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Alternate Universe


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I'm so pissed about sons of anarchy. they kill off all the best characters. if they kill chibs I'm going to riot
Haven't watched it yet either but can make a pretty good guess who died. All my faves keep dying off, like Opie and his dad, half sack, Otto.


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Nice one @Sambuca! Good morning all.
thanks, glassgirl. good morning to ya. :)

hump day, innit?


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omg I feel like shit

also I looove the nasty taste this anti-inflammatory leaves in my mouth

hoping I don't puke it up again

gonna have to get my husband to help me with basic tasks, cat litter , making the bed, taking a weird shower/sponge bath


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omg I feel like shit

also I looove the nasty taste this anti-inflammatory leaves in my mouth

hoping I don't puke it up again

gonna have to get my husband to help me with basic tasks, cat litter , making the bed, taking a weird shower/sponge bath

i hope you feel better, cherry.


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omg I feel like shit

also I looove the nasty taste this anti-inflammatory leaves in my mouth

hoping I don't puke it up again

gonna have to get my husband to help me with basic tasks, cat litter , making the bed, taking a weird shower/sponge bath
If your sick, you shouldnt do the cat box..............


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omg I feel like shit

also I looove the nasty taste this anti-inflammatory leaves in my mouth

hoping I don't puke it up again

gonna have to get my husband to help me with basic tasks, cat litter , making the bed, taking a weird shower/sponge bath
Taste? Where did you get that injection?


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G'morn Alt peeps, another lovely grey day here. :)

I'm happy to report that all three of my orders from the other day are shipped with tracking now...whew.

Did another old-school build last night for the heck of it and to keep my Genny skills intact:

(sorry, was a late night pic so it's crappy looking)

Built my ancient Mini-DID clone, hand-wrapped using a 4/5 wrap of 33 gauge for 2.4Ω. Running nicely on my MVPv2 at 9W. =)


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Thank you sweetie. It went well. I'm pretty uncomfortable. Probably won't see much of me today.
Take it easy. You'll probably be uncomforable for a couple of days, but the relief is pretty complete after the healing is done. Had mine 15 years ago and am starting to get twinges every now and again, but hopefully it will be a few more years before I need it repaired.


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omg I feel like shit

also I looove the nasty taste this anti-inflammatory leaves in my mouth

hoping I don't puke it up again

gonna have to get my husband to help me with basic tasks, cat litter , making the bed, taking a weird shower/sponge bath

Glad ya got something going at least...hope it continues. *hugs*
I'd hope hubby remembers the "in sickness and in health" part.... ;)

Thank you sweetie. It went well. I'm pretty uncomfortable. Probably won't see much of me today.

Glad to hear ya OK mate...get well soon eh?


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G'morn Alt peeps, another lovely grey day here. :)

I'm happy to report that all three of my orders from the other day are shipped with tracking now...whew.

Did another old-school build last night for the heck of it and to keep my Genny skills intact:

(sorry, was a late night pic so it's crappy looking)

Built my ancient Mini-DID clone, hand-wrapped using a 4/5 wrap of 33 gauge for 2.4Ω. Running nicely on my MVPv2 at 9W. =)

I love how we call things ancient that were probably new technology a year ago. lol


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I love how we call things ancient that were probably new technology a year ago. lol

Yeah, things sure do move fast in vape-land, don't they? :D

That was my first Genisis atty. I think I got it in late 2012 or so - not sure anymore.

I built it this time mainly because I found myself struggling a bit, when I wrapped the AGA-T2 the other day.

I've just gotten so used to contact coils, that hand-wrapping had worked it's way out of my muscle memory. So, I made myself "relearn" it.

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