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Alternate Universe


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my official halloween pic this year....

and suddenly I want to bare a vein, DAMN!!!!
lol now I'm the one that's gonna keep his comments to himself.
Dirty Fishee mind!!!o_O


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okay so Firefox was really starting piss me the fuck off.:mad:
Like punch my laptop in the face mad.:mad:
So out of frustration I deleted that bitch entirely off my computer.:mad:
Probably not a real smart thing to do since I can't remember shit.:eek:
Took me a GD hour just to log onto VU cause I couldn't remember my password because I never needed to.o_O
Browsing now with this weird browser called Maxthon 3.:confused:
I think I might actually already hate it:(
But by golly it doesn't give that bullshit "mozilla firefox (not responding)" garbage that got me so damn heated to begin with.;)

Motherfuckerdude!:mad: o_O

End wah wah sissy lala cry baby sally bed wetter rant :D


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Member For 4 Years
Aww.... hugs @Fishee !!
I can SO relate to that. :oops:
Thank you dear:)
I'm feeling better about the whole thing now that I'm figuring out this new browser.
And it really is working so much better than the Firefox was.
Well, It's time for me to get my tail fin to bed.
Hope you have a good night (day) lol.;)


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okay so Firefox was really starting piss me the fuck off.:mad:
Like punch my laptop in the face mad.:mad:
So out of frustration I deleted that bitch entirely off my computer.:mad:
Probably not a real smart thing to do since I can't remember shit.:eek:
Took me a GD hour just to log onto VU cause I couldn't remember my password because I never needed to.o_O
Browsing now with this weird browser called Maxthon 3.:confused:
I think I might actually already hate it:(
But by golly it doesn't give that bullshit "mozilla firefox (not responding)" garbage that got me so damn heated to begin with.;)

Motherfuckerdude!:mad: o_O

End wah wah sissy lala cry baby sally bed wetter rant :D
Have you given the Google Chrome browser a shot?


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Jimmy Johns to the rescue...


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Mmmm, pico de gallo in breakfast burrito

Roger Schaeffer

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Thank you dear:)
I'm feeling better about the whole thing now that I'm figuring out this new browser.
And it really is working so much better than the Firefox was.
Well, It's time for me to get my tail fin to bed.
Hope you have a good night (day) lol.;)
What new browser? I use Comodo Dragon= Chrome Lite I like it


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Hahahahahahahaha..... Hhahahahahahahahaha

Published on Oct 26, 2014

Other good vids..........

That shit SUCKED! lol Just getting the suits on was a battle! Only thing I had in me so far that day was a Rockstar......and I puked it up afterwards! lol Don't.....I repeat DON'T ever try this shit! I need to get my bitch ass in shape! lol The Unicorn Blood Splatter Neptune made me feel a little better though. Big thanks to Matt for being a good sport and even doing that shit! Was kinda fun in a horrible way. lol


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More Halloween Music
Well, in my case all year round music.
Because I don't believe zombies are seasonalo_O

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