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Just Me

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Grats, I hear those are hard to get:)
Exceedingly hard to get. I contacted the maker and put in for the next batch...but it is still a dice roll. Taking NOTHING away from the sheer quality of the REOs.....I know John's version will be superb!


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I love Vindaloo and Rogan Josh!! Matter of fact, I might have some Lamb Vindaloo with Paneer spinach tonight.


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Stately Vaper with Majestic Cat he is!


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Hubby and kids might like that they love hot spicey stuff, we grow ghost peppers just for when the hubby cooks

I'm jealous..WA is too cold for much of that outdoors and I'm in an Apt. anyways. :(

On the good side, that spicy broth from the chicken has reduced by about 2/3 now being overnight on low.

Still not thick enough though. It's definitely condensing however...took a taste and about choked. I require some 'vaper towel' for my nose
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Of course it is made in Cumbria! Barrow-in-FURNACE I believe?? LOL (pee)


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you would love my garden 6 different types of hot peppers, we also do sweet for me..

I made an effort to grow superhots indoors once...but without proper grow lights, no flowering or pods. :(

Was pretty and educational though... :D

My FrankenGrow I made of out lawn furniture, two 6" flouros with GE Grow bulbs, a big drapery and whatever else I could scrounge up.

This was my fave plant, a Bih Jolkia that just went bonkers and ended up about 4' tall and about 4 years old. (those aren't peat pots btw, they are a special type of recycled wood product..very durable actually.)

I learned a lot about soil, natural pest control, the chemistry of the nutrients needed for chiles, lighting types, starting superhot seeds, etc.

Baby Trinidad cute, so deadly:
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Good idea! I'll click on it every time someone has the C-word in a post. A little respect for our Kelli, please, ladies and gentlemen. <3
I was thinking the same thing.
Be respectful for ms. kelli
And I was gonna use the word "fuckers!"
As in "hey fuckers stop using the c word. I don't like it when kelli aint comfortable in her own thread."

But I'm a dick. And I pick on people so I felt that I would be being a bit self-contradictory.
And not as nice about it as you gg.

I say pick on the mentally challenged instead. :confused:
And lets leave out the c word unless your intentions are to turn me on.;)


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I was thinking the same thing.
Be respectful for ms. kelli
And I was gonna use the word "fuckers!"
As in "hey fuckers stop using the c word. I don't like it when kelli aint comfortable in her own thread."

But I'm a dick. And I pick on people so I felt that I would be being a bit self-contradictory.
And not as nice about it as you gg.

I say pick on the mentally challenged instead. :confused:
And lets leave out the c word unless your intentions are to turn me on.;)

friday and fuck are 2 of Kelli's favorite words. :p



Just Me

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I made an effort to grow superhots indoors once...but without proper grow lights, no flowering or pods. :(

Was pretty and educational though... :D

My FrankenGrow I made of out lawn furniture, two 6" flouros with GE Grow bulbs, a big drapery and whatever else I could scrounge up.

This was my fave plant, a Bih Jolkia that just went bonkers and ended up about 4' tall.

Baby Trinidad cute, so deadly:
I start mine indoors every year, keep trying to get hubby to make me a lil area in the house to keep some year round. we go threw tons of peppers and tomatoes. I feel like the cost would be worth the savings


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I start mine indoors every year, keep trying to get hubby to make me a lil area in the house to keep some year round. we go threw tons of peppers and tomatoes. I feel like the cost would be worth the savings

I suggest you head over to and/or gardenweb for some infos.

Growing indoors isn't hard, but it requires grow lights and is a challenge. Unless, you live in the SW or other area where there is sun all the time. Superhots like it around 80-95F with lots of sun and "no wet feet". Magnesium is good too for lush green growth. :)

Just Me

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I suggest you head over to and/or gardenweb for some infos. Growing indoors isn't hard, but it requires grow lights and is a challenge.
cool thx I have the lights already I believe we can use some of the same ones we used for the lizards tanks. I am just tired of them on my dining room table lol


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Today was my first class back to training after my loss, as a professional fighter. So I was very anxious upon going into the gym, I didn't know how my team would react.

I walked in and my picture was on the wall next to all of the medals, with a note under it saying

Adam "the avenger" Kelley

My coach then gave a short speech telling everyone how proud he was, and that he didn't care that I lost because I fought with more heart than he could ever imagine having himself (which is not true at all...that man taught me what heart was)

And then he gave me a picture frame with this in it...


Not going to lie I cried a little


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Today was my first class back to training after my loss, as a professional fighter. So I was very anxious upon going into the gym, I didn't know how my team would react.

I walked in and my picture was on the wall next to all of the medals, with a note under it saying

Adam "the avenger" Kelley

My coach then gave a short speech telling everyone how proud he was, and that he didn't care that I lost because I fought with more heart than he could ever imagine having himself (which is not true at all...that man taught me what heart was)

And then he gave me a picture frame with this in it...


Not going to lie I cried a little

no problem there, Adam! ;)

it's a loss as a professional fighter.

just concentrate on the big words! :)


Just Thomas
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I was thinking the same thing.
Be respectful for ms. kelli
And I was gonna use the word "fuckers!"
As in "hey fuckers stop using the c word. I don't like it when kelli aint comfortable in her own thread."

But I'm a dick. And I pick on people so I felt that I would be being a bit self-contradictory.
And not as nice about it as you gg.

I say pick on the mentally challenged instead. :confused:
And lets leave out the c word unless your intentions are to turn me on.;)

Just be respectful to one another...were all adults here, "well most of us. I live with house full of women so I must have been trained right because the C word would get me a split lip :D


Vapid Vapetress
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Back home the "C" word is used to describe someone that talks a great deal of shit.....or the mouth in particular. We have other words to address the lady garden.

i would not be so offended by the word if it was used merely as a term for the "lady garden". but where i am from, it is seldom a substitute for the word vagina. it is instead a crude and derogatory insult, usually directed at a woman with a tone of utter contempt and hatred. to me it is the ultimate putdown.

but that's just me.


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i would not be so offended by the word if it was used merely as a term for the "lady garden". but where i am from, it is seldom a substitute for the word vagina. it is instead a crude and derogatory insult, usually directed at a woman with a tone of utter contempt and hatred. to me it is the ultimate putdown.

but that's just me.
I personally never ever use that word...where I'm from it is one of the most vile words ever

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