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Good morning folks.

@Fishee, thank you for replying to the post with the picture of that freak of nature in it so that when I expanded the quote I was able to get a jolt of shock into my system that was much more effective than my coffee... now where did my melon baller go so that I scoop my eye balls out of my skull... ?

I sincerely do not understand what anyone would find desireable about this body type on a woman or man.


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@Midniteoyl's post of the swirl image is a good example of an animated pic that really screws with people with epilepsy and seizure disorders. If I remember correctly @Whiskey was asking about that last week.

(not complaining Midnite, just pointing out an example of things that I recoginize and scroll past really quickly)


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@Midniteoyl's post of the swirl image is a good example of an animated pic that really screws with people with epilepsy and seizure disorders. If I remember correctly @Whiskey was asking about that last week.

(not complaining Midnite, just pointing out an example of things that I recoginize and scroll past really quickly)

nice reminder! i almost posted another one of those. :eek:

in monday news:



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@Midniteoyl's post of the swirl image is a good example of an animated pic that really screws with people with epilepsy and seizure disorders. If I remember correctly @Whiskey was asking about that last week.

(not complaining Midnite, just pointing out an example of things that I recoginize and scroll past really quickly)
It fucks with me too.. Thats why its such a good Monday morning gif ;)


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ECF Refugee
Today's Truth. Everyone is sweet so long as they have something you desire. Nobody dotes over the ugly girl...her only crime is the dream to be desired so she can exact her revenge.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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I stayed home, was up half the night in pain :(
Sorry to hear that it sounds like things are getting worse. Have you thought about talking to your doctor about the Butrans patches?

The definitely are not a replacement for the Noco on bad days, but they really do help with overall comfort for me, thankfully.

I had a pretty bad day myself yesterday and ended up taking probably 6 Norco's throughout the day. Feeling quite a bit better today, but still in more pain that usual since getting the patches.


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Dang it cherry,
You've been suffering way too long. Is there any other doctor that you can go to?

Have you tried herbal?
I know it's not legal there yet but I would think it might be worth the risk.
Unfortunately anyone on a narcotic pain medication now has to take blood tests every 90 days to confirm that we are not abusing the pills by getting multiple prescriptions from multiple doctors. We actually have to sign pain management contracts in Indiana, don't know if that is universal or not, but the drug testing is now. Additionally, as of Jan 1st (possibly earlier) all narcotic prescriptions have to be in writing meaning that they can longer be called in, which really sucks for those of us who get our scripts every 2 weeks. Fortunately they can be mailed, but you really have to project a lot more since you can't call in and get it filled same day.

The end result is that those of us in states without MM laws can't risk it because it would screw us for the meds we can take.

It is starting to be discussed finally here in Indiana, but in very informal early stages so I doubt anything will be done about it for a couple of years. One of the downsides of living in a very conservative state. If it ever is legalized I definitely plan to try it, but the one time that I did back in college I got violently ill so I don't know that it will be a viabal alternative for me, but with all the information available on youtube on how to make e-liquid from it, that may be a viable option.

Till then it is all just mental masturbation though...


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I asked for Novocaine patches but I guess they're doing the epidural first. Guess they can't make money off lidocaine

Just Me

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Unfortunately anyone on a narcotic pain medication now has to take blood tests every 90 days to confirm that we are not abusing the pills by getting multiple prescriptions from multiple doctors. We actually have to sign pain management contracts in Indiana, don't know if that is universal or not, but the drug testing is now. Additionally, as of Jan 1st (possibly earlier) all narcotic prescriptions have to be in writing meaning that they can longer be called in, which really sucks for those of us who get our scripts every 2 weeks. Fortunately they can be mailed, but you really have to project a lot more since you can't call in and get it filled same day.

The end result is that those of us in states without MM laws can't risk it because it would screw us for the meds we can take.

It is starting to be discussed finally here in Indiana, but in very informal early stages so I doubt anything will be done about it for a couple of years. One of the downsides of living in a very conservative state. If it ever is legalized I definitely plan to try it, but the one time that I did back in college I got violently ill so I don't know that it will be a viabal alternative for me, but with all the information available on youtube on how to make e-liquid from it, that may be a viable option.

Till then it is all just mental masturbation though...
I have always had tests every 3 months my Dr just likes to be safe, The need to be in writing now In Illinois also they have a special perscription pad they need to use and no refills however the DR can write 3 seperate prescritions at 1 time


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Good morning folks.

@Fishee, thank you for replying to the post with the picture of that freak of nature in it so that when I expanded the quote I was able to get a jolt of shock into my system that was much more effective than my coffee... now where did my melon baller go so that I scoop my eye balls out of my skull... ?

I sincerely do not understand what anyone would find desireable about this body type on a woman or man.


This is my friend Sheila's daughter Brandi. I went to school with her. She started body building when she was 15.
Her and her husband are professional body builders.
To each their own. It's what makes her happy.

But she is nothing like the weird fingernail lady that was posted earlier :eek:


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I have always had tests every 3 months my Dr just likes to be safe, The need to be in writing now In Illinois also they have a special perscription pad they need to use and no refills however the DR can write 3 seperate prescritions at 1 time
Yeah, mine started before the implementation date as well on the tests, but just started writing out the prescriptions a last month.

I have a feeling that I get a bit of extra scrutiny simply because I was taking 60 Norco every 2 weeks before starting the patches...

Just Me

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This is my friend Sheila's daughter Brandi. I went to school with her. She started body building when she was 15.
Her and her husband are professional body builders.
To each their own. It's what makes her happy.

But she is nothing like the weird fingernail lady that was posted earlier :eek:
She is really pretty

Just Me

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Yeah, mine started before the implementation date as well on the tests, but just started writing out the prescriptions a last month.

I have a feeling that I get a bit of extra scrutiny simply because I was taking 60 Norco every 2 weeks before starting the patches...
I get 90 a month usually lasts me 2 months or more as I said before high pain tolerance

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