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Alternate Universe


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LOL i dunno she might just wupp your ass
oh no doubt about it!
And I would love every brutal blow :D
I love the women of MMA.
Them girls can definitely bang.


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Member For 4 Years
Lol my fiancé don't play lol she is a bad ass lol fishee wouldn't have time for any shenanigans lol
I'm quite convinced that all you say about her is totally accurate.
However, just as there is always room for Jello, there is always room for shenanigans.
Even while I pull my last dying breath I shall die with a shenanigan on my lips or in my fist.


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I'm quite convinced that all you say about her is totally accurate.
However, just as there is always room for Jello, there is always room for shenanigans.
Even while I pull my last dying breath I shall die with a shenanigan on my lips or in my fist.
I hope your good at shenanigans then


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I hope your good at shenanigans then
I think I do pretty well for an old guy :D

But with age comes the wisdom to know when, where and with whom to pick and choose one's battles.

I could happily go through the rest of my days knowing that I have not truly been beat up by a girl. ;)

Although I'm mean enough to punch a chick in the face if she is mean enough to fight like a man.
I hope to never be in any more physical altercations again either with man or woman as long as I live.
Because I prefer to enjoy my violence vicariously.:D


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I think I do pretty well for an old guy :D

But with age comes the wisdom to know when, where and with whom to pick and choose one's battles.

I could happily go through the rest of my days knowing that I have not truly been beat up by a girl. ;)

Although I'm mean enough to punch a chick in the face if she is mean enough to fight like a man.
I hope to never be in any more physical altercations again either with man or woman as long as I live.
Because I prefer to enjoy my violence vicariously.:D
I'll see if I can find a video of my fiancé doing some pad work...

(She won't get in the cage)


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Borderlands Pre-Sequel completely kicked my ass today. The stupid story mission went on for seven freakin' hours concluding with a mega boss battle at which point I was short on dough from having been killed a hundred times (it takes a percentage of your money away every time you regenerate) so I can't buy any ammo for the rocket launcher. Had to turn it off before I threw the controller through the TV. The boss battle will just have to wait as I have a few beers to calm down.


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It's good so far
If you think so then you'll love it, it just keeps getting better (until the final season, but of course that's just my opinion)


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These Christmas soaps turned out really well.


Those look great! Me and pointy soap, probably not a good

So, I've been cooking down this broth SLOWLY for like a whole day now, and it's finally in a nice saucy state. :)

So, what to do? I know..add some meat to take a bath in it!


Something I like to do: cook up hotdogs and stuff in a spicy sauce instead of boring old water.
Added four small pre-fried and fork-pierced chicken patties to soak up some goodness as well. They need the help. =)

(The floating bits are some chopped onions I'm adding now for extra flavor, sweetness and a bit of texture.)

Yup, I have hot saucy meat in my slow-cooker...
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I miss my dad, he was my step father but the man who raised me we lost him a few months back. He was a great man rescued horses and was there whenever someone needed him. He kept his cancer a secret from us all til the very end. Love you Dad
What a beautiful man. Sorry for your loss Just Me


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ECF Refugee
And crap...someone turned in for the night :(
On a juice note....."Shurb" by Jimmy The Juice Man is quite delicious!


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Well, I've been suckin on these little tanks all day and night and I've gotta admit.......the cheap little Vivi is winning the race!


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Member For 5 Years
nopes. never seen anything like that anyway

Oh, no worries, I'm just surprised you hadn't seen one before. :)

The joke was, you're supposed to replicate the text so the site knows you are a human.
I put in "yes plz" instead because it said Hot Sauce. ;-)

This'll explain CAPTCHA:

Well, the sauce is done finally. :)
It's hotttt, smokey, rich and earthy...gonna rock it on rice, with pasta, over some meats or ???

Hot-packed it into an clean old pickle jar and into the fridge, for 32 ounces of slow-cooked Awesomesauce. :D


Diamond Contributor
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Oh, no worries, I'm just surprised you hadn't seen one before. :)

The joke was, you're supposed to replicate the text so the site knows you are a human.
I put in "yes plz" instead because it said Hot Sauce. ;-)

This'll explain CAPTCHA:

Well, the sauce is done finally. :)
It's hotttt, smokey, rich and earthy...gonna rock it on rice, with pasta, over some meats or ???

Hot-packed it into an clean old pickle jar and into the fridge, for 32 ounces of slow-cooked Awesomesauce. :D
You cook and you can........... @CaFF lets just stop toying with each other's emotions and get married.


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ECF Refugee
Demi Glace.....reduced further to a solid is a Glace Viande


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Scary thing about Snatich juice is its real go to the site but I think no recipe will be complete with out this!!! I have had an Epiphany!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Demi Glace.....reduced further to a solid is a Glace Viande

Hmm, I see what you mean, but this is far more rustic. Thankfully, I don't cook French. :D
It's more like a BBQ/Chilli sauce just had a meaty broth beginning at this point. No idea what that would be properly be called, if anything.

My chicken/sauce was sort of like a disjointed bastard version of this dish:

So, I'll call it: Hawt Bastard Sauce !!


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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Hmm, I see what you mean, but this is far more rustic. Thankfully, I don't cook French. :D
It's more like a BBQ/Chilli sauce just had a meaty broth beginning at this point. No idea what that would be properly be called, if anything.

So, I'll call it: Hawt Bastard Sauce !!


Add 2 drops of this to the sauce and let me know if you survive:

That is the scariest, hottest sauce on the damn planet. I put ONE drop into a pint bowl of homemade salsa and blew my lips off.

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