DAMMIT.. (again)... When I bought this house, I was pissed 'cause the furnace is laying sideways in the crawl space
. The original one I had to replace due to corrosion. Well, it was in the middle of February, and me being me, just said 'slap a new in there! I'm COLD!' So thats what I did... Now, however, it seems that while I was away at hospitals for the wife, the water softener, which is ABOVE the furnace under the stairs
, LEAKED (over flowed) and fill up my furnace with salty water!!
I just spent all day drying and cleaning cruddy connections only find the blower motor is seized tight! And I mean TIGHT!
Ya, we were gonna add-on a machine room, but with the g'kids losing their parents and the wife sick, we just never got around to it
Soooo pissed right now...