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Yeah, I get it... eveyone is chipping in on it and I should expect to get it in the mail in a couple of days right? :rolleyes:

Just Me

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LOL admit it you liked it!!!


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Thank you for the info!!!!
Oh, and @Botboy141 is another person who has been posting a lot of recipes lately. He is working on producing his own retail line and I assume that a lot of these are not what he plans to include in that line, but some of them look pretty tasty anyway.

Forgot to mention that so far I have mainly use the TFA flavors sold by wizardlabs but hear really good things about Flavour Art and Capellas as well. Just be careful on any recipes that you try out, because even though two companies may sell a flavor with the same name, they are not the same and may very well taste completely different or at the least require a slightly different mix percentage.

The good news is that by manipulating the numbers in the calculator if you have already made a start on a new blend, you can tweak the numbers to make a slightly larger batch while changing the percentages of flavorings to dial it in. You might end up with 50mls by the time you are done, but so far everything I have made is vapable and I don't have any regrets.



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Yep, I agree with you highlighting the "him" portion when quoting me. I didn't put the general neutral "them" because women don't generally do these things... actually I can't think of a single instances (beyond the last couple of years that I can't really remember anything) where a women has done something like this other than actual terrorism in Europe.

They save that sort of stuff for their husbands right? (he says ducking)

Just Me

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Yep, I agree with you highlighting the "him" portion when quoting me. I didn't put the general neutral "them" because women don't generally do these things... actually I can't think of a single instances (beyond the last couple of years that I can't really remember anything) where a women has done something like this other than actual terrorism in Europe.

They save that sort of stuff for their husbands right? (he says ducking)
You can't escape a swift kick to the nuts by ducking just sayin


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BTW @Whiskey sorry that I got a bit bent out of shape about that other issue and hope you were able to shrug it off okay. I know that I can get a bit, vehement when I don't agree with something and unfortunately that can get a bit overpowering at times... but I don't mean anything personal and apologize if that mask posted earlier would fit perfectly...

I still stand behind the gist of what I said, but not necessarily the intensity and tenacity of it...


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For more convience, I bought the syringes in 1ml, 3ml, 5ml, and 10ml sizes. And because 15g is bit small for the VG (works but takes a bit of effort), I bought some 12ml blunt needles for less than $3.00 but I didn't know that they are coming on a slow boat from China and won't be here for a couple of weeks :(

Fwiw, I've found that warming the VG in the microwave just a little bit will help thin it and makes things a little easier. I have mine in a wide mouth glass jar; 10 seconds or less is all it takes.


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That's a very awesome picture.
It looks familiar.
I would like to touch his skin flaps hanging from the jowls
Funny, I saw the picture and just assumed you posted it without even looking until you just replied to it!


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Oh good lord, I'm trying to eat dinner here!!!!

Dammit, just lost my appetite.


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Fwiw, I've found that warming the VG in the microwave just a little bit will help thin it and makes things a little easier. I have mine in a wide mouth glass jar; 10 seconds or less is all it takes.
Thanks, I'll try warming it up a bit next time, especially given that I need to make more this tonight or tomorrow and would be longing for the 12g needles that I hope to see sometime in November...


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Fwiw, I've found that warming the VG in the microwave just a little bit will help thin it and makes things a little easier. I have mine in a wide mouth glass jar; 10 seconds or less is all it takes.
You and me both :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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anytime, I was looking for something, saw that and thought of you for some reason

Just Me

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That's what the steel cup is for :D
Steel toe boots and a upper cut to the jaw LOl yes I am evil can not help my mean streak thos for some reason people think its cute o_O. But mostly I am light hearted don't let shit get me down "Let go let God" is kinda my attitiude, I get mad for like 5 min but that is 5 min of hell LOL


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BTW @Whiskey sorry that I got a bit bent out of shape about that other issue and hope you were able to shrug it off okay. I know that I can get a bit, vehement when I don't agree with something and unfortunately that can get a bit overpowering at times... but I don't mean anything personal and apologize if that mask posted earlier would fit perfectly...

I still stand behind the gist of what I said, but not necessarily the intensity and tenacity of it...
Ditto Bro, I can't stay mad at anyone for very long, unless they touch my mods....giggle. Its all good


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Fuck off ... don't need to be reading this shite with a short time left before dinner
I was eating the kind of noodle soup that has the nice big twisty egg noodles.
It was very yummy.
That and a hamburger patty. Beef from one of the cows from my farm. mmm mmm mmm!!!
Crawdad sounds good right now for some reason though.

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