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I fear for our college students....


Pretty good marketing though...hehehe.

I used a lot of Ramen in college. I'd buy different sauces and a little frozen chicken and whip up something like a stir fry with em. Quick and easy. Sometimes, I'd just make the noodles and then drain them and mix in a sause like sweet and sour and just enjoy the noodles.


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I wish I knew more about your condition to be able to help, I know a few Drs I trust 100% that I would be happy to get refferals from. The problem is I do not know how far you are willing to travel

I'm willing to travel to a different Galaxy/universe, it's just my condition would wig out and I would suffer horribly and becoming homeless again and leavin my bro which would force him to live alone or with a random roommate and all the phone tag with Social Security and applying for that locations health insurance and transportation and etc...I'm so weak that I can barely stand for 5 minutes and walkin exacerbates my condition.

If I know for 100% that I will be helped, will I endure the suffering to get help...I won't waste my time and effort anymore. My body can't handle even petty stress be it physical/emotional/neurological/psychological...stress has given me 2 mini strokes so far.


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Sorry if I am bit cranky today.

I'm abstaining from my pain meds in order for the obgyn to see how bad it gets. They keep writing "is not in apparent distress" in my charts, so I guess I'm not cringing and sobbing and screaming enough for them
I do the same thing a day before all my back appointments, and I also do as activities that would be similar to an office job as much as I can stand.


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in other news....i feel pretty good (physically) today, and i feel kinda guilty about it. wish i could make everybody feel better. feel so helpless.
Don't feel bad about not feeling bad, you inject things into the conversation to distract those of us who do.



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My obgyn refused to give me a referral and I basically asked if he had a financial interest in Dr Kline since he said he was a pelvic pain specialist when he clearly is not, started crying and left


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Anyone like Thai Curried Chicken?

Marinated for a day in Mae Ploy yellow curry paste, with some Sriracha, dash of fish sauce, garlic, onion and a nice shot of Bhut Jolokia powder. (that's why it's reddish)

Heated some oil with chile flake and sliced garlic, then got busy...
Seared on both sides, then turn down to med, covered it and let it steam in its spicy juices until done.

Let the meat rest, then sliced the breast up...Mmmmmm.
Also, had a few pieces I'd cut smaller for munchin'

Haven't decide what to use them in yet.
IMO, pretty much anything would be good. :D
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Vapid Vapetress
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so this morning at work i had a fuck fest. no, that doesn't mean i had coitus with everyone in the office. it means i let loose with a cavalcade of cursing which took everyone aback. they are now leaving me alone. i wonder if this is how @VaporJoes feels? :p


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ECF Refugee
I adore curry ANYTHING

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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so this morning at work i had a fuck fest. no, that doesn't mean i had coitus with everyone in the office. it means i let loose with a cavalcade of cursing which took everyone aback. they are now leaving me alone. i wonder if this is how @VaporJoes feels? :p
I'm just curious: what type of role do you have at work that allows you to get away with this? I may need that type of job :D


Vapid Vapetress
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I'm just curious: what type of role do you have at work that allows you to get away with this? I may need that type of job :D

my role is to do research projects for 4 different people, each who expect theirs to be priority. it's a hoot.


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my role is to do research projects for 4 different people, each who expect theirs to be priority. it's a hoot.
Ok, give them each a lead pipe and have them prioritize their use of your time by settling things in a back alley.


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oh i so wish.
Can your boss and their boss - or bosses - take on an intermediary role and set priorities on your behalf? Don't know how things are structured in your office, so I'm just kind of thrashing here.


Vapid Vapetress
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Can your boss and their boss - or bosses - take on an intermediary role and set priorities on your behalf? Don't know how things are structured in your office, so I'm just kind of thrashing here.

structure? structure??????


ok back to work. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


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What a fucked up world we live in where people just stand around and watch people almost die like that, our maker must be so proud of us.
Some hospitals are really fucked up.. I post awhile back about how my wife bled internally and rectally for 13hrs before a good doc finally showed up and sent her to ICU where she finally got attention. They had 3 dual blood pumps running for almost an hour just to get enough back in her to have a 50/50 chance of surviving the surgery to fix the problem. A surgery that normally is done everyday and no big deal for most.. :rolleyes:


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Hey to you Whiskey .

Hey to you Franciscan . As long as you are trying to have a good day then you are off to a great start .

My day started with my phone ringing at 7:00 AM .(little background here, I have only one child)


Daughter- Hi MOM it's Sara

and then we giggle like crazy. She always does this like I don't know who it is. Now it doesn't matter what my day will end up like it will be great because of that.

Edited to say she is 26 and this has been happening for a long time.


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My family dr is willing to get me my referral, I wish I could kiss his hand.

I'm trying to make an appointment with this lady obgyn but the soonest appointment is late december
AND they won't even make an appointment for me until I fax my medical records. And of course no one will fax my medical records until I mail them a piece of paper stating "fax them my medical records"


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The obgyn literally walked in, sat down, said "I can't help you" and then left

I will be damned if I am paying for that bs

Just Me

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I did in some places...I posted in a "acetone" thread here that I had some dry foam insulation on my fingers and that i used my wifes nail polish remover to get it off( same stuff);)
This is what I do Closed cell is not coming off with nail polish remover LOL My guys wish..


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Gato Barbieri Radio on Pandora...relaxation at it's finest...

Just Me

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Tons of actors, its a professional kit finally made available to public, I read about them somewhere.
but WHY??? I mean if it takes me more then 10 minutes to do my makeup I am so not doing it. I can see actors but come on really??

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