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Alternate Universe

Roger Schaeffer

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I am going to be in a alternate universe today Trying a 3 hr shift at a Turkey processing plant. If I take the job It will be 1 -1/2 day a week and less 1 shift a week at the county recycling center. I did this job 7 yrs ago 3 1/2 day a week and developed a very sore right wrist. I bought a good wrist brace.


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how you doing, IMI? i'll pass on the rest of the stuff that happens to you, but i can get jealous of 6-7 hours of deep sleep!
3 TIMES in 24 hours! I'm feeling really good today ;)


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If I disappear, don't call 911 or laptops MoBo has been slightly catching on fire.

G'mornin and G'night folks!

Roger Schaeffer

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Ever Had a Really Bad weekend with company

Just Me

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let's hope you have a good day and you get to have the the longest its ever been, before you take them!
I hate taking meds of any kind, lately with the weather it been harder not to take them, my DR keeps yelling at me to take them BEFORE it get so bad I wanna scream. I am a lil stubborn. Thanks for that, you have a great day and an even better weekend!!


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Ever Had a Really Bad weekend with company
Yes, every time my sister-in-law visits. I cringe everytime she talks to her kids and punishes them for no reason whatsoever. I'm sad everytime I get them birthday and X-mas presents because I go that extra mile to try to find something that their age group really loves and that matches their interests, and I know that they are only gonna be able to play with for a few hours before she takes it away and then only lets them have it for a couple of hours a week after that.


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lol I am teasing you, i like going on lil sleep it just makes my days more productive.
Yeah, I know what you mean about that, I used to manage a QA team for a software company and during release time I'd work like a 120 hours per week to get everything tested that the developers dumped on us last minute so that we could make the publicly announced release dates.

I still remember my VP coming into my office one morning as saying "Is that a sleeping bag in the corner?"

Just Me

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Yes, every time my sister-in-law visits. I cringe everytime she talks to her kids and punishes them for no reason whatsoever. I'm sad everytime I get them birthday and X-mas presents because I go that extra mile to try to find something that their age group really loves and that matches their interests, and I know that they are only gonna be able to play with for a few hours before she takes it away and then only lets them have it for a couple of hours a week after that.
I would so slap the piss out her!

Just Me

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Yeah, I know what you mean about that, I used to manage a QA team for a software company and during release time I'd work like a 120 hours per week to get everything tested that the developers dumped on us last minute so that we could make the publicly announced release dates.

I still remember my VP coming into my office one morning as saying "Is that a sleeping bag in the corner?"
My normal week is about 65 hours I do bring work home a lot but my hubby gets upset says they don't pay me enough to work like I do, maybe he is right but I love my job not many people can say that, plus I get all my house work done so whats the problem??


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I hate taking meds of any kind, lately with the weather it been harder not to take them, my DR keeps yelling at me to take them BEFORE it get so bad I wanna scream. I am a lil stubborn. Thanks for that, you have a great day and an even better weekend!!

i have meds i have to take, because of my heart. with the exception of the statins, which appear to be so harmful, they aren't worth taking, i am pretty good on taking them. nothing for pain, though. my blood is so messed up, and most pain meds will "bind you up", that i can't take them anyways. i dehydrate almost instantaneously, and when my blood gets poisoned, i'm in pure hell. i'd rather have the regular pain. at least most of it is in my legs. a headache is much too close "home", and can be debilitating.

in my case, thank heavens for that little green plant! i don't use 'till dark, but its rare if i don't. unfortunately, it is smoking. which i quit, except for that. unfortunately, it's bad for my heart, but i try not to worry about that until morning.

and i hope your weekend is great, as well!

Just Me

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I take mine immediately upon waking up so I can get out ta bed :(
Im sorry hun, :( I use to but i have this stupid I can beat the pain attitude a 1 month supply usually last me close to 3 months, its the fibermalgia that gets me more the the herniated discs cause when that flares up it hurts to wear cloths! other then that I am good I work out, eat healthy and my DR says I am fit as a 25 yr old so


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I would so slap the piss out her!
Trust me it's hard not to. Things are so bad between her and mother that my parents have actually disowned my brother and are in the process of trying to figure out the best way to write him out of their wills in a way that will prevent them from contesting anything in court.
It's actually been quite a pain dealing with them now, because they don't understand that they can't just leave stuff in my son's name because everything has to go into a special kind of trust fund in order not to impact his future medicaid and SSI benefits because of his autism.
Dealing with family is a PIA sometimes.


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Im sorry hun, :( I use to but i have this stupid I can beat the pain attitude a 1 month supply usually last me close to 3 months, its the fibermalgia that gets me more the the herniated discs cause when that flares up it hurts to wear cloths! other then that I am good I work out, eat healthy and my DR says I am fit as a 25 yr old so

not to go into one of my long, rambling posts, but i have that as well. did you know that the symptoms for fluoride poisoning are very, very similar to fibromyalgia? i have found that removing fluoride from your water and food has a huge impact on your level of pain. i still have massive, sometimes excruciating, pain in my legs, but according to my mom, her father had the same thing.

i try to eat organic, as much as humanly possible, and i only drink or cook with water that has gone through my royal berkey, with the special fluoride filters. for all but my leg pain, the difference is near miraculous.

Just Me

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i have meds i have to take, because of my heart. with the exception of the statins, which appear to be so harmful, they aren't worth taking, i am pretty good on taking them. nothing for pain, though. my blood is so messed up, and most pain meds will "bind you up", that i can't take them anyways. i dehydrate almost instantaneously, and when my blood gets poisoned, i'm in pure hell. i'd rather have the regular pain. at least most of it is in my legs. a headache is much too close "home", and can be debilitating.

in my case, thank heavens for that little green plant! i don't use 'till dark, but its rare if i don't. unfortunately, it is smoking. which i quit, except for that. unfortunately, it's bad for my heart, but i try not to worry about that until morning.

and i hope your weekend is great, as well!
Sorry, I think if it was meds that would help me live a little longer I would have no problems taking them. As for the green plant really do not have a clue why it hasn't been legalized I know people with cancer who swear by it

Just Me

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not to go into one of my long, rambling posts, but i have that as well. did you know that the symptoms for fluoride poisoning are very, very similar to fibromyalgia? i have found that removing fluoride from your water and food has a huge impact on your level of pain. i still have massive, sometimes excruciating, pain in my legs, but according to my mom, her father had the same thing.

i try to eat organic, as much as humanly possible, and i only drink or cook with water that has gone through my royal berkey, with the special fluoride filters. for all but my leg pain, the difference is near miraculous.
Cool thx so much!! I have a garden so all my veggies are organic I try to get organic when I can but it can get costly when you have a house full of boys lol


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Sorry, I think if it was meds that would help me live a little longer I would have no problems taking them. As for the green plant really do not have a clue why it hasn't been legalized I know people with cancer who swear by it

my doc told me that i needed a pacemaker to survive. i gave my usual, "fuck that", just on general principals. then he explained how they insert it and put a, what i call, garage door opener, and sew it into your chest.

there is no way that i could mentally cope with that! so he stuck a few more stents in my heart. the bright side is that got my disability!

Just Me

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Trust me it's hard not to. Things are so bad between her and mother that my parents have actually disowned my brother and are in the process of trying to figure out the best way to write him out of their wills in a way that will prevent them from contesting anything in court.
It's actually been quite a pain dealing with them now, because they don't understand that they can't just leave stuff in my son's name because everything has to go into a special kind of trust fund in order not to impact his future medicaid and SSI benefits because of his autism.
Dealing with family is a PIA sometimes.
LOL wanna trade??? There is 7 of us we are all close but put us in one room LOL Holy hell breaks out.


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Cool thx so much!! I have a garden so all my veggies are organic I try to get organic when I can but it can get costly when you have a house full of boys lol

right, but you can be careful of which veggies you buy. lettuce and cucumbers are mostly water, therefore, they are, or can be, loaded with fluoride.
remember that livestock is fed the same crap, in most cases.

i just moved to Albuquerque and the price of organics is pretty high. but i plan on making meals based around lentils and amaranth. grass fed, organic meats will help too, though also expensive. just remember that what is happening to you, could end up happening to your boys. perhaps a nice farmers market, or even a farm that is away from city limits, where most fluoridation is done, can save you money over organics.

(most lactose intolerance and problems with gluten, are also mimicked by monsanto's roundup pest products)

another thing that is recommended, is putting a chlorine filter on your showers. your body can absorb up to 6 cups of water, while showering. removing these nasty chemicals from your system can only help.


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AMC and fx playing horror movies = yay

Actual movies they are playing = boooo

yeah seems like they play the same lame movies over and over. they must get them cheap. :p


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Sorry, I think if it was meds that would help me live a little longer I would have no problems taking them. As for the green plant really do not have a clue why it hasn't been legalized I know people with cancer who swear by it

the reason it is hard to get it legalized, lays with the Bush clan. they sit on the board of Eli Lilly (name ring a bell?), along with the Quayles. that's where Dan Quayle came from and why Bush senior wouldn't dump him from the ticket. Eli Lilly is the sister company of IG Farben, the inventors of methadone. Eli Lilly holds the patent for methadone in the US. just recently, the formulary for medicaid was recently changed to exclude all but methadone for pain medication. hmmm, go figure!


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No ooooooook my vape shop no longer carries my favorite juice...he said it was discontinued!!!!!!!


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My normal week is about 65 hours I do bring work home a lot but my hubby gets upset says they don't pay me enough to work like I do, maybe he is right but I love my job not many people can say that, plus I get all my house work done so whats the problem??
I understand what your hubby means about working from home. The wife does a ton of work from home too, and I just hate to see her evenings and weekends get gobbled up in work that nobody appreciates her doing anyway. For free, and no comp days off.


Vapid Vapetress
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I understand what your hubby means about working from home. The wife does a ton of work from home too, and I just hate to see her evenings and weekends get gobbled up in work that nobody appreciates her doing anyway. For free, and no comp days off.

unfortunately, it is expected and sometimes necessary to keep one's job. :(


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Time to start looking for a new favorite

what kind of flavor was it....we might be able to steer you toward a suitable replacement. :)


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unfortunately, it is expected and sometimes necessary to keep one's job. :(
I work 70 to 75 hours a week...I get 5 days paid vacation per year (most I have ever taken is one). I don't get breaks or holidays off. I call my boss "dad" lol so I'm in line to take over the company in five years. Gotta do what you gotta do


Vapid Vapetress
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Vapor train. Alaskan pass...I smoked Newport and it was the closest thing I could find

Like a decent mint or menthol kind of

well, i can't help ya there.....never vaped or smoked menthol.....but i am sure someone does and can help you. :)

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