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Just Me

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Hi all. Pretty quiet in here today. Good luck today Fishee and Cherry. I'm kinda stuck home today waiting on deliveries I have to sign for and just working a bit. So far nice and quiet and calm.
Hiyas Glassgrl!! I was thinking the same thing seems we have crickets in here today.. Enjoy the peace and quiet


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Just gotta make it 4 more hours


Hope things get better soon cherry....

It's a dark, rainy and windy day today. We're expecting winds in the 30-40mph range later on, so Tiki won't like that very much.

Made another weird brekky: Egg, Cheese, Braunschweiger & Onions on 12-grain Toast with Hash Browns.

Gramma used to make a mean liver and onions for breakfast, so when I had a hankering for it today, I improvised. Yeah, that neon green Hab sauce looks out of place here, but the store was out of the red one.

Lots of garlic pepper used, also a sprinkle of smoked hot paprika on the egg for fun. The sharp cheddar is nice with the liver and sauteed onions too. Toasted the toast right in the pan so it helped clean up..heheh.

It's different for sure, but pretty tasty. :)


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Hope things get better soon cherry....

It's a dark, rainy and windy day today. We're expecting winds in the 30-40mph range later on, so Tiki won't like that very much.

Made another weird brekky: Egg, Cheese, Braunschweiger & Onions on 12-grain Toast with Hash Browns.

Gramma used to make a mean liver and onions for breakfast, so when I had a hankering for it today, I improvised. Yeah, that neon green Hab sauce looks out of place here, but the store was out of the red one.

Lots of garlic pepper used, also a sprinkle of smoked hot paprika on the egg for fun. The sharp cheddar is nice with the liver and sauteed onions too. Toasted the toast right in the pan so it helped clean up..heheh.

It's different for sure, but pretty tasty. :)

oh darn! hungry now...


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Good Morning Peeps!!! @Fishee Good luck to you prayers and thoughts are with you!! @cherrycakes I hope everything gets better soon! @adk1989 Good job telling that guy what what!! Also I never went to college actually dropped out of High school to help my mom with my younger brother and sisters (there is 7 of us) Life experience got me to the position I hold now that and lots of reading. @InMyImage LOL being called a couger is NOT a cute thing either is being called a MILF. My middle son actually got suspended when his friend (not knowing I was his mom) called me that.
On another note I actually had all 3 of my boys over for dinner last night... I kinda miss that
Really glad I held back last night then ;)


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Hope things get better soon cherry....

It's a dark, rainy and windy day today. We're expecting winds in the 30-40mph range later on, so Tiki won't like that very much.

Made another weird brekky: Egg, Cheese, Braunschweiger & Onions on 12-grain Toast with Hash Browns.

Gramma used to make a mean liver and onions for breakfast, so when I had a hankering for it today, I improvised. Yeah, that neon green Hab sauce looks out of place here, but the store was out of the red one.

Lots of garlic pepper used, also a sprinkle of smoked hot paprika on the egg for fun. The sharp cheddar is nice with the liver and sauteed onions too. Toasted the toast right in the pan so it helped clean up..heheh.

It's different for sure, but pretty tasty. :)

Man, I'm gonna have to start skipping over Caff's food posts just as quickly as I do psychadelic image posts.


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Man, I'm gonna have to start skipping over Caff's food posts just as quickly as I do psychadelic image posts.

Buuuut, mine taste better. :D

Probably not with these though:


Architect and designer Vido Nori’s passion for food led her to produce a collection of tableware to suit her food design taste. Correct to her quite geometrical style, she goes for asymmetrical shapes, with sharp angles and abrupt lines. Porcelain is naturally obsolete for the designer, for she chooses a quite uncommon material for the tableware industry: concrete.

Concrete dishes....WTF?? o_O


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Yay, my Focal ChDNA 30 / Orchid v4 order and Ebay pair of Samsung 25R's are showing as shipped.:)

Love those batts...
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Buuuut, mine taste better. :D

Probably not with these though:


Concrete dishes....WTF?? o_O
Yeah, I don't get caviar. It's one of those "if all the cool kids jumped off a bridge..." foods to me.

And concrete is starting to pop up in more and more modern kitchens if you believe some of those high end real estate and remodeling shows. My wife and daughter are both into them and I've seen them talk about concrete countertops on more than one occaison. I just shake my head and tell them, not in my house...

Just Me

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Yeah, I don't get caviar. It's one of those "if all the cool kids jumped off a bridge..." foods to me.

And concrete is starting to pop up in more and more modern kitchens if you believe some of those high end real estate and remodeling shows. My wife and daughter are both into them and I've seen them talk about concrete countertops on more than one occaison. I just shake my head and tell them, not in my house...
Boring where is your sense of adventure!!
When I (yes I) painted my house (interior) I did every room one at a time my hubby insisted on white I said I am doing the work its my decision!!! he saw all the colors and was like wtf now he loves it!! I also did my kitchen he thought it was going to be ugly Light oak cabinets black marble counter and white marble floor 1 red wall he was amazed (i have since changed to sage LOL) only thing he helpped with was the destruction and leveling the counter


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I love the look of concrete counters, but they stain way too easily. There's no way I could have them and keep them looking good.


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Boring where is your sense of adventure!!
When I (yes I) painted my house (interior) I did every room one at a time my hubby insisted on white I said I am doing the work its my decision!!! he saw all the colors and was like wtf now he loves it!! I also did my kitchen he thought it was going to be ugly Light oak cabinets black marble counter and white marble floor 1 red wall he was amazed (i have since changed to sage LOL) only thing he helpped with was the destruction and leveling the counter
I noticed that you didn't say concrete... and I'm good with colors, just don't care for concrete countertops, and definitely can't imagine trying to use concrete dishes. Just imagine trying to set the table and wash them in the sink.


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Boring where is your sense of adventure!!
When I (yes I) painted my house (interior) I did every room one at a time my hubby insisted on white I said I am doing the work its my decision!!! he saw all the colors and was like wtf now he loves it!! I also did my kitchen he thought it was going to be ugly Light oak cabinets black marble counter and white marble floor 1 red wall he was amazed (i have since changed to sage LOL) only thing he helpped with was the destruction and leveling the counter

That sounds a lot like our old house. My wife gave me a choice of colors; I didn't like either so I picked the lesser of the evils. Eventually I grew to love it (sunshine yellow with a heavy terracotta orange glaze). The bright colors were great, so we painted one wall of our kitchen with a color I call Electric Blue. I don't miss the upkeep of that old house, but the paint sure looked good.


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I love the look of concrete counters, but they stain way too easily. There's no way I could have them and keep them looking good.
Anytime I've seen them they are stained a color and sealed. They actually look kind of like slate to be honest, but more splotchey.


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I love the look of concrete counters, but they stain way too easily. There's no way I could have them and keep them looking good.
I have sealed, stained, polished concrete counter tops and floors in muh kitchen. Not that I'm ever in there.

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Anytime I've seen them they are stained a color and sealed. They actually look kind of like slate to be honest, but more splotchey.
Yeah, but even when they're sealed, stuff like red wine and tomato sauce will still cause a stain.


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Ever pull a battery from a mech you've used for like a day and a half, thinking "It must be getting low by NOW..." only to find out it's still at like 3.9v?

Just had that moment with my Fogger v4 & Brass Sentinel combo.

That's why I love my Samsung 25R's. :D


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Some call it a stain, some call it character
If it's my fault, it's a stain. If my better half does it, it's character. :)
In our old house, that would have been perfectly acceptable. It had a casual, laid back feel to it (split level, built in the late 60's). Our current house feels a little too uptight for that sort of thing. The entire interior would have to be changed to make it work, and even then I have my doubts that it'd be right for the space.


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I do that all the time. But if I'm honest, 3.9 is low for how I vape

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I prepare meals in my kitchen about twice a year, so I do feel a bit silly about how posh I have kitted it out

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Just Me

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If it's my fault, it's a stain. If my better half does it, it's character. :)
In our old house, that would have been perfectly acceptable. It had a casual, laid back feel to it (split level, built in the late 60's). Our current house feels a little too uptight for that sort of thing. The entire interior would have to be changed to make it work, and even then I have my doubts that it'd be right for the space.
I bought my house from my grandma, My grandparents were the original owners, when we went looking at what to do I was like wow this looks like our kitchen NOW yes retro is in I just couldn't do it had to make it all mine.. I love the feel of a old comfy house don't think I could go with uptight (I have enough of that with hubby). I would love a cabin in the mountains somewhere far from everything.

Just Me

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I prepare meals in my kitchen about twice a year, so I do feel a bit silly about how posh I have kitted it out

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Why feel silly?? Kitchens are the most popular place in the house ever notice when you have company everyone kinda gathers towards the kitchen?


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Company? Visitors?

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I prefer to keep people at arm's length. Odd considering what I do. I should suppose that even though I am invited into other people's lives, I give forth nothing of my own for the reason that mine is irrelevant. I'm not certain that I necessarily like that, but I find it quite necessary

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And you might be one of the very few I would invite in.

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Just Me

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@cherrycakes read this;;
  • It has been present for at least six months.
  • Conventional treatments yield little relief.
  • The degree of pain perceived seems out of proportion to the degree of tissue damage detected by conventional means.
  • Physical appearance of depression is present, such as sleep problems, poor appetite, constipation, and slowed body movements.
  • Physical activity is extremely limited.
  • Emotional roles in the family are altered, and the patient is displaced from her accustomed role, such as wife, mother, or employee.
  • sound familiar??


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@cherrycakes read this;;
  • It has been present for at least six months.
  • Conventional treatments yield little relief.
  • The degree of pain perceived seems out of proportion to the degree of tissue damage detected by conventional means.
  • Physical appearance of depression is present, such as sleep problems, poor appetite, constipation, and slowed body movements.
  • Physical activity is extremely limited.
  • Emotional roles in the family are altered, and the patient is displaced from her accustomed role, such as wife, mother, or employee.
  • sound familiar??
Thats why I asked if she has a biopsy for endo..


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@cherrycakes read this;;
  • It has been present for at least six months.
  • Conventional treatments yield little relief.
  • The degree of pain perceived seems out of proportion to the degree of tissue damage detected by conventional means.
  • Physical appearance of depression is present, such as sleep problems, poor appetite, constipation, and slowed body movements.
  • Physical activity is extremely limited.
  • Emotional roles in the family are altered, and the patient is displaced from her accustomed role, such as wife, mother, or employee.
  • sound familiar??
Yea that's what I was diagnosed with. Problem is, nobody knows wtf to do about it


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They were supposed to refer me to a pelvic pain specialist, they didn't. They sent me to a regular pain clinic that doesn't know what to do about it so I'm back to square one


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They made me lay on my stomach, putting pressure on my cysts causing more pain and making me cry. I have been playing phone tag with doctors all day trying to get an ultrasound scheduled.


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Ever pull a battery from a mech you've used for like a day and a half, thinking "It must be getting low by NOW..." only to find out it's still at like 3.9v?

Just had that moment with my Fogger v4 & Brass Sentinel combo.

That's why I love my Samsung 25R's. :D
I got some good ones I'll sell ya cheap, never used them, still in the box


Just Me

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Chronic Pain Treatment

Perry, medical director of the C. Paul Perry Pelvic Pain Center in Birmingham, Ala., says certain antiepileptic drugs -- especially Neurontin but also Pregabalin, Depakote, and others -- are effective in treating chronic pelvic pain.

It's important to treat depression in chronic pelvic pain, says Perry. Some studies have shown that antidepressants can improve pain levels and pain tolerance in women who have chronic pelvic pain.

"Eighty to 90% of CPP patients have depression," Perry says.

"The medications we've had the best results with for depression and neuropathic pain are Cymbalta and Effexor," he says. "There are other SSRIs that are good for depression, and you'd think they would help, but those two drugs are the only ones substantiated in the literature."

Metzger sometimes combines Elavil or Neurontin with medications such as Allegra and Singulair. In addition, she advises patients who have severe vulvar pain to spray Nasalcrom, an over-the-counter nasal spray, directly on the vulva.
Perry adds that for most patients, opioid drugs should be avoided. "That's not an absolute, because some patients can't function without them. But the danger of opiods is you can end up with two problems: chronic pelvic pain and dependency."

Perry says it's now understood that women should try to avoid multiple surgeries as it can set up a cycle of pain, surgery, more pain, more surgery, etc. "We try to teach minimally invasive surgery because it helps prevent upregulation to the spinal cord," he says.

He adds that women should avoid emergency room visits unless absolutely necessary. "A patient can get into a vicious cycle of pain crisis, ER, getting a shot, going back in the next month. We never tell them to stay out of the ER if there's a problem, but if it's the same-old, same-old, it can interfere with their treatment plan. ER doctors focus on the pain crisis. They may not understand why someone is hurting with so little pathology and tend to dismiss them as drug seekers, when usually they're relief seekers."

Chronic pain can take over a woman's life, but experts now advise staying active, working, and engaging in physical activity. "Low-impact aerobics might be good," says Grzesiak. Some studies have suggested that physical therapy and exercise may be effective for chronic pain relief.

"We discourage patients from getting on disability," says Perry. "That's a downward spiral. We encourage functionality and distractions. Young women should stay in school. Others should keep working, at least some."

Metzger has found that many patients test positive for allergies to foods, such as wheat, soy, corn, rice, and baker's yeast. "When we get them off the food they're allergic to, their pain goes away." She adds that vulvar pain may be related to allergies to skin fungi. "When we desensitize patients with daily, sublingual [under the tongue] drops, the pain goes away."

She's also seen results in patients who go on the Sugar Busters diet. "Money isn't the root of all evil," she says. "Sugar is."


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Was hoping to get everything done today on Hubby's day off, guess the ultrasound is going to wait another week :(

Just Me

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Was hoping to get everything done today on Hubby's day off, guess the ultrasound is going to wait another week :(
I so wish you lived here!!! Give me the DRs #s I will get you in there!! A guy at my office was having problems getting straight answers and always getting the run around with his moms care. He let me take over and now gets a call for EVERYTHING

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