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Been in the works almost a year, we are taking our time because DH's mom is not well and he lost his Dad in April.


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Not really, they are calling on lights to be delivered at the new place, guess I'll be traveling a little and other chore things

Glad to see you're having progress. :)
I remember the pic of some of the work that's been done...such a lot of things to do eh?

Today, it's rather chilly and I'm enjoying a pot of this:


Silly Tiki, I put one of my flannel shirts around her to stay toasty, she decided she'd rather do this:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ahhhh Tiki:):)
Yes they screwed up Caff ,on the flooring and because it was defective HW they had to reorder which set us back in time for that to get done. Then they had to hydro-frack our well, its been one big party....LOL



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Well, the lappy bluescreened for no apparent reason, so I figured either overheating or disk going fubar. Did a BIOS disk check, it failed...shit.

So, the next step.
Booted into safe-mode, command line only and ran a command I hate doing because it takes forever and rarely has good news: chkdsk c: /F /R


Yup, Houston we hava problem....:(


Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Well, the lappy bluescreened for no apparent reason, so I figured either overheating or disk going fubar. Did a BIOS disk check, it failed...shit.

So, the next step.
Booted into safe-mode, command line only and ran a command I hate doing because it takes forever and rarely has good news: chkdsk c: /F /R


Yup, Houston we hava problem....:(

I recommend Acronis, and save the image to a hidden partition from which to boot from (and an external hdd for good measure)


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Member For 5 Years
I recommend Acronis, and save the image to a hidden partition from which to boot from (and an external hdd for good measure)

I do use an imaging software, (Paragon Backup 11 Pro) but the issue is that if the data has been mashed and has bad sectors, moving it won't help much. It's a laptop from 2008 or so ago...don't have any lappy drives.

IMO, best bet is see how it goes, then if it bluescreens again, throw *nix on it until the POS croaks. ;)
It isn't worth fixing. This model is known for just dying due to shitty design and parts. It was free anyways and I only have $65 into it.

There isn't anything of importance on it, its just a playtoy really so I can do comp things in the living room while watching TV. The big tower PC is fine as always. =)

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Member For 4 Years
I do use an imaging software, (Paragon Backup 11 Pro) but the issue is that if the data has been mashed and has bad sectors, moving it won't help much. It's a laptop from 2008 or so ago...don't have any lappy drives.

IMO, best bet is see how it goes, then if it bluescreens again, throw *nix on it until the POS croaks. ;)
It isn't worth fixing. This model is known for just dying due to shitty design and parts. It was free anyways and I only have $65 into it.
Well that's fair enough so long as you haven't lost any valued files. Otherwise you could take the drive out, set it to slave and drag across what you can. But I'm guessing you know what you're doing. I never use chkdsk. It always tells you something's wrong. It used to come on by default with win98 if you shut down incorrectly. I'd forgotton all about it until now.


Vapid Vapetress
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Well, the lappy bluescreened for no apparent reason, so I figured either overheating or disk going fubar. Did a BIOS disk check, it failed...shit.

So, the next step.
Booted into safe-mode, command line only and ran a command I hate doing because it takes forever and rarely has good news: chkdsk c: /F /R


Yup, Houston we hava problem....:(


mine does that on a regular basis. i don't even panic anymore.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
mine does that on a regular basis. i don't even panic anymore.

Well, not panicked, it's just my "extra" laptop computer. Not the only or main computer. :)
If yours does it regularly, something is wrong though and either OS has problems or your hardware does. Probably not long for this world...keep stuff backed up just in case!

An external USB hard drive is a lifesaver. I have a 500GB one for like $25 a few years ago, but there are bigger and cheaper ones out now.
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Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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How come some 'verified vu members' - some who have hardly even posted anything, can ask for a badge that says this or that and just get it just like that! and others, myself included, don't? The machine's pissy.


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How come some 'verified vu members' - some who have hardly even posted anything, can ask for a badge that says this or that and just get it just like that! and others, myself included, don't? The machine's pissy.
I would probably try to change my badge as often as I change my socks ... so I don't bother asking.


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Have you tried PM-ing with the "boss" about it?


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Yeah. That's why I asked.
And that's why I asked here. It's ok. Ima gonna make a fuck sized badge signature tmrw!
Could be he's jealous that you're the leader in posting activity.

That's a facetious statement, but you never know.

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Member For 4 Years
Anyway, even with your busier schedule, good to see you still active around here
Thanks man. I 'am' busy but it's more the time zone difference now, as I'm starting to get tired by the time everyone starts spending time online.


Vapid Vapetress
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Well, not panicked, it's just my "extra" laptop computer. Not the only or main computer. :)
If yours does it regularly, something is wrong though and either or OS has problems or your hardware does. Probably not long for this world. now i am panicking.


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As long as it isn't one of the crazy old school orthodox rabbis that bite it off...

I mean think about the horror of seeming a nevermind. It's bad enough that I just gave myself that mental image.

Of all the posts I wish were canceled before posting... :eek:


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Well it's not my crotch per set bit I feel stupid complaining about my ovaries hurting

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