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Alternate Universe


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G'Morning folks...

Been a good day so far; woke up early, made eggs on toast with some of that leftover potato/beef/peppers stuff, made coffee, and decided I had to make some more Caramel Mocha juice up. I have about 15ml left, but can't let it run down or the new batch won't be steeped in time.

So, I made the yummy juice. Kitchen smells like awesome now. =)
I just need to make a note to buy more flavoring next month. I keep a running list next to the calendar of things I'm low on. ;-)

Oh, and I saw this...haha!


Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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Good morning to you all! Hope you kept yourselves warm last night! Here is a little Autumn style Celtic music for you all, good way to enjoy your coffee and vape this morning, give it a shot you might just love it. Keep it Foggy!


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I fear for our college students....


Pretty good marketing though...hehehe.


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Extremely distraught at the moment, my cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis has been brutal cause of the weather and temperature variations which is also flaring my face (feels like I got slapped with white phosphorous). I only get roughly 2 hours of sleep daily cause sleeping exacerbates my cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis, I can't escape this suffering since life itself is the trigger (sounds unreal, it's the truth). My scalp also feels like it's been hit with white phosphorous and yea.

I wish I had $1 Million so I could get a doctor to focus and fuckin help me, I just want my fuckin life back. I am goin to try and occupy my mind right now cause crying exacerbates my cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis as well and this prickly heat sensation is fuckin brutal.

Not lookin for sympathy, empathy is however accepted.

I wish I had $500 so I could go to this pelvic pain specialist


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I wish I had $500 so I could go to this pelvic pain specialist

I feel ya...I'm drained chasing and window shopping Physicians/Allergists/Dermatologists, going on a Statewide/Nationwide Adventure while putting my life at high risk to essentially be tossed around, ignored, thrown in psych units, applying for different insurance policies, get permanently banned from 3 hospitals, and the list goes on for simply attempting to get help. Ultimately, you either have to have $$$$$$$$ or extremely amazing healthcare to get the first doc to help you.

From here on out...Black Market Healthcare is my only option.


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I feel ya...I'm drained chasing and window shopping Physicians/Allergists/Dermatologists, going on a Statewide/Nationwide Adventure while putting my life at high risk to essentially be tossed around, ignored, thrown in psych units, applying for different insurance policies, get permanently banned from 3 hospitals, and the list goes on for simply attempting to get help. Ultimately, you either have to have $$$$$$$$ or extremely amazing healthcare to get the first doc to help you.

From here on out...Black Market Healthcare is my only option.
Pretty much :(


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Actually I decided I'm going to stop paying my bills ( student loan, surgery bills). because then I'll be able to save up the $500 in my health equity spending account

it will probably take like five months but its worth it


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If I had 1 million 5 hundred $ I would give it to both of you!

It's fuckin pathetic that cash money trumps Gov Healthcare...I am still thinkin about applying for a Medical VISA to go on a Global Adventure in seek of medical assistance. Might have to rob a few banks to get dough first, lol.


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My mom actually recommended that I go to Mexico to get a hysterectomy when I lived in Texas because Dr's here refuse to do it.


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Sorry if I am bit cranky today.

I'm abstaining from my pain meds in order for the obgyn to see how bad it gets. They keep writing "is not in apparent distress" in my charts, so I guess I'm not cringing and sobbing and screaming enough for them


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I'm thinkin Japan or Germany, since those are Countries that I concluded from my research who have Docs that CAN help me.


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As far as the experimental stuff goes the pelvic pain specialist would be willing to do that kind of stuff for me but I don't have the money to pay him


Vapid Vapetress
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in other news....i feel pretty good (physically) today, and i feel kinda guilty about it. wish i could make everybody feel better. feel so helpless.


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Sorry if I am bit cranky today.

I'm abstaining from my pain meds in order for the obgyn to see how bad it gets. They keep writing "is not in apparent distress" in my charts, so I guess I'm not cringing and sobbing and screaming enough for them
I remember at HCMC, this car pulled up to the ER and the driver stumbled out bleeding like non other...completely ignored by all HCMC Staff, me and another man helped him inside and screamed for help...nothin, the nurses said he needs to wait...the guy was shot multiple times, bleedin internally/ much that our clothes were soaking his blood up, in the end the another man and I carried the guy back into his car and drove him to a different hospital as I was puttin pressure on the hols in him. Thanks to us, he survived but if he was not rushed, he would've died in the waitin room of HCMC.



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Latte art for Thanksgiving...


It doesn't seem real that it is nearly T.G. time again....arrgh.

No Ash More Cash

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My mom actually recommended that I go to Mexico to get a hysterectomy when I lived in Texas because Dr's here refuse to do it.
That's fucked up...There has been times it would have been better and cheaper for me to fly back to England to have something done...In fact it would have been done for free in the UK even though I haven't lived there in almost 30 years


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No, I'm going to the crotch Dr tomorrow but I doubt they'll do anything, yet again.

Then the day after that is the pain clinic follow up.

We can make an appointment for a pelvic pain specialist
But they are a four hour drive away, don't take insurance and want $500 up front
Aren't you in Philly? I just did a google for "philadelphia pelvic pain doctor" and got back quite a few results.


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I am hoping to give it a try maybe next month, wllmc from the DIY forums has been advising me on getting started and vendors to get stuff from. Should be interesting. Going to start small and see if it's for me, I hope, I get very picky to
That's the great thing about DIY when you are picky, you have the ability to tweak and save so much money trying it that you are still ahead even you make stuff that you won't ever mix again. So far even my "bad" stuff is vapable so I do a little at a time and will run out of the 20 or 30 mls I've mixed over time. I just don't use it all at once.


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I went to high school with a guy who was born without legs. Completely nothing below the pelvis.

He got everywhere on a skateboard. Just got up on it upright and pushed himself everywhere he wanted to go just like the way bobsleds push off when they are getting out of the gate to get started.


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@cherrycakes Give me the DRs #s and everything i will need I will get you in, never underestimate my power of persuasion. My aunt taught me very well when it comes to dealing with DRs. I have never waited more then 10 minutes in an ER and always left with a solution or refferal in hand.

I envy you, for me of my medical records are redacted for my viewing, it's all cause I tell the docs it is what it is...they don't like being told what to do nor do you like you being on their level. I had my fair share of docs tell me that my intelligence is an insult to their intelligence, education, and experience. I can confirm that 100% of the hospitals/clinics have never heard of my condition nor have any insight nor even give a fuck, I have to be their Professor and or direct them to use Google and than they come back and interrogate me cause they think it's all in my head...if it's all in my head, than I guess I am the most intelligent human ever who is capable of manifesting a physical rare medical Lehman terms, I am utilizing at least 70% of my brains potential. Cause of this, I am banned permanently from 3 hospitals cause docs think I'm delusional and they refuse to observe my triggers in person...some have observed my triggers in action but they go into denial. They're the ones who are delusional...what can I say...I'm a medical marvel that is labelled delusional, all I have to do is go into a Sauna and it's a wrap...hell, a hot tub too.

Since 2009, I have been betrayed by so many humans that it's nearly impossible for me to comprehend that compassion for humanity still exists.

More like the anthem these days is...Cash Rules Everything Around Me/M.P.R.


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The guy in Allentown is closer its only an hour or so away but he just got back to me after waiting 5 months, don't have a whole lot of confidence in that practice


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@cherrycakes Give me the DRs #s and everything i will need I will get you in, never underestimate my power of persuasion. My aunt taught me very well when it comes to dealing with DRs. I have never waited more then 10 minutes in an ER and always left with a solution or refferal in hand.
The guy I'm going to see today does not have his head up his ass so I think he will be able to give me a referral to the pelvic pain specialist without a problem


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I remember at HCMC, this car pulled up to the ER and the driver stumbled out bleeding like non other...completely ignored by all HCMC Staff, me and another man helped him inside and screamed for help...nothin, the nurses said he needs to wait...the guy was shot multiple times, bleedin internally/ much that our clothes were soaking his blood up, in the end the another man and I carried the guy back into his car and drove him to a different hospital as I was puttin pressure on the hols in him. Thanks to us, he survived but if he was not rushed, he would've died in the waitin room of HCMC.

What a fucked up world we live in where people just stand around and watch people almost die like that, our maker must be so proud of us.

Just Me

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I envy you, for me of my medical records are redacted for my viewing, it's all cause I tell the docs it is what it is...they don't like being told what to do nor do you like you being on their level. I had my fair share of docs tell me that my intelligence is an insult to their intelligence, education, and experience. I can confirm that 100% of the hospitals/clinics have never heard of my condition nor have any insight nor even give a fuck, I have to be their Professor and or direct them to use Google and than they come back and interrogate me cause they think it's all in my head...if it's all in my head, than I guess I am the most intelligent human ever who is capable of manifesting a physical rare medical Lehman terms, I am utilizing at least 70% of my brains potential. Cause of this, I am banned permanently from 3 hospitals cause docs think I'm delusional and they refuse to observe my triggers in person...some have observed my triggers in action but they go into denial. They're the ones who are delusional...what can I say...I'm a medical marvel that is labelled delusional, all I have to do is go into a Sauna and it's a wrap...hell, a hot tub too.

Since 2009, I have been betrayed by so many humans that it's nearly impossible for me to comprehend that compassion for humanity still exists.

More like the anthem these days is...Cash Rules Everything Around Me/M.P.R.
I wish I knew more about your condition to be able to help, I know a few Drs I trust 100% that I would be happy to get refferals from. The problem is I do not know how far you are willing to travel


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Extremely distraught at the moment, my cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis has been brutal cause of the weather and temperature variations which is also flaring my face (feels like I got slapped with white phosphorous). I only get roughly 2 hours of sleep daily cause sleeping exacerbates my cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis, I can't escape this suffering since life itself is the trigger (sounds unreal, it's the truth). My scalp also feels like it's been hit with white phosphorous and yea.

I wish I had $1 Million so I could get a doctor to focus and fuckin help me, I just want my fuckin life back. I am goin to try and occupy my mind right now cause crying exacerbates my cholinergic urticaria with acquired generalized hypohidrosis as well and this prickly heat sensation is fuckin brutal.

Not lookin for sympathy, empathy is however accepted.

Empathy grenade thrown your way, hope it covers up the phosphorus and extinguishes it.

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