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Alternate Universe

Just Me

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I work at the County Recycling Center 2 Supervisors just Quit Next week is their last week. We will be closed thurs,Fri,Sat, Sun. But people still bring recycling in to the Huge outdoors Bins. So the first Day of 1 new Supervisor will be Monday when Recycling will be stacked to roof. Everyone who works at the Recycling Center [other then Supervisors are mentally,physically or emotionally Disabled. Monday Nov 30 will be Alternate Universe at work. Do I have to go?


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I just saw a really odd ad for a product that I never thought I'd see on TV, but goes great with a cigar...

Great stuff. Though never tried with a cigar. Maybe I will some day.


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ok new rule in my thread. no politics, no religion. both always seem to lead to hard feelings.

My goodness, I just checked in and this is still going on?!!!! Well, I don't know if you can press rules on people, so may I suggest that if anyone wants to pursue such topics that it be done in the PMs? I know that if someone asks me any kind of question I feel obliged to answer. So, I hereby pledge to take any and all comments and inquiries based on the above mentioned topics to the PM. I hope everyone agrees and does the same. Thank you


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just a heads up.....the 40% off is only good on two of the same item. i tried to order 5 boxes of coils and it only gave me the discount on 2. :(

did you get my post on this? I placed 2 orders for 2 boxes each (4 total) and it went through with discounts on both, same code. I was not being savvy, I just made a mistake. The last time they had a sale on coils they placed a 2 box limit also and I didn't know because it was written kinda small and off to the side. Just saying, if you want, you might be able to get more.


Vapid Vapetress
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did you get my post on this? I placed 2 orders for 2 boxes each (4 total) and it went through with discounts on both, same code. I was not being savvy, I just made a mistake. The last time they had a sale on coils they placed a 2 box limit also and I didn't know because it was written kinda small and off to the side. Just saying, if you want, you might be able to get more.

oh that's not a bad idea, but didn't you have to pay for postage on both orders separately? that would negate most of your discount wouldn't it?


Vapid Vapetress
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Exactly...I usually get on here when it's that one..m you guys cheer me up lol

see, i do just the opposite. if i am in one of those abysses, i avoid everyone. so if i am not here, i am probably not well. (or i am sleeping)

Just Me

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Hampton City Schools, however, is unapologetic, and they may have reason to be.

“Hampton City Schools follows federal guidelines that specify that parents must be notified of the school’s identification as a Title I school that has missed one or more annual measurable objectives,” an e-mail from Hampton City Schools read.

“The two specific objectives were ones that were not met by Smith Elementary.”

Title I schools are districts that the federal government has identified as being either in low-income districts or where students are deemed to be at risk of underperforming.

According to a letter Pasini received from the Virginia Department of Education on the matter, the school was right – since 2011, federal regulations have required those subgroup notifications for Title I schools.

This includes the “Reading White Students” notification that Pasini received.

Wait, 2011? You mean a racially-divisive federal policy was enacted under the post-racial uniter that is Barack H. Obama? Gosh, that can’t be right.

While the school and state stand behind the use of “white students,” and it is technically correct under federal regulations, Pasini still feels thereverse racism is unacceptable.

“What are they teaching the kids in school? Are they segregating them? Whites? Blacks? I just didn’t like it one bit,” Pasini said.

“I understand it’s done by the federal whatever, I just wish there was a better way to word it moving forward.”

In an administration that’s had cabinet members like Eric Holder andThomas Perez? Don’t count on it.


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see, i do just the opposite. if i am in one of those abysses, i avoid everyone. so if i am not here, i am probably not well. (or i am sleeping)
I definitely don't want to be around people when I'm like that...but in the back of my mind I know that I love people and I love talking to o force myself through it until I feel better...usually takes a few days st the very least


Vapid Vapetress
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I definitely don't want to be around people when I'm like that...but in the back of my mind I know that I love people and I love talking to o force myself through it until I feel better...usually takes a few days st the very least

i try to force myself but sometimes i just can't do it. i feel like by being around people, i am pulling them down into the pit of despair with me. avoid, avoid, avoid is my mantra.


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the ADA is your friend! ;)

It''s interesting too, because I benefited from it long after my uncle was a pioneer in getting it passed.

He went all the way to the 9th circuit court (one short of Supreme Court) for his case in the 1970's. He's also skitzo-affective, with manic depression and anxiety.


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No I hear you on that one...and when you think you're bringing people down that makes you feel even worse...I know the feeling...

If you ever "don't want to be around people" you can pm me if you want...

p.s.- I know that is completely the opposite of what you just said but...the offer of a helping hand stands non the less
i try to force myself but sometimes i just can't do it. i feel like by being around people, i am pulling them down into the pit of despair with me. avoid, avoid, avoid is my mantra.


Vapid Vapetress
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No I hear you on that one...and when you think you're bringing people down that makes you feel even worse...I know the feeling...

If you ever "don't want to be around people" you can pm me if you want...

p.s.- I know that is completely the opposite of what you just said but...the offer of a helping hand stands non the less

you are a sweetie, thanks.


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Some how I felt that you would appreciate that Vid.
I think he had a lot of talent. Too bad he went out like he did
That was weird. I thought I was quoting kelli and ended up quoting myself.
Must be a Fishee Friday thing or somethingo_O


Vapid Vapetress
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ok i am out. see yas later on today. going to the dentist. then maybe a nap. buh bye now.


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oh that's not a bad idea, but didn't you have to pay for postage on both orders separately? that would negate most of your discount wouldn't it?
Not too much. If there was no discount, my 2 separate orders would have totaled $52.44. Same thing w/discount totaled $33.32. So, all in all, I payed an extra $2.32 because of the extra order. If I figure right, that cut into my discount by 7%. Still, 33% off isn't bad. Maybe your postage was more?

Just Me

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Not too much. If there was no discount, my 2 separate orders would have totaled $52.44. Same thing w/discount totaled $33.32. So, all in all, I payed an extra $2.32 because of the extra order. If I figure right, that cut into my discount by 7%. Still, 33% off isn't bad. Maybe your postage was more?
where is this at??


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ECF Refugee
I often do not want to be around people. I don't have that luxury

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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