continues to not inform us of when he will come by.


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I guess he came over a couple days ago completely unannounced while I was sleeping to fix our dishwater but he saw clouds and my "e-cig paraphernalia."

Didn't even inform my bro and continues to not inform us of when he will come by.
Who walks into anyone's place without announcing???? Holy crap!! Lock your door???


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Interesting, not a single notion in the lease about e-cigs and or even smoke...VOIDED and I carry on with vaping!


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He abused his rights to have them and obtain access unless you consented to allow entry at any time he feels like it

Nope, never consented entry at anytime...


LESSOR, MANAGING AGENT, or AUTHORIZED AGENT shall, with prior written notice, gain entry to PREMISES to perform maintenance, repairs, or inspections by law. In the event that LESSOR or MANAGEMENT AGENT determines an emergency condition exists, immediate entry shall be gained to correct the emergency condition and notice of such entry shall be given to LESSEE(s).

That is all the lease states.


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Nope, never consented entry at anytime...


LESSOR, MANAGING AGENT, or AUTHORIZED AGENT shall, with prior written notice, gain entry to PREMISES to perform maintenance, repairs, or inspections by law. In the event that LESSOR or MANAGEMENT AGENT determines an emergency condition exists, immediate entry shall be gained to correct the emergency condition and notice of such entry shall be given to LESSEE(s).

That is all the lease states.
And clearly proves he did it illegally

Just Me

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Well I am in the office til 11 today then I have to run my oldest to Loyola for Plasmapheresis which takes 4 hours then back to the office to make up for lost time fun

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