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ECF Refugee
Alright Franci but you realize by letting her go it will rent more space in your head then just getting to know and spending some time with her.
In my world..women are like works of fine art in a gallery. Beautiful to behold, and I love to stop and look..and appreciate. But like pictures in a gallery, I know where to find them...and do not need to take one home for my own wall.


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Oh, is it hugs time?

I could watch that all day!


Silver Contributor
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OH MY GAWD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to have a little chat about rules and ladies. First offer your number no matter what because you just never know who will call. If they don't call who cares that act weeded out the bad one. Life is toooooo dam short to live with what ifs. Always act as long as it doesn't hurt anyone .

I know you have taken a vow but that does not mean you have to act dead . LIVE and enjoy someones company.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
OH MY GAWD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to have a little chat about rules and ladies. First offer your number no matter what because you just never know who will call. If they don't call who cares that act weeded out the bad one. Life is toooooo dam short to live with what ifs. Always act as long as it doesn't hurt anyone .

I know you have taken a vow but that does not mean you have to act dead . LIVE and enjoy someones company.
Oh I do!!! I have lovely conversations with males and females every single day! Sometimes quite long ones. But when it is don’t, it is time to move on. If there is a repeat, well I leave that to fate. In the meantime there are thousands of people that I look forward to meeting. I'm not keen on making friends, but I adore making acquaintances :).


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I so should have been a southern girl, I like drag racing, big trucks and country music LOL
Although I grew up on a farm and live on a farm and do the whole farmer Bob thing I've never been a fan of country music.
However, I do enjoy some Hick Hop fo sho!
Drag racing, mud boggin, and just good ol' fashion country livin is good livin.
I love the look on people's faces when I tell I'm a farm boy :D



Gold Contributor
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OH MY GAWD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to have a little chat about rules and ladies. First offer your number no matter what because you just never know who will call. If they don't call who cares that act weeded out the bad one. Life is toooooo dam short to live with what ifs. Always act as long as it doesn't hurt anyone .

I know you have taken a vow but that does not mean you have to act dead . LIVE and enjoy someones company.
I like this attitude a LOT!


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I guess without the FULL context, it does make little sense.


Silver Contributor
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Why for the love of God can I not wrap a double coil that freaking works. (head desk)


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Member For 4 Years
Yes exactly. One seems to take a little longer to catch up to the other one.
I imagine you're twisting them the same and they have the same length legs.
When I have that same issue I can almost always resolve it by just continuing to pinch the cooler coil together with tweezers till they begin to light up the same.
Just don't pinch it while you're firing if you're using all metal tweezers. Just get it hot then pinch it while it's still hot.
You might have to do it a few times before it gets synchronized with the other.

hope that makes senseo_O I'm not very good at typing instructions;)


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If you jump to the 10 min to 13 min point in this vid he kinda gives an example of what I was saying.


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Member For 4 Years
Thanks you guys . I had been pressing and pressing but did not check my legs. It is working better now but I do not think it is perfect by any means. I'll keep practicing. I can build a single no problem so I thought ,meh how hard can a dual be . Hmmm , yup a wee bit harder.:rolleyes:


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks you guys . I had been pressing and pressing but did not check my legs. It is working better now but I do not think it is perfect by any means. I'll keep practicing. I can build a single no problem so I thought ,meh how hard can a dual be . Hmmm , yup a wee bit harder.:rolleyes:
Takes some practice but before you know it you'll be slapping together duels just about as fast as you do singles


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks you guys . I had been pressing and pressing but did not check my legs. It is working better now but I do not think it is perfect by any means. I'll keep practicing. I can build a single no problem so I thought ,meh how hard can a dual be . Hmmm , yup a wee bit harder.:rolleyes:
So does this mean you're gonna be stepping into the realm of sub ohming? Or have you already ventured into that?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks you guys . I had been pressing and pressing but did not check my legs. It is working better now but I do not think it is perfect by any means. I'll keep practicing. I can build a single no problem so I thought ,meh how hard can a dual be . Hmmm , yup a wee bit harder.:rolleyes:

Good attitude. :) Kind of an art, balancing. While checking legs check post screw tension too. Often throws me off. Especially burrs/roughness at ends of the post screws (if you have posts with holes in the side) that can make you think you're tight or loose on the wire when you're not. Lately I've tried sanding/smoothing the screw ends to give me better feel when tightening. Works nicely, worth the extra effort IMO.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks WestPole ! Yes it is a balancing act for sure. Get the right coil, then too much cotton or not enough, switch to rayon oops way too little. It's always something. If you could see all the coils I wrap, try them, rip them out try again . You guys should buy stock on Kanthal wire bwahhahaha.

Fishee I can't sub ohm because I gave my new sub ohn mod away. whaaaa, sniff. Just kidding I have lots of mods I can do it with however I would just like to know what I am doing more before I venture into something that could blow my face off. I like my face so I will learn more about sub ohming before I try . However, I will try it one day.

Thanks again you guys. xoxox


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Member For 5 Years
Good Morning! The eagle flies on Friday........

" Life is a struggle, and ultimate victory is only decided in its final chapter. That is why it's important not to become intoxicated by one's success or become disheartened in defeat."


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Well apparently yesterday was an odd day... just caught up on about 5 pages of posts with my participation during some of it but don't really remember much of it. Ho Hum, nother day in life goes by.

Won't fill the thread up with responses and likes, but will say good morning, possibly more than once sorry...


No Ash More Cash

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They're going to schedule the nerve block and put me on some other nerve pain meds
If they try to put you on cymbalta for nerve pain just be careful when you stop...I was on it for nerve pain in my neck and coming off that shit was a nightmare...I had really bad brain zaps for over a month even has it's own name "cymbalta discontinuation syndrome"...Just giving the heads up if you go on it
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Just Me

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If they try to put you on cymbalta for nerve pain just be careful when you stop...I was on it for nerve pain in my neck and coming off that shit was a nightmare...I had really bad brain zaps for over a month even has it's own name "cymbalta discontinuation syndrome"...Just giving the heads up if you go on it
I agree that stuff did nothing for me at all. (except make me gain weight) I have resolved that nothing works and take norco 10 3.25 with vitamin coq10 and thats it. Atleast it takes the edge off

No Ash More Cash

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I agree that stuff did nothing for me at all. (except make me gain weight) I have resolved that nothing works and take norco 10 3.25 with vitamin coq10 and thats it. Atleast it takes the edge off
Did you have and Brain zaps and shit when stopping?


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So I had to venture forth from the house today. My wife tells my son that the llamas are coming up and I ask "what llamas?"
So points out the and says "those llamas"
So I ask "how long have they been there?"
To which she replies "forever"

No Ash More Cash

Gold Contributor
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So I had to venture forth from the house today. My wife tells my son that the llamas are coming up and I ask "what llamas?"
So points out the and says "those llamas"
So I ask "how long have they been there?"
To which she replies "forever"

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