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Just a completely petty issue involving dog snacks. He has a bad habit of only giving them to his dog (I buy all the snacks) and not giving my dog any. So I said something. Don't mess with ma's dog. lol Anyway, it's over. He folded.

Hi everyone. Hope you all are keeping warm. I don't really have clothes for this shit. Brrr.
Layers, @glassgrl ... layers


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no matter, i am usually way behind anyhoo. it's hard to keep up with all you guys.

well, maybe if you spent less time jabbing at others...:mad:

just playing, miss cover girl.


Vapid Vapetress
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well, maybe is you spent less time jabbing at others...:mad:

just playing, miss cover girl.

just trying to keep up with your emails keeps me way behind here. :p


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Well the family health problems continue... found out last night that my son has an obstructed bowel and because of his autism we are looking at having him sedated and cleaned out.

Should be a fun week coming up, especially since his 11th birthday is Friday. Guess his party will get moved to the first weekend in December :(
Sorry to hear that, In.. Will say a few prayers for your son and your family..
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Poor critters, So many are taking them out of their natural habitat , I read somewhere that some of the other night creatures are being sold as pets and that they yank all their teeth out first so they won't bite the buyers, just sad....VERY sad.


Vapid Vapetress
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Poor critters, So many are taking them out of their natural habitat , I read somewhere that some of the other night creatures are being sold as pets and that they yank all their teeth out first so they won't bite the buyers, just sad....VERY sad.

problem is, their natural habitat is disappearing at an alarming rate. many get killed crossing roads trying to escape land development.

there now is a "sloth patrol" in panama, a group of people who peruse the highways, rescuing jaywalking sloths from getting squished. it takes them forever to cross, and idiot drivers seldom slow down for them. :(


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Hmmm... What?

This is how I justify most of my vape purchases. One Reo is 15 packs, a liter of nic is 5-10 for me! And that's only $5 a pack, no idea what they actually cost now.
Just got back from the airport, bought #2 son a ticket down here for the holidays and his birthday. You can save some serious cash going to the Spirit counter instead of online. Online price was around $200, counter was $132. Yippee! Helps that the airport is 5-10 minutes away.


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Today's arrival:


The R-Box by Rave Modz
Made in the Philippines from Kamagong wood...all copper contacts.
Bloody good box this...only .04 voltage drop.
Like the shape. You will have to try to see if you can find a light angle that brings out the grain in a pic.


Vapid Vapetress
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I'm back. A snowstorm greeted me as I left the airport today. The flight sucked - it was packed 100%, lots and lots of babies howling like tiny air raid sirens. Thank God for noise canceling headphones. Best $80 I have spent.

welcome back to reality. it just now started snowing here. bleh.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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welcome back to reality. it just now started snowing here. bleh.
Yea, It looks like this winter is shaping up to be a bear. The older I get, the more I despise winter.


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ECF Refugee
Very's it vape?
Very very nice. Very low voltage drop. Enjoying some "Grilled Pineapple Custard" presently in one of my Doges.

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Few more coming as well! Talked to the maker of the "Mad Wiener" mod. He is looking at making a very posh one-off in walnut for me.

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You realize that being on the path of being a minister/preacher and vaping a wiener might not be the best choice right?


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Evening all,

Went grocery shopping finally...whew..was running out of stuff. Unc and I went around 5am to avoid the huddled masses. Besides, the stocking/facing/cleaning crews are more friendly.

Got a belated B.D. present for Dad of some Kaukauna Sharp Cheddar Cheese balls (yeah, there's better but he loves 'em) and Unc's birthday is today too so told him to just get whatever. I did pretty good this time IMO: 35 items, 7 bags worth, only $112. Still have some food bucks left for TG stuffs later in the month too, so I'm set.:)

After that, sorta watched football most of the day. I really enjoyed the Minnesota game played in 15F weather and blowing snow, especially since it was about the same temps here. Then, had a nap. Tiki woke me up a bit ago, so watching the Florida/Miami game now. :D


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I'm dirty too. And think I'd enjoy bathing with you.
It doesn't feel like I slept.
Had one of those nights where all I did was dream about work. And never really went into a deep sleep:(
Well, in a way, we did take a bath together. When I finally got in the shower, weirdly enough, all I thought about was you, your goat and Kelli's BBQ'd co-workers. We were all sitting at a table, including your goat with a bib on, eating BBQ. Somebody call the medics!:eek:


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I hunger for that type of kiss that leaves you feeling like you have had a few cocktails. JUST SAYING.
OK, enough of that nonsense.

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Hey to everyone . I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Friends swung by my studio and took me out for lunch where we proceeded to stay all afternoon. Good food, great wine and so many laughs. It doesn't get any better than that.


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Hey to everyone . I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Friends swung by my studio and took me out for lunch where we proceeded to stay all afternoon. Good food, great wine and so many laughs. It doesn't get any better than that.
what kind of studio?

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