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This is my friend Sheila's daughter Brandi. I went to school with her. She started body building when she was 15.
Her and her husband are professional body builders.
To each their own. It's what makes her happy.

But she is nothing like the weird fingernail lady that was posted earlier :eek:
That is true. The main things I don't like about this one is the level of tanner she has used, and her abs are way too masculine. I think that to see her without the pumped out flexing done during the contests she would be much more attractive, but I still don't care for the really muscualar look. I'd much rather snuggle up with a woman with a body type similar to any of the ladies who have shared pics on this thread, including @JustMe who needs to share a few more ;)

But different tastes is what makes us all unique, and I'm glad that most everyone has the opportunity in this country to express themselves and have the opportunity to find someone who shares their uniqueness even if it is simply as friends, although benefits are always a preferred option :D

Just Me

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That is true. The main things I don't like about this one is the level of tanner she has used, and her abs are way too masculine. I think that to see her without the pumped out flexing done during the contests she would be much more attractive, but I still don't care for the really muscualar look. I'd much rather snuggle up with a woman with a body type similar to any of the ladies who have shared pics on this thread, including @JustMe who needs to share a few more ;)

But different tastes is what makes us all unique, and I'm glad that most everyone has the opportunity in this country to express themselves and have the opportunity to find someone who shares their uniqueness even if it is simply as friends, although benefits are always a preferred option :D
Nope Not I no more pics!!


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That is true. The main things I don't like about this one is the level of tanner she has used, and her abs are way too masculine. I think that to see her without the pumped out flexing done during the contests she would be much more attractive, but I still don't care for the really muscualar look. I'd much rather snuggle up with a woman with a body type similar to any of the ladies who have shared pics on this thread, including @JustMe who needs to share a few more ;)

But different tastes is what makes us all unique, and I'm glad that most everyone has the opportunity in this country to express themselves and have the opportunity to find someone who shares their uniqueness even if it is simply as friends, although benefits are always a preferred option :D
I tend to fancy a woman with a feminine look. Women bodybuilders look way too masculine, and being a male with the standard ego...I should imagine that I would feel a wee bit naffed being with a woman that not only looked more buff than I....but looked like she could rip my head off with the same amount of effort one would invest in the process of opening a packet of crisps.
Nothing disrupts the throes of passion quite like the sensation of your skull fracturing aye?


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I get 90 a month usually lasts me 2 months or more as I said before high pain tolerance
Yes, I do too. Unfortunately sometimes that works against you... before I had my surgery I had just had a cortisone injection and was going back in to decide if I needed physical therapy. We already knew that I had a pretty significant rupture and seeing as how I had been having increasing pain for quite a while that really wasn't getting any better but definitely was not debilitating, I just decided to get it over with and go ahead an move forward with the surgery instead of phyical therapy.

When the doc got in there, he said that the rupture was the worst he had ever seen. The disk material had completely ejected from the spine and pushed it's way into my spinal canal and was crushing my spinal cord. He could visibly see the cord starting to expand back into it's normal shape as he removed disk material. Because of the compression I effectively have a spinal cord injury and now have permanent nerve damage.

The second surgery was for a fusion and another diskectomy. We already know that there is further degeneration up my spine, but will tackle those as they become more significant. I'm actually waiting to get the results of another MRI, but have had to push the appointment back twice now so it will be another couple of weeks before I talk to the doc to find out how things look now.


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Gah in addition to ever worsening crotch pain now I have a sinus headache too. Some days I just want to give up


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you are a very handsom man don't ever think otherwise!
Thank you kindly. I'm much more focused on just being a good person. The age of my concern over how I look has long passed! Again, you are too kind :). Fact is, I shun attention IRL...I truly do. Back when I was despicable, it was all I craved.

Just Me

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Thank you kindly. I'm much more focused on just being a good person. The age of my concern over how I look has long passed! Again, you are too kind :). Fact is, I shun attention IRL...I truly do. Back when I was despicable, it was all I craved.
Well you are also a sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Whats her name?? I wish my hubby was fun like that. My boys all have Irish names Micheal (Mikale) James And Patrick Oldest was supposed to be Harley
I have Timothy, Joseph and James. How's that for Irish Catholic? Couldn't even sneak in fun middle names.


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Sooooo, I am sick of being on the road every day. But I am being a trooper....LOL
Are you on the road because of construction activities at your new home?

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