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Vapid Vapetress
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Night night @Just Me and I love you very much!:)

@Thunderball thanks buddy I'm honored. I don't think I've ever been in someone's black book before.;)

@kelli hello beautiful lady!:cool:

fishee, thank you for being so sweet in the other thread. you're a very special guy.


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My turn, have a good night crew:)



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New mod!!!! Dovpo emec
Hey man, I gotz one of those emechs too a while back on a group buy. They do pretty well but only go so high. I noticed that I could get a tad more power by using it in voltage mode, rather than wattage mode.

Let us know how ya like it!


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Thanks, I'll try warming it up a bit next time, especially given that I need to make more this tonight or tomorrow and would be longing for the 12g needles that I hope to see sometime in November...
It won't be as easy to draw as PG, but it'll be better.

And go easy with the nuke, letting it sit for a minute between blasts. I seriously overcooked mine the first time I did it. It wasn't boiling, but it was way too hot to touch :D.


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thanks for putting up with guys are the best.

That's okay, I think had most of the words in that pictured covered while you were lurking ;)


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It won't be as easy to draw as PG, but it'll be better.

And go easy with the nuke, letting it sit for a minute between blasts. I seriously overcooked mine the first time I did it. It wasn't boiling, but it was way too hot to touch :D.
I love the microwave!
my DIY is almost entirely VG and it helps so much for getting the flavoring to mix.


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It won't be as easy to draw as PG, but it'll be better.

And go easy with the nuke, letting it sit for a minute between blasts. I seriously overcooked mine the first time I did it. It wasn't boiling, but it was way too hot to touch :D.
Thanks, I don't have very good luck nuking visous substances so I'll probably just heat up some water and let it sit in the water for a bit before using it. Don't much care about the labe so it won't be a big deal if it comes off.


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Still charging but I certainly hope so
Yeah, that step sucks. I got the ZNA 30 clone I won the day before my batteries arrived and then had to way 6-8 hours for the batteries to charge before I could use one of 'em.

Felt like I was on a date with a girl who was saving herself for marriage... not that there is anything wrong with that since I now have a teenage daughter, but still...


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Hey man, I gotz one of those emechs too a while back on a group buy. They do pretty well but only go so high. I noticed that I could get a tad more power by using it in voltage mode, rather than wattage mode.

Let us know how ya like it!
The guy that runs my shop said that I can get it upgraded to a 50 watt bored I think...I'll have to ask about the details on that


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Yeah, that step sucks. I got the ZNA 30 clone I won the day before my batteries arrived and then had to way 6-8 hours for the batteries to charge before I could use one of 'em.

Felt like I was on a date with a girl who was saving herself for marriage... not that there is anything wrong with that since I now have a teenage daughter, but still...
My fiancé made me sell my e-lvt before I was allowed to get it ha ha


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30 but it can be upgraded...two 18650s as far as that goes
That's cool and the upgrade option is awesome too.
Before I went to mechs I had an MVP2 but it only goes to 11 watts. So I've never used any regulated device that goes above 11.
I would like to get a 100 watt mod eventually.
But I'm pretty darn happy with mechs.


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Yep, I agree with you highlighting the "him" portion when quoting me. I didn't put the general neutral "them" because women don't generally do these things... actually I can't think of a single instances (beyond the last couple of years that I can't really remember anything) where a women has done something like this other than actual terrorism in Europe.

They save that sort of stuff for their husbands right? (he says ducking)
I agree. Most women aren't cool with blowing up children, regardless of their religious/fundamental values.


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Yeah, that step sucks. I got the ZNA 30 clone I won the day before my batteries arrived and then had to way 6-8 hours for the batteries to charge before I could use one of 'em.

Felt like I was on a date with a girl who was saving herself for marriage... not that there is anything wrong with that since I now have a teenage daughter, but still...
Ahaha suddenly you change your tune when your daughter hits puberty! ;p


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Yeah it's fall which means my antidepressants aren't going to help one bit. Wish I could fly south with the birds
Fortunately I'm not bothered by the cold and actually sort of enjoy the winter since moving from CA to IN. It's probably because there are fewer people out in public...


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Lol nah she treats me good

She just suggested that I sell my E-lvt and use the money towards the e mech since it just sits in my cabinet
Man, you are REALLY in trouble if you think she is just suggesting right now... What other kinds of expensive toys do you have? Better go out and enjoy them a bunch right now because they'll be gone soon...

One of the first things my sister in law did after marrying my brother was get him to sell his '76 Corvette Stingray for a more practical car since it could only be driven about 7 or 8 months a year in Michigan. And it was his dream car. Before they got married she loved riding in it, but I don't think they were married for 3 months before the minivan showed up and my brother was trying to justify selling the Vette...


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Man, you are REALLY in trouble if you think she is just suggesting right now... What other kinds of expensive toys do you have? Better go out and enjoy them a bunch right now because they'll be gone soon...

One of the first things my sister in law did after marrying my brother was get him to sell his '76 Corvette Stingray for a more practical car since it could only be driven about 7 or 8 months a year in Michigan. And it was his dream car. Before they got married she loved riding in it, but I don't think they were married for 3 months before the minivan showed up and my brother was trying to justify selling the Vette...
You can't haul around a bunch of kids in a Corvette


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Lol the only other nice toys I have are my guns...but she has even bought me a few of them as they aren't going anywhere!!!
Those tend to be a bit harder to take too...

And I'm not deliberately trying to keep this going, but funny story here... My wife and I purchased a Ruger 9mm together after we got married. I'm not to much of a man to admit that it made me nervous that she was a better shot than me too.

One night a little while after our daughter was born, probably about 2 years after we were married, she wakes me up one night yelling hysterically telling me that we have to sell the gun. All bleary eyed, I of course ask why because she loved it and loved shooting it... well turns out that she had a dream that someone snuck into our house while we were sleeping, found it and then shot us all while we slept.

We both knew that she had some scary deja vu so begrudginly I sold it to the guy across the street. She didn't like him much so it was okay if somebody broke into his house and shot him :)

Fortunately it was a Ruger so we didn't lose much in the sale after kicking in an extra magazine and target rounds.
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Those tend to be a bit harder to take too...

And I'm not deliberately trying to keep this going, but funny story here... My wife and I purchased a Ruger 9mm together after we got married. I'm not to much of a man to admit that it made me nervous that she was a better shot than me too.

One night a little while after our daughter was born, probably about 2 years after we were married, she wakes me up one telling hysterically telling me that we have to sell the guy. All bleary eyed, I of course ask why because she loved it and loved shooting it... well turns out that she had a dream that someone snuck into our house while we were sleeping, found it and then shot us all while we slept.

We both knew that she had some scary deja vu so begrudginly I sold it to the guy across the street. She didn't like him much so it was okay if somebody broke into his house and shot him :)

Fortunately it was a Ruger so we didn't lose much in the sale after kicking in an extra magazine and target rounds.
I currently own 32 guns and about 30k rounds of some other cool shit...I am a bit of a collector


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I currently own 32 guns and about 30k rounds of some other cool shit...I am a bit of a collector
Quite a collection, do you go for the old stuff or the crazy exotic stuff? Or a blend of both?

I always wanted more, but never could afford them until a couple of years after SWMBO's bad dream...


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Quite a collection, do you go for the old stuff or the crazy exotic stuff? Or a blend of both?

I always wanted more, but never could afford them until a couple of years after SWMBO's bad dream...

I'm all about new and functional...however I would love to get my hands on a colt's like the revolver of all revolvers...but it is no longer made

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