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Just Me

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Yep, deliveries and to make sure shit happens the way its supposed to, gotta head back out again in the morning


Love the counters that is a pretty popular color with my customers as well. PLEASE tell me you used foam insulation LOL


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Love the counters that is a pretty popular color with my customers as well. PLEASE tell me you used foam insulation LOL
Counter granite is called El durado-Foam attic but regular roll insulation in walls & Bsmnt (budget allows)


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Be sure to wear some sweatpants or something then. You will be tender afterwards and the drive home can be bad if you are wearing tight clothes or loose clothes that require a belt.

You will probably be uncomfortable most of the day, just plan to kick back all day and I hope it helps for you and quickly like mine do. Some people can take several days if not a week to see any benefit. I'm one of those who cortisone seems to be really effective for so I get relief typically within 24 hours if it is going to help at all.
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Yep, deliveries and to make sure shit happens the way its supposed to, gotta head back out again in the morning



Looks like an awesome lot, and very nice granite. We love ours, just be careful about dying easter eggs on it... it is porous if it hasn't been waxed in a while...


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Well I can't wear real pants right now anyway, I'm basically living in yoga pants. Anything like jeans that squeezes my lower belly hurts too much tp wear for more than like 10 minutes. I am going to take tomorrow and Wednesday off and hopefully can go back to work by Friday


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Well I can't wear real pants right now anyway, I'm basically living in yoga pants. Anything like jeans that squeezes my lower belly hurts too much tp wear for more than like 10 minutes. I am going to take tomorrow and Wednesday off and hopefully can go back to work by Friday
That's a good plan.


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Unfortunately anyone on a narcotic pain medication now has to take blood tests every 90 days to confirm that we are not abusing the pills by getting multiple prescriptions from multiple doctors. We actually have to sign pain management contracts in Indiana, don't know if that is universal or not, but the drug testing is now. Additionally, as of Jan 1st (possibly earlier) all narcotic prescriptions have to be in writing meaning that they can longer be called in, which really sucks for those of us who get our scripts every 2 weeks. Fortunately they can be mailed, but you really have to project a lot more since you can't call in and get it filled same day.

The end result is that those of us in states without MM laws can't risk it because it would screw us for the meds we can take.

It is starting to be discussed finally here in Indiana, but in very informal early stages so I doubt anything will be done about it for a couple of years. One of the downsides of living in a very conservative state. If it ever is legalized I definitely plan to try it, but the one time that I did back in college I got violently ill so I don't know that it will be a viabal alternative for me, but with all the information available on youtube on how to make e-liquid from it, that may be a viable option.

Till then it is all just mental masturbation though...
My wifes Pain doc does a pee test every visit.. and he only writes for a month at a time. Also, everything above 'Vicodin' has needed a doc visit and written script for a long time now. Vicodin has now moved to the 'need a written script' but dont know if you need the doc visit too.


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Yes, I do too. Unfortunately sometimes that works against you... before I had my surgery I had just had a cortisone injection and was going back in to decide if I needed physical therapy. We already knew that I had a pretty significant rupture and seeing as how I had been having increasing pain for quite a while that really wasn't getting any better but definitely was not debilitating, I just decided to get it over with and go ahead an move forward with the surgery instead of phyical therapy.

When the doc got in there, he said that the rupture was the worst he had ever seen. The disk material had completely ejected from the spine and pushed it's way into my spinal canal and was crushing my spinal cord. He could visibly see the cord starting to expand back into it's normal shape as he removed disk material. Because of the compression I effectively have a spinal cord injury and now have permanent nerve damage.

The second surgery was for a fusion and another diskectomy. We already know that there is further degeneration up my spine, but will tackle those as they become more significant. I'm actually waiting to get the results of another MRI, but have had to push the appointment back twice now so it will be another couple of weeks before I talk to the doc to find out how things look now.
Pretty much the same thing here.. :( Though it was years ago.. Rods, screws, cages, and bone graphs..


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According to the xray my spine is fine, which helps prove that the cysts are in fact causing the pain but the one obgyn refuses to believe me
Where, exactly, is the pain Cherry?


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Well I keep telling him I need to go to the er but then I keep backing out of it so he is getting annoyed
Just remind him how much time and money he is saving and he'll be much more forgiving ;)


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My wifes Pain doc does a pee test every visit.. and he only writes for a month at a time. Also, everything above 'Vicodin' has needed a doc visit and written script for a long time now. Vicodin has now moved to the 'need a written script' but dont know if you need the doc visit too.
I'm being told right now that as long as they see me at least once every 90 days they are okay with mailing me new scripts, but if I don't get my test done by the 90 day mark they will just cut me off.


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Pelvic area / internal female organs 0.o
So, centered? Or more to the left? Radiate to the back?

I ask 'cause for years the wife thought she had female troubles, specifically endometriosis, and had test after test, exploritory after exploitory, and even an ablasion and an ovary removed, only to almost die when a diverticuli popped on an artery on her colon! :eek: She spent 10 days in ICU and a year recovering. :( She had had several colonoscopies and the fucking ass of a doc said every thing was alright :mad: Turns out she has had infected diverticulitis FOR YEARS. It gave her severe lower abdominal pain that radiated to her back, pain during sex, couldnt wear jeans, etc.

Something to look out for..


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So, centered? Or more to the left? Radiate to the back?

I ask 'cause for years the wife thought she had female troubles, specifically endometriosis, and had test after test, exploritory after exploitory, and even an ablasion and an ovary removed, only to almost die when a diverticuli popped on an artery on her colon! :eek: She spent 10 days in ICU and a year recovering. :( She had had several colonoscopies and the fucking ass of a doc said every thing was alright :mad: Turns out she has had infected diverticulitis FOR YEARS. It gave her severe lower abdominal pain that radiated to her back, pain during sex, couldnt wear jeans, etc.

Something to look out for..
I certainly hope that an insurance company or two took care of her...

Edit because I just remembered that Indiana has some really bad laws that are extremely protective of bad medical practices vs quality patient care. Researched that a lot after my second surgery when the night shift nurse denied me my pain meds the night after my surgery. That was the longest night in my life!


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I certainly hope that an insurance company or two took care of her...
There was sooo much wrong with everything that happened, from the colon doc that wasnt, to the hospital that let her bleed for 13hrs, it wasnt even funny...

But ya..


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..."ya" the docs learned a lesson or two because of an insurance payout or "ya" our states wonderful protections of the medical community allowed them to avoid any accountability?


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..."ya" the docs learned a lesson or two because of an insurance payout or "ya" our states wonderful protections of the medical community allowed them to avoid any accountability?
Ya, we didnt pay anything, and Ya they had 'meetings', but that is all :rolleyes:


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Lol I'm 25 ha ha...this pick was like the day before yesterday

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