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No Ash More Cash

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nope i just gaines weight and said fuck this. Its way to hard to lose weight at my age!!!!!!
You where very lucky then...Most people have some kind of shit going on when they stop...You might of not been on it long enough for that to happen...I was on it for a year...At times I was thinking to go back on it just so it would stop...Even the FDA knows about it.. but to this day nothing has been done to help people stop


Vapid Vapetress
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hi everybody. nutso day at work again. might have to go all gangsta on their asses.

No Ash More Cash

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I have Mild Cognitive Impairment so I basically forget a lot of my life but understand that it is happening.
Shit... I'm really sorry I didn't know...Fuck that must be horrible... anyway now that you know you Llamas here is some info about them..I'm not taking the piss with this... but just some humor with Llamas
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Just Me

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They're going to schedule the nerve block and put me on some other nerve pain meds
Stand your ground and do NOT let them do anything you do not understand!! Make them explain it to you. When my son was 3 months old and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him they came in and told me they were going to do a blood transfusion.
I asked why and the answer was we Think it will help (this was after being told I was a paranoid mom and to young to have kids). I refused the treatment walked out of that hospital and into another who did a simple test and within 2 hours was told my son has Cystic Fibrosis.


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Yes exactly. One seems to take a little longer to catch up to the other one.
This has happened to me. I also had to make sure each coil was of equal height. Keep tweaking like everyone says and it should eventually come around.
If one lags behind a little (just a little) that's okay.


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Not me this time ... work will be cutting into my weekend ... yet again


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Fishee I can't sub ohm because I gave my new sub ohn mod away. whaaaa, sniff. Just kidding I have lots of mods I can do it with however I would just like to know what I am doing more before I venture into something that could blow my face off. I like my face so I will learn more about sub ohming before I try . However, I will try it one day.
Thanks again you guys. xoxox
lol I felt bad for a second there;)
I ask cause duel coils so easily bring you to sub ohm.
Example, two 1.0 ohm coils together bring you to 0.5 ohms. Or two 1.5 ohm coils together brings you to 0.75 ohms.
So if you wrap your coils at anything less than 2 ohms each then you'll be sub ohming.:cool:

mmmmm sub ohming!

lol sub Homer ^


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Well time for me to go.
Gonna be a long day. 11.5 hours of work to do this Friday.


Been thinkin about butchering my goat soon lol
Hope the little bastard makes good BBQ:)
Mom kinda makes me feel guilty bout it though cause she thinks he's cute and entertaining.
And it's true.

no no no, he's food damn it!!!:confused:

okay, bye bye;)


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Bah. Friday's not a good day for that. Wait 'till Monday and start the week off right :)
That's actually why companies don't do layoffs on Monday. There is a greater chance of people getting pissed off to the degree of doing stupid shit.

They also don't do them on Fridays because there is a greater chance of suicide.

Just Me

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Well time for me to go.
Gonna be a long day. 11.5 hours of work to do this Friday.


Been thinkin about butchering my goat soon lol
Hope the little bastard makes good BBQ:)
Mom kinda makes me feel guilty bout it though cause she thinks he's cute and entertaining.
And it's true.

no no no, he's food damn it!!!:confused:

okay, bye bye;)
bye my lil fishee

Just Me

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Hmm I wonder how mad my hubby is going to be when he finds out he just bought me all these jeans.. I will just tell him rather then return everything he buys me I picked them up myself (I used his credit card not mine LOL)


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Shit... I'm really sorry I didn't know...Fuck that must be horrible... anyway now that you know you Llamas here is some info about them..I'm not taking the piss with this... but just some humor with Llamas
OLE! I love Monty Python :)

Fortunately I have a great wife with lots of patience, and a 19 year old daughter who puts up with me. I frequently see in their eyes that they are humoring me when I have the same conversations with them over and over again. But they are sticking with me.

VU helps a lot I think, just because it makes me exercise my mind, so I love and appreciate everyone here for putting up with me too... even when I get ornery...


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ECF Refugee
I'm anxiously waiting for that "One day" to happen!
I am too rife with ambivalence but we shall see. I should imagine that it will depend entirety on how she approaches me and if she can run as fast lol.

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My dream woman would be a combination of you ladies.
My dream woman most likely lives in a wee cave in Tibet. The rest are merely dreams. The kind you awaken from and realise it was not real. Ahh, to sleep forever in the arms of that sweet sweet myth.

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My dream woman must likely lives in a wee cave in Tibet. The rest are merely dreams. The kind you awaken from and realise it was not real. Ahh, to sleep forever in the arms of that sweet sweet myth.

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Ooooh Tibet !!! I have always wanted to go to Tibet and nobody will go with me . If you ever decide to go to Tibet let me know and I will go with you. I will come in very handy because I will stand behind you prodding you to give her your phone number instead of running away .:D


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Anyway if the nerve block doesn't work he says the next course of action is a nerve stimulator implant surgery. Probably I'm going to get a second opinion first


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However my friend got a stimulator implant for her interstitial cystitis and that has worked well for her


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I wanted him to switch my anti-inflammatory to something I can actually stomach taking but that didn't happen


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ECF Refugee
Ooooh Tibet !!! I have always wanted to go to Tibet and nobody will go with me . If you ever decide to go to Tibet let me know and I will go with you. I will come in very handy because I will stand behind you prodding you to give her your phone number instead of running away .:D
Lol. A good mate of mine named Rabindra lives in Kathmandu Nepal and had invited me on numerous occasions to come visit Nepal and Tibet. He owns a wee chain of lingerie boutiques.

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Lol. A good mate of mine named Rabindra lives in Kathmandu Nepal and had invited me on numerous occasions to come visit Nepal and Tibet. He owns a wee chain of lingerie boutiques.

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Oh Franci what are you waiting for then ? I think it would be such a grand place to see, very spiritual . Worst case scenario is you hang out with him at work and have wonderful eye candy from all his customers. Take a break from that and go check out some caves for that special someone.


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Hmm I wonder how mad my hubby is going to be when he finds out he just bought me all these jeans.. I will just tell him rather then return everything he buys me I picked them up myself (I used his credit card not mine LOL)
If he doesn't know by now not to come between a long legged woman and jeans that fit with anything but good intent, there's probably no hope for him.:p

Just Me

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If he doesn't know by now not to come between a long legged woman and jeans that fit with anything but good intent, there's probably no hope for him.:p
LOL he has no hope!! My birthday is Sunday so I figured he can buy them. We both have a spending account I used his instead of mine.


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Ooooh Tibet !!! I have always wanted to go to Tibet and nobody will go with me . If you ever decide to go to Tibet let me know and I will go with you. I will come in very handy because I will stand behind you prodding you to give her your phone number instead of running away .:D
I don't know @franciscan... @jensy has already said that she thinks you are handsome, has offered to take you skinny dipping, and now she wants to travel with you... maybe fate is stepping in already...

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