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Alternate Universe


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Sorry I didn't update! I'm in TX, gotta really nice buzz, it's way past my bedtime in 2 different timezones, and I vaped on the PLANE HAHAHAHA w00t! GOODNIGHT!



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Oh, and @Botboy141 is another person who has been posting a lot of recipes lately. He is working on producing his own retail line and I assume that a lot of these are not what he plans to include in that line, but some of them look pretty tasty anyway.
A couple are or are at least very close. Details bout my line in 'Sales and Promotions' sub. Not linking as I don't want to be 'that' guy ;-).

And hello to everyone that I don't know!


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I HATE when people make 'Official' trailers with bits of other movies.. Battleship alien as Ultron? Really?

I saw a Hunger Games 3 'trailer' the other night that had Battle Los Angeles and Tron in it... sigh.

I fixed mouse and vision failed me. lol!


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Went to bed at 3:30, lol.
PM? Damn i hate it when I can't remember swaths of my day grrr... I could have sworn you just posted that you were going to bed maybe an hour or two ago!


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PM? Damn i hate it when I can't remember swaths of my day grrr... I could have sworn you just posted that you were going to bed maybe an hour or two ago!

Correct, pm. I have short/long term memory complications plus some other memory're not alone.


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Correct, pm. I have short/long term memory complications plus some other memory're not alone.
Tends to make life go by fast though. Keeps me from getting bored because I can't remember that I've been sitting around for hours/days on end :)


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An animal is either injured or being hunted outside my house, weird noises again plus something hit the house and it sounded like a deer...I don't know what is up but I'm stayin inside...

G'mornin folks!


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Morning Cherry, how'd it go yesterday, any closer to a different treatment for you ?


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Other than that they put me on anti inflammatory which I've already tried lyrica which I've already tried and refilled my ultram which I've been taking for years


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As I suspected and there's not much they're going to be able to do for the pelvic pain because they're not a pelvic pain specialist :(


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I hope they (the medicine) can reach my ovaries... But if it only works on the back pain, I guess that's better than nothing

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