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Wolfgang Llamadeus Mozart
I'm not sure what that is but we have a crazy place here in west Texas it's called Llama lane they raise them it's freaky seeing gosh probably close to 700 - 900 Llamas and I stopped once and this one foggy looking one walked up to the fence I said you are weird and it spat at me I had no idea they spit bad creature haha

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I'm not sure what that is but we have a crazy place here in west Texas it's called Llama lane they raise them it's freaky seeing gosh probably close to 700 - 900 Llamas and I stopped once and this one foggy looking one walked up to the fence I said you are weird and it spat at me I had no idea they spit bad creature haha

Bummer. Mozart was a spitter too. :)


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I'm not sure what that is but we have a crazy place here in west Texas it's called Llama lane they raise them it's freaky seeing gosh probably close to 700 - 900 Llamas and I stopped once and this one foggy looking one walked up to the fence I said you are weird and it spat at me I had no idea they spit bad creature haha

Could have been worse.



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What is the resistance of your coils?

Straight battery on a mech, I stay at 1.8Ω or below, not too low but 1.8Ω seems to be the sweet spot for me

Unless I kick it, then I just dial 6.5 watts on my bottom coil protank type coils and 8 watts on my genesis style RBA's
I think that's my problem, no RBA yet... I'm using an Aspire Nautilus Mini.


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What rba are you using on it
No RBA yet.... That might be my problem. I'm use an Aspire Nautilus Mini. I'm hoping to get an Aspire Atlantis for Christmas and I'll have a paycheck by then, so hopefully I'll get an RBA by the new year.


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No RBA yet.... That might be my problem. I'm use an Aspire Nautilus Mini. I'm hoping to get an Aspire Atlantis for Christmas and I'll have a paycheck by then, so hopefully I'll get an RBA by the new year.
I'm a big fan of my Atlantis, both in quality of the vape as well as the ease of use for sub-ohm vaping on the go.


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I'm a big fan of my Atlantis, both in quality of the vape as well as the ease of use for sub-ohm vaping on the go.
That's why I want it! I have a Paragon V3 on its way (mail is so slow lately. Oh well, it's the holidays) and I the Atlantis for that & my L-Rider Corolla before I get into building coils and everything. I also want a Tesla Tool. If you haven't seen that, it looks awesome! Any coil builder should have one. It makes building coils less daunting of a task for a RBA beginner like myself and seasoned builders alike.
...Wow, I sound like an advertisement or something... I swear I'm not getting any payment for Tesla Tool products......... I wouldn't be *opposed* to it though... :p


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That's why I want it! I have a Paragon V3 on its way (mail is so slow lately. Oh well, it's the holidays) and I the Atlantis for that & my L-Rider Corolla before I get into building coils and everything. I also want a Tesla Tool. If you haven't seen that, it looks awesome! Any coil builder should have one. It makes building coils less daunting of a task for a RBA beginner like myself and seasoned builders alike.
...Wow, I sound like an advertisement or something... I swear I'm not getting any payment for Tesla Tool products......... I wouldn't be *opposed* to it though... :p
I didn't know about this coiler, seems to be a superior option to that Kuro one that just came out and requires you to buy the device 3 times to get all the possible coiling sizes. Bookmarked, and good morning, Whiskey.


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I guess that would make what I sent you passe'....LOL

Good morning Crew:)
Not passe' whatsoever! I'm just hooked now! You started this, and I thank you for that! :D Without your mod, I would've never found a love for them. I will be using both yours and the Paragon, believe that! I love the button on the side like that.
My L-Rider Corolla will (hopefully) soon be dubbed, "the first Mech Mod I ever built coils for. :)


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I didn't know about this coiler, seems to be a superior option to that Kuro one that just came out and requires you to buy the device 3 times to get all the possible coiling sizes. Bookmarked, and good morning, Whiskey.
Yeah, that's why I like it more than the Kuro. AND it's less expensive (Unless you get it custom painted).


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Not passe' whatsoever! I'm just hooked now! You started this, and I thank you for that! :D Without your mod, I would've never found a love for them. I will be using both yours and the Paragon, believe that! I love the button on the side like that.
My L-Rider Corolla will (hopefully) soon be dubbed, "the first Mech Mod I ever built coils for. :)
LOL, now now now, I started nothing girlie, YOU started the thread asking for a Mech Mod, I will not be called your enabler:cool:


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LOL, now now now, I started nothing girlie, YOU started the thread asking for a Mech Mod, I will not be called your enabler:cool:
Not an enabler, more like an opener to the doors of a new world. You held the key, opened the door, yet I chose to walk in (I like to write poetry, can you tell?). I'm my own enabler. You have simply been a great AND informative influencer & friend. :)


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That's why I want it! I have a Paragon V3 on its way (mail is so slow lately. Oh well, it's the holidays) and I the Atlantis for that & my L-Rider Corolla before I get into building coils and everything. I also want a Tesla Tool. If you haven't seen that, it looks awesome! Any coil builder should have one. It makes building coils less daunting of a task for a RBA beginner like myself and seasoned builders alike.
...Wow, I sound like an advertisement or something... I swear I'm not getting any payment for Tesla Tool products......... I wouldn't be *opposed* to it though... :p
@Laurel if you are using a Mech and have a 1.8 ohm coil you are right at the limit of not really getting a very good vaper production I would suggest if you do not want to rebuild yet getting another atomizer that can do lower ohm coils I usually for run around use a .8 0hm - 1.2 ohm coil but i use Kanger stuff for when I feel like not building ... I would suggest investing in a a VV/VW device so you can use the appropriate voltage for the Ohm coil the Eleaf Istick is a great choice and cheap to be honest mechs are for builders because we adjust out taste and vaper production with the ohm of the coil ;)
I get lazy sometimes I have had this Orchid RBA laying around for 2 months finally built it last night and I love it works way better than I expected I can use it on a Mech or a VV/VW device as I buid the coil at .5 ohms so its great for both just as an example :)


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So I get a call from CVS this morning telling us that they just got a renewed prescription for a 90 day supply of one of my wife's meds and that the copay is normally $70 per 90 days, but they have a discount card we can use to get a 30 day supply for $15. Yay savings and love our pharmacists!


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It does knock some people out me being ADHD it wakes me up and makes me feel like i took a handful of speed but then again Coffee relxaes me so
You are a complex enigma of a woman... now get a better avatar :)

Welcome back LOL ;)


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So I get a call from CVS this morning telling us that they just got a renewed prescription for a 90 day supply of one of my wife's meds and that the copay is normally $70 per 90 days, but they have a discount card we can use to get a 30 day supply for $15. Yay savings and love our pharmacists!

i had cvs charge me double...:mad:

ever seen these folks:


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@Laurel if you are using a Mech and have a 1.8 ohm coil you are right at the limit of not really getting a very good vaper production I would suggest if you do not want to rebuild yet getting another atomizer that can do lower ohm coils I usually for run around use a .8 0hm - 1.2 ohm coil but i use Kanger stuff for when I feel like not building ... I would suggest investing in a a VV/VW device so you can use the appropriate voltage for the Ohm coil the Eleaf Istick is a great choice and cheap to be honest mechs are for builders because we adjust out taste and vaper production with the ohm of the coil ;)
I get lazy sometimes I have had this Orchid RBA laying around for 2 months finally built it last night and I love it works way better than I expected I can use it on a Mech or a VV/VW device as I buid the coil at .5 ohms so its great for both just as an example :)
oh she just got an Istick....LOL


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i had cvs charge me double...:mad:

ever seen these folks:
For some reason internet pharmacies that are not affiliated with a major company give me the heebies... plus our insurance company owns CVS and charges us a lot more if we don't use a CVS to fill our scripts.

Fortunately we have weeded out the less helpful ones in the area (we have like 5 of them within a 5 mile radius of the house) and have 2 that we use regularly. It's funny because at one of them the pharmacist that I normally talk to is a young woman recently graduated from college who has the exact same name as my daughter middle and last name! So we always joke that dad is calling :)


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LOL so I have been told, I happen to like my new avi
Don't take me wrong, I like the avatar and the message, it would just be better with you in it ;)

Glad to hear that your son will be home soon. You can leave the husband in the hospital though LOL

How is that ditz in the office doing? Insulted her enough to drive her out of the office yet?


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Certain medications I have to get through CVS Caremark but I get all my pain meds from Rite Aid because CVS makes me jump through hoops to get my ultram


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Certain medications I have to get through CVS Caremark but I get all my pain meds from Rite Aid because CVS makes me jump through hoops to get my ultram
Fortunately I have only had to jump through hoops for meds that require an insurance review that normally just involves my doc filling out a form and faxing it in, but can take a day or two based on the docs availability.

I do have a couple of meds that they only stock for me though and one that is just for myself and another person in town, so I have to be careful to refill them at least a couple of days before I actually need them so autofill is my friend.

Just Me

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Don't take me wrong, I like the avatar and the message, it would just be better with you in it ;)

Glad to hear that your son will be home soon. You can leave the husband in the hospital though LOL

How is that ditz in the office doing? Insulted her enough to drive her out of the office yet?
Well I just talked to my son ugh now they are not sure they want to send him home today.
The Ditz in the office decided she would rather work from home, seeing as she works for the sales rep she is sleeping with it's fine. When she is here she kisses ass lol

Just Me

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Certain medications I have to get through CVS Caremark but I get all my pain meds from Rite Aid because CVS makes me jump through hoops to get my ultram
We use to go thu caremark for my sons meds pain in the ass!!! He has been on the same meds since he was 3 a few were changed or added since the transplant and STILL every month is an adventure

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