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I have noticed that the Spotify "Punk" station is quite heavy on Black Flag and Misfits. This does not disappoint me.


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But do you taste like sandwiches or pizza? I can't imagine that you taste fishy anymore :)
I'm pretty sure that right now I taste like ASS!!!
Maybe like a can of fish assholes sauteed in three week old chicken farts. With a touch of pepperoni.


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I'm pretty sure that right now I taste like ASS!!!
Maybe like a can of fish assholes sauteed in three week old chicken farts. With a touch of pepperoni.
I think you can buy that at most street food stalls in Xuanzhou.


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And I have to be up at 5 so I can supply the world with delectable Arby's breakfast vittles.

So good night to all you lovely peoples.

And always remember that


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I have noticed that the Spotify "Punk" station is quite heavy on Black Flag and Misfits. This does not disappoint me.
Is Spotify like Pandora? Meaning does it build a station around songs you pick for a channel?


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I just saw a really odd ad for a product that I never thought I'd see on TV, but goes great with a cigar...


Just Me

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Bite me. I work my ass off and handle most of the kid stuff.
There is that small percent of men that do i applaud you for being one. That being said where would you like to be bittin? :p

Just Me

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Mostly good news. His x-rays still show that he is backed up but the obstruction is gone. Hopefully he will getting moving good soon (pun intended).

All the labs so far have come back negative but the one for Celiac Disease won't be back for a couple of days. Really hope that one does not come back positive because trying to get him on a gluten free diet would be a real challenge.

The big thing right now is that because he doesn't have control over his bowels, school doesn't want to take the responsibility of caring for him or putting him through the social issues that would happen if he has issues. He has to be checked and cleaned up at least once per hour so we were not surprised. Just have to work out something to keep him current.

He doesn't take all of the classes though and the ones he does take he does pretty well in, especially math, he's a wiz kid in math. We meet with the school after Thanksgiving break to see how he is doing and then brainstorm ways to catch him up and continue on if he can't return to school yet.

Thanks for asking :)
Ask your school if they have the program that allows them to send a teacher to your house. They only come for 2 hours and they get full credit for the day. We did that with my oldest when he was on ivs at home, because he went to a public school they couldnt handle the meds. Good luck and give him big hugs for me


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OCH...ok, I will put the issue to bed. This is based on the Code Of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church.
"It is generally accepted that formal registration in another denomination, especially when coupled with support or work for that denomination and extended participation in its religious services, does constitute a formal act of defection from the Catholic Church. For that matter, a public declaration of defection from the Church, under otherwise credible circumstances, might well constitute a formal act of defection, since registration in another denomination is not strictly required for defection to take place. In any case, though, since Catholic baptism establishes a canonical presumption of Catholic affiliation, canonical proof of defection from the Church must be produced to overcome that presumption." THAT SAID.....sigh.....a "lapsed Catholic" may re-enter the Catholic Church by partaking of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


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I so should be asleep bit my nose thinks its a leaky faucet.
I am not touching the religious conversation nope not going there.
I did not want to either...but it became an issue nonetheless.


Diamond Contributor
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Ok what does that actually MEAN?? Short of a formal FUCK YOU letter to the remain a Catholic in the sacramental sense.

Can it be hug tiems yet?


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OCH...ok, I will put the issue to bed. This is based on the Code Of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church.
"It is generally accepted that formal registration in another denomination, especially when coupled with support or work for that denomination and extended participation in its religious services, does constitute a formal act of defection from the Catholic Church. For that matter, a public declaration of defection from the Church, under otherwise credible circumstances, might well constitute a formal act of defection, since registration in another denomination is not strictly required for defection to take place. In any case, though, since Catholic baptism establishes a canonical presumption of Catholic affiliation, canonical proof of defection from the Church must be produced to overcome that presumption." THAT SAID.....sigh.....a "lapsed Catholic" may re-enter the Catholic Church by partaking of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

I sent a PM on this to you Franci


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Ask your school if they have the program that allows them to send a teacher to your house. They only come for 2 hours and they get full credit for the day. We did that with my oldest when he was on ivs at home, because he went to a public school they couldnt handle the meds. Good luck and give him big hugs for me
Thanks, based on the e-mail that I received, I think that may be where we are heading:

"Once Thanksgiving Break ends, we can meet as a case conference and look at the option of homebound instruction for Ethan if he is still experiencing these symptoms. That would be for 5 hours each week and we can talk more specifics about when and where that would occur during the conference."

Along with some partial days


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Conversations about religion in mixed company will slip from the sublime to the ridiculous. Just hoping to grease the path. :)


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Funny, never thought of it as an empire, but that's good. ;)
Just to be clear, I was making reference to the new Emperor Obama :)

It's been interesting to see all the news bites from several years back saying that he can't do what he is doing now.

I'm actually curious to see how this all plays out even though it is probably the only way anything good or bad is going to get done over the course of the next 2 years.

Government today is just a bad comedy and a so so drama.


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Just to be clear, I was making reference to the new Emperor Obama :)

It's been interesting to see all the news bites from several years back saying that he can't do what he is doing now.

I'm actually curious to see how this all plays out even though it is probably the only way anything good or bad is going to get done over the course of the next 2 years.

Government today is just a bad comedy and a so so drama.

Conflict on substance is way better than mere negation, which is pretty much all there's been for some time. The quality of the drama may be on the upswing, IMI.

Emperor's new clothes means no clothes so easy mistake. :)
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Conflict on substance is way better than mere negation, which is pretty much all there's been for some time. The quality of the drama may be on the upswing, IMI.

Emperor's new clothes means no clothes so easy mistake. :)
Oops, your right. Getting late, and yes, the drama is certainly on the upswing. The amount of flip flopping and the sound bites that prove it are just amazing right now.


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Stay safe folks... Could get rocky soon!


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I will address the subject of Excommunication. One cannot excommunicate themselves...that has to be an act of Pontifical Rite. One can only be excommunicated if they have committed blasphemy and refuses to make an Act Of Contrition. This is spelled out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Blasphemy is defined as attributing a Holy Act, or Holy Name to Satan or his agents. Whilst this takes you out of communion with the Catholic does not eliminate one's soul from salvation providing one returns to God. Being in God's Grace is not solely the auspice of the Roman Catholic Church, but simply the acknowledgement of the divinity of the seven Sacraments as described by the Catechism.

lol! bet me! the "holy spirit" isn't god or any part of god. jesus isn't god or any part of god. to believe so is pure polytheism. the pope is NOT god's representative on earth. the catholic church is one of the most satanic organization's on the planet.

you may tell the pope if you like, but i can't be arsed to wait around. ;)


Vapid Vapetress
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I watched the movie "Powder"...did not think I would like it...but I really did.
i cried thru that entire movie. and i am not usually sentimental.

edit: oops, that wasn't was Radio


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OCH...ok, I will put the issue to bed. This is based on the Code Of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church.
"It is generally accepted that formal registration in another denomination, especially when coupled with support or work for that denomination and extended participation in its religious services, does constitute a formal act of defection from the Catholic Church. For that matter, a public declaration of defection from the Church, under otherwise credible circumstances, might well constitute a formal act of defection, since registration in another denomination is not strictly required for defection to take place. In any case, though, since Catholic baptism establishes a canonical presumption of Catholic affiliation, canonical proof of defection from the Church must be produced to overcome that presumption." THAT SAID.....sigh.....a "lapsed Catholic" may re-enter the Catholic Church by partaking of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

and thus, one of the reasons I do not associate with organized religion. That desire for men to use religion to somehow have a hold on people. Religion has a place and helps many many people, I won't begrudge anyone their beliefs and religion. Ok, I've said enough, I don't discuss this topic anywhere.


Vapid Vapetress
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and thus, one of the reasons I do not associate with organized religion. That desire for men to use religion to somehow have a hold on people. Religion has a place and helps many many people, I won't begrudge anyone their beliefs and religion. Ok, I've said enough, I don't discuss this topic anywhere.

and you, sir, are wise. :)


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ok new rule in my thread. no politics, no religion. both always seem to lead to hard feelings.


you got it, boss-lady!

my apologies for adding any muck to your thread. :(

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